Title: A Look Behind the Letter A
1A Look Behind the Letter A
2By Kristi Bratten Carissa Snyder
3(No Transcript)
4The Scarlet Letter gained Hester respect in the
5- In the beginning, she was loathed by many.
Later, she was liked by most everyone! - Her A later stood for able because she had
won back the lost respect.
6Even though Hester could have left Boston, she
chooses to remain in the town where she was
committed and punished for her sin.
7- Why would she want to stay?
- Hester was able to endure all of the bad things
that happened to her because of her love for
8Pearl is dressed as a lady of great wealth, and
she eventually becomes a lady of great wealth.
9-Pearl was made wealthy by a man who was not her
father. -Although in Pearls youth she was
brought up in a poor home, she was still able to
present herself as respectable and wealthy.
10Pearls name implies purity and serenity.
11-Pearls mothers name represented one true
symbol of sin and adultery.-Pearl acted in
obscene and disturbing ways.
12The motto on the single tombstone links Hester
and Dimmesdale together in death as they were not
in life. They now publicly share the A.
13-Hester always took full blame, never revealing
Dimmesdales name because of her love for
him.-Hester and Dimmesdale were never allowed
to display their love for each other in public.
14Dimmesdales useless attempts at public
confession the more he declares his own
sinfulness, the holier his followers believe him
to be.
15-Dimmesdale counted on the fact that the
congregation was not going to take him
16Hester, who publicly confesses her sin, is
scorned. Dimmesdale, who has not acknowledged
his, becomes increasingly popular
17- Dimmesdale was applauded for his sin.
- Hester faced up to the situation and was punished
18Dimmesdale, agonized by guilt and self-loathing,
is nevertheless able to achieve great heights in
the pulpit.
19-Dimmesdale was guilty in his own eyes and
tortured himself, yet he continued to receive
approval from the town.
20Hawthorne reverses the readers expectations by
failing to reveal what if anything is on
Dimmesdales chest.
21-Dimmesdale never admitted what was on his chest
even after he told the people about his sin.
22Roger Chillingworth is punished more than
23- Chillingworth never committed adultery.
- He did not wear a scarlet letter.
24Works Cited
- The Scarlet Letter-by Nathaniel Hawthorne
- Notes given in class
- www.nhj.k12.in.us/bcamden/Hawthorne/NH5.htm
- www.mamma.com
- www.yahoo.com