Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment


Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment Implementation of recommendations Assessment of Assessments in the Republic of Moldova Veronica Lopotenco – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment

Republic of Moldova Ministry of Environment
  • Implementation of recommendations
  • Assessment of Assessments in the Republic of
  • Veronica Lopotenco
  • 7 November 2014

Presentation structure
  • Recommendations of AoA (Chapter 6)

Political solutions (policy documents)
Practical solutions (projects, activities)
Review of the responsibilities of governmental
institutions in order to eliminate overlapping
functions between them
  • Institutional analyze has been done (EU High
    Level Policy Advice Mission)
  • Capacity building and knowledge sharing in
    establishing the Environment Protection Agency
    (InSEIS Project)
  • Environmental Strategy 2014-2023
  • Institutional reform
  • Environmental Agency Institutionalized

Approximation of national legal framework to
EU acquis
  • Policy documents
  • Environmental Strategy 2014-2023 Action Plan
  • Nation Action Plan for implementation of
    Association Agreement (2014-2016)
  • Ministerial Action Plan for the Approximation of
    national environmental legislation in line with
    the requirements of the EU-Moldova Association

Approximation of national
legal framework to EU Acquis (Practical
  • Advanced areas
  • environmental governance
  • water management and water protection legislation
  • No legislation in place air quality, IPPC, waste
    streams, mining waste
  • Draft legislation exists but has many gaps or is
    not properly aligned with EU law chemicals,
    waste management
  • Existing legislation needs substantial
    improvement to approximate it to the Acquis and
    make it applicable in accordance with Rule of law
    Standards nature protection, industrial hazards

Overview of current situation
No EU Directive Implementation schedule (AA) Approximation schedule (Ministry action plan) Legislation in place (yes/no/partly)
I - Environmental governance legislation I - Environmental governance legislation I - Environmental governance legislation I - Environmental governance legislation I - Environmental governance legislation
1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Directive 2011/92/EU) up to 3 years (law making 2 years) Quarter III of 2014 Yes, new EIA law, which will enter into force in 2015
2 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) (Directive 2001/42/EC) up to 3 years (law making 2 years) Quarter II of 2015 No, but new SEA draft law exists
3 Public access to information (Directive 2003/4/EC) up to 3 years (law making 2 years) Quarter IV of 2015 No law on access to environmental information but far going law on access to information (Law 982 of 2000)
Public participation in SEA and public participation and access to justice as regards EIA and integrated permitting (Directive 2003/35/EC) up to 3 years (law making 2 years, but see also below, No. 25 time schedule for integrated permit 6 years) Quarter IV of 2016 (as for IED even Quarter IV of 2015!) ? SEA yes, in new draft SEA law, see above on No.2 ? EIA yes, in new EIA law, see above on No. 1 ? integrated permitting no
II - Air quality legislation II - Air quality legislation II - Air quality legislation II - Air quality legislation II - Air quality legislation
5 Ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe (Directive 2008/50/EC) up to 9 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2017 No, only old law of 1997 which is not aligned to requirements
6 Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel policyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air (Directive 2004/107/EC) up to 9 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 No, only old law of 1997 which does not address these pollutants and is not aligned to requirements
7 Reduction of sulphur content of certain liquid fuels (Directive 1999/32/EC as amended) By the end of 2014 Quarter IV of 2014 No
8 Control of VOC emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and its distribution from terminals to service stations (Directive 94/63/EC) Up to 5 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2017 No
9 Limitation of emissions of VOC due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints and varnishes and vehicle refinishing products (Directive 2004/42/EC) 10 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 No
10 National emission ceilings for certain atmospheric pollutants (Directive 2001/81/EC) up to 10 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 No
III - Water management and protection legislation III - Water management and protection legislation III - Water management and protection legislation III - Water management and protection legislation III - Water management and protection legislation
Water policy framework (Directive 2000/60/EC as amended) up to 6 years (law making 3 years) Quarter IV of 2015 (enforcement mechanism) Yes, Water Code
Assessment and management of flood risks (Directive 2007/60/EC) up to 8 years (law making 3 years) No need Yes, Water Code, GD 887
Urban waste water treatment (Directive 91/271/EEC as amended) up to 8 years (law making 3 years) No need Yes, Water Code, GD 950
Drinking water quality (Directive 98/93/EC as amended) up to 6 years (law making 3 years) Quarter IV of 2016 Largely, Water Code. Law on Drinking Water, GD 934
Protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (Directive 91/676/EC as amended) up to 5 years (law making 3 years) No need Yes, Water Code, GD 836
IV - Waste management legislation IV - Waste management legislation IV - Waste management legislation IV - Waste management legislation IV - Waste management legislation
Waste Framework (Directive 2008/98/EC) up to 5 years (law making 2 years) Quarter III of 2015 Final draft approved by government but not yet through parliament
Landfilling of waste (Directive 1999/31/EC as amended) up to 7 years (law making3 years) Quarter III of 2016 No (draft only)
Management of waste from extractive industries (Directive 2006/21/EC) up to 6 years (law making 2 years) Quarter III of 2015 No, existing Subsoil Act does not address mining waste at all
Packaging and packaging waste(Directive 94/62/EC) 2015 none No
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE Directive 2002/ 96/EC) and Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU) 2014 / 2016 none No
21 Batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators(Directive 2006/66/EC) 2014 none No
22 Disposal of PCBs and PCTs (Directive 96/59/EC) No need (transposed in 2009) none Yes, GD 81 of 2009
V - Nature protection legislation V - Nature protection legislation V - Nature protection legislation V - Nature protection legislation V - Nature protection legislation
23 Conservation of wild birds (Directive 2009/147/EC) up to 5 years (law making2 years) Quarter II of 2016 Partly, 4-5 laws address few matters related to birds protection
24 Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora(Directive 92/43/EC) up to 6 years (law making 3 years) Quarter IV of 2016 Partly, 4-5 laws address few matters related to habitats, fauna, flora protection
VI - Industrial pollution and industrial hazards legislation VI - Industrial pollution and industrial hazards legislation VI - Industrial pollution and industrial hazards legislation VI - Industrial pollution and industrial hazards legislation VI - Industrial pollution and industrial hazards legislation
25 Industrial emissions, integrated pollution prevention and control (Directive 2010/75/EC) up to 10 years (law making 4 years) Quarter IV of 2015 no
26 Control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso II Directive 96/82/EC as amended) up to 7 years (law making4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 yes
VII - Chemicals legislation VII - Chemicals legislation VII - Chemicals legislation VII - Chemicals legislation VII - Chemicals legislation
27 Export and import of dangerous chemicals (Regulation (EC) No 689/2008) up to 3 years (law making 3 years) Quarter II of 2016 No, draft Regulation only (since 2011)
28 Classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures(Regulation No 1272/2008) up to 7 years (law making4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 No, draft Regulation only (since 2013)
29 Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) (Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006) up to 5 years (law making4 years) Quarter IV of 2016 No, draft Law on Chemicals only (since 2013)
30 Persistent organic pollutants (Regulation (EC) No 850/2004) 2014 none No
31 Good laboratory practice (GLP) on chemical substances (Directive 2004/10/EC) and Inspection and verification of GLP (Directive 2004/9/EC) 2015 2014 none none No
VIII - Climate action legislation VIII - Climate action legislation VIII - Climate action legislation VIII - Climate action legislation VIII - Climate action legislation
32 Establishment of scheme for GHG emission allowance trading within the Community (Directive No 2003/87/EC) up to 8 years Quarter IV of 2016 (Legislative framework assessed) No
33 Certain fluorinated green house gases (Regulation (EC) No 842/2006) up to 4 years Quarter IV of 2016 (Legislative framework assessed) No
34 Substances that deplete the ozone layer (Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009) up to 5 years Quarter IV of 2016 (Legislative framework assessed) Yes
35 Quality of petrol and diesel fuels (Directive No 98/70/EC) up to 5 years Quarter IV of 2016 (Legislative framework assessed) No (non-binding standards exist only)
Integrated environmental autorization/permits
  • Environmental Strategy 2014-2023 Action Plan
  • Nation Action Plan for implementation of
    Association Agreement (2014-2016)
  • Ministerial Action Plan for the Approximation of
    national environmental legislation in line with
    the requirements of the EU-Moldova Association
  • According to this documents approximation of
    Directive 2010/75/EC Industrial emissions,
    integrated pollution prevention and control is
    planned for Quarter IV of 2015.

