Title: Pentaquarks: review of the experimental evidence
1Pentaquarks review of the experimental
evidence 8th International Conference on
Strangeness in Quark Matter Cape Town, 15-20
September 2004
Sonia Kabana University of Bern, Switzerland
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Review of
pentaquark candidates observed ?, ?, ?,
?0c, ?--, ?-, ?0, N0/ ?0 I1/2 3. Is the
variation of m(?) as expected for a real
particle? 4. How do the observations compare to
theory ? 5. Non-observations and discussion of
systematic errors 6. Conclusions and outlook
21 Introduction
QCD predicts beyond qqq or q q also multiquark
states (6q), (2q 2q), (4q q), (5q 2q) etc,
hybrids (qq gg), glueballs (gg)
What are pentaquarks Minimum quark content
is 4-quarks and 1-antiquark (qqqq q) What are
exotic pentaquarks states with the q having
different flavour than the other four
quarks Quantum numbers cannot be defined by 3
quarks alone Example uudd s Baryon number
1/31/31/31/3-1/3 1 Strangeness 00001 1
3- Earlier searches for pentaquarks
- Lead to some candidates e.g.
- Z0(1780) and Z0(1865) (PR D 46 (1992) 961)
--gt Not confirmed - Sigma(3170) state, Width lt 20 MeV (1980),
S/sqrt(B) 9, using 8.25 GeV K- p - K-p --gt ? KKpis, ?KKpis, XiKpis (J
Amirzadeh et al. PLB 89B 1 (1979) 125) - Confirmed by 6.5 GeV k- p, (Cambridge-Michigan
state Collaboration) - No non-observation has been reported
- Was taken out of PDG because no other experiment
published results on this
PDG 1986 Phys.Lett. B170, 289 Note on the
S1 baryon system The evidence for strangeness
1 baryon resonances was reviewed in our 1976
edition However the results permit no definite
conclusion.. The general prejudice against
baryons not made of 3 quarks and the lack of any
experimental activity in this area make it likely
that it will be another 15 years before the issue
is decided.
4First ever mentioned 1964, M. Gell-Mann,
PLB 8 (1964) 214. H.J. Lipkin, PLB45 (1973) 267,
R.L. Jaffe et al, PLB60 (1976) 201 etc Soliton
model prediction (1984) octet (J1/2,
P), decuplet (J3/2,P), antidecuplet
(J1/2, P), 27-plet (J3/2,P),
e.g. A. Manohar, Nucl.Ph.B248(1984)19, M.
- The chiral soliton model (CSM) describes the
established 8 and 10 baryons (e.g. - mass splittings) within 1 (E
Guadagnini Nucl Phys B236 (1984)35) - - Critics CSM pentaquark predictions not
robust T. Cohen, I. Klebanov etc
5First prediction of the mass 1987, M
Preszalowicz, Chiral Soliton Model, World
Scient. 87, p. 112, hep-ph/0308114
? Mass Z (uudds) 1530 MeV J. Ellis
et al, JHEP 0405002, 2004 newest calcul.--gt
m(?) 1432-1657 MeV ! First prediction of
the width 1997, M. Polyakov, D. Diakonov, V.
Petrov, Z. Phys. A 359(1997)305, (assuming the
N(1710) is a pentaquark), Chiral Soliton Model
? Mass of Z (uudds) 1530
MeV Spin1/2, Isospin0, S1
Width lt 15MeV The width prediction
was the key to the experimental discovery of a
theta candidate in 2003 ? First
observation of Z renamed to ? (1540-10 MeV)
by LEPS coll., T Nakano et al, PRL91 (2003) 012002
6Th. models Soliton model, Corr. Quark model,
Uncor. Quark model, lattice, etc
Correlated diquark model (B Jaffe, F Wilzcek)
octet and anti-10 are degenerate (Diakonov et al)
two octets (1/2) below 2 GeV mass, PDG or
?0(1660) ?0(1600)
?0(1880) ?01810)
72. Review of pentaquark candidates observed
?, ?, ?, ?0c, ?--, ?-, ?0, N0/ ?0 I1/2
8 ?
First observation of Z renamed to ? by LEPS
coll., T Nakano et al, PRL91 (2003) 012002,
hep-ex/0301020 ? on 12C and p target,
E(?)1.5-2.4 GeV Search for ? n -gt ? K- --gt K
K- n
Veto protons to avoid ? p -gt K L(1520) -gt K
K- p
require p detection -gt L(1520) peak (dashed line)
Signal sample veto p -gt no L(1520)
peak (solid line)
Signal sample shows a peak at 1540 MeV
--gt signal sample is dominant g n interactions
Significance S/?(B) 19/ ?(17) 4.6 Mass 1540
- 10 MeV - 5 MeV (syst) Width lt 25 MeV
LEPS preliminary results confirmed the ?
Candidate peak with 90 counts T Nakano, LEPS,
Pentaquarks2004 worksop
9DIANA Collab. (bubble chamber exp.) at ITEP V.
