Title: The United Nations Demographic Yearbook
1Expert Group Meeting to Review the United
Nations Demographic Yearbook System 10-14
November 2003 New York
- The United Nations Demographic Yearbook
- Data Collection Process
Demographic and Social Statistics Branch United
Nations Statistics Division
2Issues Covered
- What is collected?
- How it is collected?
- Review of the DYB data collection process and
findings - Points for discussion
3Anticipated Result
- What other collaborative arrangements can be
identified with other organizations, regions? - How frequently should meta data be collected from
countries? - How relevant and adequate is the information
being collected to meeting user needs? - How easily available is the information being
requested in countries? - What other changes are needed to improve the data
collection process?
4- How are the data for the Demographic Yearbook
5How Data Are Obtained
- Directly from countries using questionnaires
- Joint collection with other agencies
- From another organisation
- From national publications and other sources
6Directly From Countries Using Questionnaires
- Six questionnaires are sent to national
statistical offices - Annual questionnaires (Population estimates,
vital statistics, international migration and
travel statistics) - Census questionnaires (General characteristics,
economic characteristics, household
7Joint Collection With Other Agencies
- Arrangement between UNSD, Eurostat and Council of
Europe - In 1999 joint questionnaire was introduced to
replace 4 questionnaires used by the three
organisations - Each agency is responsible for processing and
dissemination of data for their specific purposes
8Obtained From Another Organisation
- UNSD obtains causes of death data in
electronic format from WHO
9From National Publication and Other Sources
- Publications
- Official websites of national statistical offices
- Through technical assistance activities
10Follow-up Mechanisms and Dead-lines
- Questionnaires dispatched in October/November
- Dead-line set for March with reminder letter sent
in February - Joint questionnaire sent in July with deadline
set for September
11- What type of data are collected by the
Demographic Yearbook system?
12Format and Content of Questionnaires
- Three-part format of questionnaires
- General instructions
- Statistical tables
- Meta data
- Variable table structure and complexity (single
variable to multi-variable) - Voluminous but comprehensive set of data (around
75 tables on about 100 main topics)
13Meta Data
- To ascertain quality of data and methods used
- Definitions
- Sources of data
- Coverage
- Quality
- Methods of estimation
- Completeness
- The review of the Demographic Yearbook data
collection system
15Reviews of the Data Collection System
- Reasons for reviews
- Consistency with international guidelines
- Relevance and adequacy of what is collected
- Content of tabulations with regard to
- Table structure
- Classifications used
- Variables included in tables
- Concepts and definitions used
16Main Findings of the Reviews
- Lack of consistency between tables in
questionnaires and in international
recommendations - Differences in concepts
- Differences in classifications
- International classification
- Classification of variables
- Population coverage
- Lack of internal consistency
17- How can the Demographic Yearbook data collection
system be improved?
18Points for Discussion
- What other collaborative arrangements can be
identified with other organizations, regions? - How frequently should meta data be collected from
countries? - How relevant and adequate is the information
being collected to meeting user needs? - How easily available is the information being
requested in countries? - What other changes are needed to improve the data
collection process?