Title: Fusion Reactor Criteria
1Fusion Reactor Criteria
- Fusion Power Density
- Power Balance
- Reactor Criteria
- Breakeven and Ignition
- Power Transfer Processes
- Radiation Loss Mechanisms
- Particle Balance and Burn-up Fraction
2Nuclear Fusion Power Density
Fusion power density
Plasma beta
Technology of large S.C. coil
Nuclear physics
Plasma physics
3Reaction Parameter, Beta and Cost
4Comparison between Fusion Reaction Rates
5Optimization of Fusion Power Density in the
Two-Energy-Component Tokamak Reactor
D.L. Jassby, Nucl. Fusion 15, (1975) 453
6Power Balance and Power Gain Ratio
?-particle heating power
Auxiliary heating power per volume
Energy losses
Energy confinement time
Power gain ratio
7Detailed Fusion Reactor Power Balance
8Power Balances
Ion power balance
Electron power balance
by adding
noting that
Define some characteristic temperature and
confinement time
9Criteria for Reactor
Bremsstrahlung (radiation loss)
for maximum reaction rate
fusion power
I. Lawson Criterion (? power is directly lost)
II. Ignition (reaction is self-sustained by ?
II. Zero Net Power (? power is well confined)
10Reactor Criteria and Examples
IV. Hot Ion Mode
? power is well confined
Ions are well confined
Hot ion
11Reactor Criteria
Ideal Breakeven
Fusion power Bremsstrahlung
12Ignition Condition
PAH lt 0
Prad 0
At T30keV,
Q 1 breakeven, Q ? ignition
13Ignition Condition Triple Products
14Approach to Ignition
Constant confinement time
15Approach to Ignition Cordey Pass
Trajectory to ignition requiring minimum power
16Stability for Alpha Particle Heating
Constant confinement time
condition for stability at ignition(PAH0)
17Stabilizing Effect from Confinement Degrade
18Power Transfer Processes
Ideally speaking, we should optimize 1. Ti to
maximize the fusion reaction, and 2. Te to
minimize the power loss.
19Bremsstrahlung Radiation
Radiated power density
summing over all ion species
20Syncrotron Radiation
Radiated power for a gyrating electron
radiation damping time
with plasma beta
- Not so serious for DT except
- for the advanced fusion reactor
- with very high Te since
- re-absorption by the plasma
- reduce effective radiative loss rate with
reflective first wall
21Impurity Radiation
- Assumptions
- A plasma electron excites an available excitable
electron in an impurity ion via Coulomb collision - The excitation transfers the thermal energy of
the impacting electron to the excited electron - The excited electron quickly radiate and goes
back to the original unexcited state
Radiated power from impurity
large angle scattering only
? the number of available electrons to be
excited per impurity
22Impurity Radiation
Impurity radiation power
high Z materials are unfavorable
make large by reducing impurity
23Impurity Concentration for Ignition
- Maximum allowable impurity concentration for
ignition of a D-T plasma as a function of the
temperature, assuming zero non-radiative losses - High z material has higher cooling rate
- Low z material has problem of dilution, i.e.
more particles can be ejected
24Particle Balance and Burn-up Fraction
Ion balance equation
burn-up fraction at Lawson criterion
for steady-state
Burn-up fraction