Barmin et al, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 66, (2003) 1715,
hep-ex/0304040 K beam (850 MeV) on Xe --gt K0s p
X , K0s-gt pi pi- or pi0 pi0 Look for
K n --gt K0 p (events 41000 incident K)
- Mass theta 1539-2 MeV
- Width lt 9 MeV
- S/sqrt(B) 29/sqrt(44) 4.4
Inv mass(K0sp) without cuts to reduce
rescattering S/sqrt(B) of peak at 1539
MeV2.6 Inv mass(K0sp) with cuts to reduce
rescattering (?(p,K0s)lt100o and Pts of p,K0s
back to back ) S/sqrt(B) of peak at 1539
10 CLAS, S. Stepanyan et al, PRL91 (2003) 252001,
hep-ex/0307018 exclusive reaction ? d
--gt K K- p n trigger on p, K, K-
M(?) 1542 - 5 MeV, Widthlt 21 MeV, S/sqrt(B)
5.2 - 0.6
?--gt KK- ?(1520) --gt pK-
? --gt K n
Solid line fit to S (gauss) B 9gaussconst
term) --gt S/sqrt(B)5.8 Dotted line MC simulated
background --gt S/sqrt(B)4.8 Dashed-dotted shape
of events excluded by a ?(1520) rejection cut (m
?1485-1551 MeV)
11CLAS, V. Kubarovsky et al., hep-ex/0311046, ? p
-gt pi K-K n E(? ) 3-5.47 GeV
Assumed production of ?
Cos ?(pi)gt0.8 Cos ?(K)lt0.6
- ? production through N(2400) --gt ? K- ?
- Mass(theta)1555-10 MeV, Width lt 26 MeV,
- S/sqrt(B)7.8-1 --gt highest stat. Significance
obtained - No theta -gt p K seen
12- M. Battaglieri et al, CLAS Coll., Trento feb.
2004 - Gamma p -gt Theta K0s
- Excited theta ? Cut on cos theta(K0s) improves
S/B ratio
- Lowest peak below published CLAS masses
- However preliminary
- Splitting of about 50 MeV is as expected for the
ground and an excited theta state
13 SAPHIR coll. At ELSA PLB572 (2003)127 ? p --gt
? K0s -gt n K K0s, K0s-gt pi pi- Photon
energies 31-94 of 2.8 GeV , 108 events
Target Hydrogen
cos?(K0s) gt 0.5 reduces the ?(1520)
- Mass 1540 -4 - 2 MeV
- Width lt 25 MeV
- S/sqrt( B)4.8 (5.2)
background is well understood to be mainly due
to ?(1520) K
14HERMES Coll. hep-ex 0312044 27.6 GeV e beam on
deuterium gas target e d --gt p K0s
?(1520) --gtpK- seen No ? in pK inv mass
- Mass of theta 1528 -2.6-2.1 MeV
- Width 17 - 9 - 3 MeV
- resolution ?(pK0s) 4.3-6.2 MeV
- S/sqrt(B) ranges from 4.2 to 6.3
- S/(error of S) 3.4 - 4.3
15COSY-TOF hep-ex/0403011 Pp-gt Sigma K0 p,
(Sigma-gt n pi) (theta -gt K0 p)
(K0s-gtpipi-) The Sigma tags the s quark,
exclusive reaction Proton beam on hydrogen,
Momentum(p)2.85-3.3 GeV
- S/sqrt(B)5.9
- Mass1530-5 MeV
- Width lt 18-4 MeV
- Cross section 0.4 -0.1 -0.1 (syst) mikrobarn
- -gt in rough agreement with th. predictions of
0.1-1 mikrobarn for pp, pn near threshold - (Polyakov, Ko et al)
16ZEUS ep --gt K0s p and K0s anti-p (first
observation) v(s)300-318 GeV
Trento workshop, Feb. 2004 A. Raval
Zeus Coll., hep-ex/0403051
M(theta)1521.5-1.5(stat)2.8-1.7 Width6.1-1.6
2.0-1.4 MeV Resolution width2.0-0.5
MeV S/sqrt(B)3.9-4.6
17 A. Asratyan et al, hep-ex/0309042 Analysis of
data from several ?A (Ap, d, Ne) experiments
(WA25, WA21, WA59, E180, E638 at BEBC-CERN and
Fermilab) ltE(?)gt34-137 GeV M(?)1533-5
MeV Widthlt20 MeV S/sqrt(B)6.7
Enhanc. In 1650-1850 Sigma --gt K0bar p?