R4 Development and improve methodologies for setting-up statistical and environmental indicators and procedures for relevant data collection, sharing, processing and storing
  • Within UNDP project Improving the availability
    and reliability of regional statistics" National
    Bureau of Statistics in partnership with the
    Romanian Statistical Office implemented the
  • The first edition of the statistical compilation
    Moldova Region," which includes a section
    "Environment" with information on air, water and
    waste indicators in the regional context
  • Data on air, water and waste indicators has been
    placed in the data bank, located on the official
    website of the National Bureau of Statistics in
    the format of PC-Axis.

  • National Bureau of Statistics of RM and the
    Statistical Office of Sweden are carrying out the
    following activities
  • Development of the methodology and calculation
    of costs for environmental protection,
  • Improvement of data collection and definition
    of indicators of water use through a centralized
    water supply system
  • develop of methodological approaches for
    assessment of the amount of water use and the
    generation of municipal waste in rural areas
    where there is no centralized water supply
    systems and centralized collection and disposal
    of household waste.

  • Republic of Moldova is developing
  • Informational System on waste management
  • Registers as a tool for reporting on Persistent
    Organic Pollutants (POPs)
  • Water GIS

Establish electronic databases based on common
  • On 20 February Government of Republic of Moldova
    established the Common Governmental Platform
    M-Cloud (Governmental Decision 128).
  • Ministries must use only the common platform and
    all the Informational Systems must be hosted on
  • Ministry of Environment hosts on this Common
    Platform IS Water Use Authorization and IS
    River basin management.

Producing SoER in accordance with UNECE
R 6
  • InSEIS project for Moldova with 3 components
  • 1. Development of technical specifications for
    the national electronic information system on
  • 2. Support for the preparation of annual reports
    on the state-of-the-environment
  • 3. Capacity building and knowledge sharing in
    establishing the Environment Protection Agency

Support for the preparation of annual reports on
the state-of-the-environment
  • 11-13 November 2014 - Feasibility study visit for
    the InSEIS project in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Aspects for discussion
  • - Introduction and discussions with national
    experts involved in the production of SoER,
  • Follow-up of the UNECE WGEMA meeting, 6-7
    November in Geneva and work in the JTF on
    environmental indicators,
  • Hands-on training on preparing national State of
    Environment report in one of the thematic areas
    Air Water.

  • Thank You!
  • Veronica Lopotenco
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