Title: Linkall Project
1Link-all Project Overview Of The Project Ms.
Anna Assimakopoulos Director- EEF
Consortium Meeting - Montevideo, Uruguay, May 11,
SP3 Networked Demonstrators
28 months
From 9
to 36
Horizontal Activities
3(No Transcript)
- Tasks
- Task HA 1.1 Overall Administrative Management
(EEF) M1-36 - Task HA 1.2 Latin American Administrative
Management (FIESC) M1-36 - Task Ha 1.3 Expert Advisory Board (EEF) M2-36
- Task HA 1.4 Local Project Management (EEF, all
Partners) M1-36 - Task HA 1.5 Management Support Infrastructure
(CRPHT) M6-36
- Overview
- Delivery of the 2nd Annual Technical and
Financial Reports in December 2005 - Approval of the 2nd Annual Technical and
Financial Reports in February 2006 Some
expenditures definitively/provisionally rejected - Delivery of Fifth Progress Report (in January
06) - Delivery of the Sixth Progress Report (in May
06) - Distribution of 2nd Intermediate payment in
March 06 - Request for derogation of the rule of origin
submitted by ICEPH and GEDES accepted - Request for Budget modification submitted in
March 06 rejected - Activation of the Contingency Reserve to cover
participation in IBIMA (CRPHT), alis ISN workshop
(ICEPH) and alis Coordination Meeting III (CRPHT,
FIESC, CLAEH) - Elaboration of a new (and final) request for
activation of the Contingency Reserve-submitted
to the PO end of April 2006 - Finalization of the changes to the individual
budgets under the 10 variation rule
6SP 1 . E-Inclusion Knowledge framework
- Tasks
- Task 1.1 Conceptual Framework (CLAEH) M1-6, 7-9,
21-22 - Task 1.2 Target group surveys Requirements
(BF) M2-7, 12-13 - Task 1.2.1 User Requirements Survey for crafts
(MANOS) - Task 1.2.2 User Requirements Survey for eco agro
tourism (CDI) - Task 1.2.3 User Requirement Survey for culture
(ILAM) - Task 1.2.4 Synthesis and Integration of the 3
Surveys (BF) - Task 1.3 Evaluation and Assessment (EEF)
M12/M22-36 - Task 1.3.1 Evaluation forum (EEF)
- Task 1.3.2 System evaluation and Assessment
Report (EEF) - Task 1.3.3 Conceptual framework update(CLAEH)
- Task 1.3.4 External evaluations (EEF)
7SP 1 . E-Inclusion Knowledge framework
- Progress of the work
- Task 1.1 Conceptual Framework - DULY COMPLETED
- Task 1.2 User Requirements - DULY COMPLETED
- Task 1.3 Evaluation and Assessment - UNDERWAY
- 1.3.1 1.3.2. 1.3.3 Project and System
Evaluation - Separate presentation to be delivered by CLAEH
and EEF - 1.3.4 External Evaluation
- Evaluation visits (EEF, GIT, FIESC, ICEPH, ILAM,
the EC - Next meeting for the Link-all external evaluators
to be organized
8SP 2 . IT Environment Adaptation Tailoring
- Tasks
- Task 2.1 Functional Specifications (CRPHT)
M4-11 - Task 2.2 Core technology customization (INESCP)
M7-15 - Task 2.3 System Integration (INCO) M12-22
- Task 2.4 System Support and Enhancement (INCO)
M22-30 - Task 2.5 Standardization (INESCP) M7-30
9SP 2 . IT Environment Adaptation Tailoring
- Progress of the work
10SP 3 . Networked demonstrators
- Tasks
- Task 3.1 Content collection (EEF) M8-18
- Task 3.1.1 LA Data on Crafts(MANOS)
- Task 3.1.2 LA Data on Eco Agro Tourism (CDI)
- Task 3.1.3 LA Data on Culture (ILAM)
- Task 3.1.4 LA Data on Cooperative Finance and
Micro-financing (COFAC) - Task 3.1.5 European Best Practices (ECEAT)
- Task 3.1.6 Technical Data (INCO)
- Task 3.2 Content editing (ICEPH) M16-22/30
- Task 3.2.1 Best practices/tutorials (ICEPH)
- Task 3.2.2 User training modules handbook
(ICEPH) - Task 3.2.3 Content packaging (EEF)
- Task 3.3 Content hosting diffusion (IBER2)
M18-36 - Task 3.4 System Deployment (STAR) M18-24
- Task 3.5 System testing (IBER2) M18-24
- Task 3.6 Local communities organization (CDI)
M9-24 - Task 3.7 Local communities training (GEDES)
M24-36 - Task 3.8 Operating the demonstrators M24-36
11SP 3 . Networked demonstrators
- Progress of the work
- Task 3.1 Content Collection COMPLETED
- Separate presentation to be delivered by EEF
- Task 3.2 Content Editing - UNDERWAY
- Separate presentation to be delivered by EEF
- Task 3.3 Content Hosting and Diffusion - UNDERWAY
- Progress of the work to be presented by Technical
Manager - Task 3.4 System Deployment - UNDERWAY
- Progress of the work to be presented by Technical
Manager - Task 3.5 System Testing - UNDERWAY
- Progress of the work to be presented by Technical
Manager - Task 3.6 Local Communities Organization -
COMPLETED - Task 3.7 Local communities Training - UNDERWAY
- Separate presentation to be delivered by GEDES
- Task 3.7 Operating the demonstrators - UNDERWAY
- Progress of the work to be presented by ICEPH
with the support of CDI, FIESC, ICEPH, GEDES,
12HA 2 - Dissemination Sustainability
- Tasks
- Task HA 2.1 Dissemination (FIESC) M1-36
- Task Ha 2.1.1 Dissemination Material (EEF)
- Task Ha 2.1.2 Dissemination Plan (FIESC)
- Task Ha 2.1.3 E-Inclusion Action Plan for local
Sustainable Development (BF) - Task HA 2.2 Sustainability (ECEAT)
13HA 2 - Dissemination Sustainability
- Progress of the work
- Task 2.1 Dissemination UNDERWAY
- Task 2.1.1-2.1.2 Dissemination
- Participation in various regional, national and
international events and promotion of the
Link-all Project - Publication of articles
- Contacts with _at_lis / EU projects, international
organizations (WCC, UNESCO) and national/regional
authorities - Separate presentation to be delivered by FIESC
re Dissemination Activities - Task 2.1.3 E-Inclusion Action Plan
- Separate presentation to be delivered by BF re
E-Inclusion Action Plan - Task 2.2 Sustainability UNDERWAY
- Separate presentation to be delivered by ECEAT