Title: Least Restrictive Environment
1Least Restrictive Environment
2- Defining Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- Requirements (300.114)
- Continuum of alternative placements (300.115)
- Placements (300.116)
- Nonacademic settings (300.117)
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5Defining LRE
Each public agency must ensure that
- To the maximum extent appropriate, children with
disabilities are educated with children who are
300.114 LRE requirements.
6Defining LRE
Special classes, separate schooling, or other
removal of children with disabilities from the
regular educational environment occurs only
if the nature or severity of the
disability is such that education in regular
classes with the use of supplementary aids and
services cannot be achieved satisfactorily
7Defining LRE
Continuum of Alternative Placements
includes instruction in
childs home
special classes
regular classes
hospitals or institutions
special schools
More gtgt
ltlt Less
8Placement decisions are made by a group of
persons, including the parents, who are
Defining LRE Placements
- about the child
- the meaning of the evaluation data
- the placement options
9Defining LRE Placements
- The childs placement is determined at least
annually - Is based on the childs IEP
- Is as close as possible to the child's home
- Unless childs IEP requires another arrangement,
child is educated in the school that he or she
would attend if nondisabled
10Defining LRE Placements
- Consideration must be given to any potential
harmful effect on the child or on the quality of
services that he or she needs - A child with a disability may not be removed from
education in age-appropriate regular classrooms
solely because of needed modifications in the
general education curriculum
11Participation in Extracurricular and Nonacademic
Services and Activities
- Each public agency must ensure that
- the child has supplementary aids and services
determined appropriate and necessary by the
childs IEP Team to participate in nonacademic
and extracurricular services and activities
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17Special education is not a place. Its a set of
services and supports
Where a child with a disability receives special
education services is that childs placement
18The first where to consider is
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20The IEP and the LRE Decision Making Process
- Before you start
- Define the students present levels of
performance and educational needs. - Determine annual goals and objectives
- Determine services required in order for the
student to make progress on annual goals - Then begin the LRE decision making process.
211. Consider whether the student can be educated
satisfactorily In the regular classroom with
222. Compare the benefits provided in the regular
educationclassroom and those provided in a
special education classroom or segregated
233. Consider the potentially beneficial or harmful
effects that a regular class placement may have
on the student with an exceptionality or the
other students in the class.
24The placement decision cannot be solely based on
- Category of the exceptionality
- Severity of the exceptionality
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29Additional Resources
- Handout D-Selected IDEA Regulations Relevant to
The Big Picture of IEPs - http//www.nichcy.org/Laws/IDEA/Documents/Trainin
g_Curriculum/15-handouts.pdf - Building the Legacy A Training Curriculum on
IDEA 2004 - http//www.nichcy.org/Laws/IDEA/Pages/BuildingTheL
egacy.aspx - NM PED Placement in the Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE) Understanding and Making the
Placement Decision - http//www.ped.state.nm.us/seo/lre/lre.booklet.pdf