Shifted bins
18SVD-2 at IHEP, A. Aleev et al.,
hep-ex/0401024 pA --gt p K0s X, E(p)70 GeV
Fritjof MC does not reproduce the background,
probably due to missing ? states in 1560-1800
MeV range of m(pK0s) After applying cut P(K0s)
P(p) to reduce the ? component, while reducing
the ? by 10, Fritjof background agrees with data
M()1526-3-3 MeV Widthlt24 MeV S/sqrt(B)5.6 Cros
s sec30-120 mikrobarn A dependence A 0.7
19D. Barna et al., NA49 Coll. pp --gt p K0s X, at
vs17 GeV
Assume CLAS suggested production mechanism
K. Kadija et al, NA49 Coll., pentaquark2004
workshop, July 2004 reported also a ? peak in
pp-gtp K0s at 1531 MeV
20NOMAD Collaboration, L. Camilleri,
Neutrino2004 Conference, Paris, June 2004 ? A
? pK0s X Large acceptance detector, low
multiplicity events
m(?)1528.7 - 2.5 MeV Width lt a few MeV Mass
resolution 9 MeV S/sqrt(B) 4.3 (S33)
21Experiments observing ? candidates
22? searches
- Some experiments reported non observation of a
peak in p K for the theta e.g. Saphir,
Hermes, CLAS hep-ex/0311046
STAR dAu 200 GeV preliminary
CLAS, hep-ex/0312019
Saphir theta
Peak due to Phi /Hyperon Reflexions
- - CLAS reported a preliminary hint for a theta
candidate peak in pK near 1579 MeV
(Pentaquark2004 workshop) - STAR reported a preliminary hint for possible
peaks in pK and antip K- near 1530 MeV (J.
Ma, APS meeting 05/01/2004) - Width 8.7 MeV , S/sqrt(B) 3.8
- 15 M events
Accepted for publication in PLB
- First evidence for e p --gt
- theta_c0 (uuddc) -gt D- p -gt (anti-D0 pi-) p
-gt (Kpi-pi-) p - anti-theta_c0 (uuddc) -gt D anti-p
However not confirmed by Zeus using almost same
cuts and larger statistics ICHEP2004 and new
SLAC preprint
24- Mass 3099 - 3 - 5 (syst) MeV
- Width lt 12-3 MeV
- Very thorough study of syst. Errors
25Evidence for Xi--, Xi0, Xi- pentaquarks from
NA49 in pp collisions at sqrt(s)17 GeV
NA49 coll., C. Alt et al, PRL92(2004)042003,
K. Kadija NA49, JLAB2003
- Xi- (1850) --gt Xi pi- (preliminary) while
Xi (1860) --gt Xi pi Not seen - Xi--(1862-2) --gt Xi- pi-
- Xi0 (1864-5)--gt Xi- pi Widthlt18 MeV
- --gt Xi- (and Xi0) pentaquarks could be from
anti-10 or from 8
26AuAu(min.bias, vs200 GeV)--gt ? K0s STAR
Coll., S. Kabana et al, hep-ex/0406032 Observation
of a possible narrow peak at 1733.6 -0.5 - 5
MeV Cut out upper 10 of ?(tot) to suppress
background --gt S/?(B)30.6/ ?( 35.4) 5.15,
? lt4.6 -2.4 MeV
STAR AuAu coll. 200 GeV preliminary
Bin size 3 MeV Blue line mixed event background
Best Significance obtained in semiperipheral ev.
S/?(B)19.36/ ?(10.64)5.93
27No cut on centrality
STAR Coll., S. Kabana et al, hep-ex/0406032
STAR AuAu coll. 200 GeV preliminary
S/?(B)40.55/ ?(83.45) 4.44
28- What could the Lambda K0s peak at 1734 MeV be ?
- - PDG states nearby N(1710) N(1730) ? has large
width 100 MeV - - Partial wave analysis suggests two new narrow N
states at - 1680 and/or 1730 MeV width lt 30 MeV
(nucl-th/0312126, R Arndt et al) - Cannot be the ?0 I3/2 pentaquark because ? ? K0s
decay violates isospin - It is a candidate for two pentaquark states
- ?0 I1/2 ? ? anti-K0 (octet,
expected m1700 or 1860 MeV) - N0 ? ? K0 (octet, expected
m1730MeV, or anti-10) - The ? K0s channel allows to separate the ? I1/2
(octet) from ? I3/2 (anti-10) - - No peak near 1860 MeV? disfavours picture of
degenerate 8 and anti-10 however a low BR can
prevent observation - Is there a way to resolve the ambiguity ?(ussdd)
or N(uddss) ? - Yes
- Through the measurement of their isospin
partners - N ? ? K and ?- I1/2 ? ? K-
29Graal experiment evidence for a state in 1670
MeV ? A ? eta neutron Near lower mass 1680
width lt 30 MeV found by (nucl-th/0312126, R
Arndt et al)
S. Kouznetsov, NSTAR2004
30Graal experiment evidence for a state in 1727
MeV Seen in 2 decay channels? A --gt K0s Lambda
and Sigma- K
S. Kouznetsov, Trento2004
313. Is the variation of m(?) as expected for a
real particle?
All lt m(?)
gt1.533-0.023 GeV Lines ? ? pK0s lt
m(?) gt1.529-0.011 GeV ? ? K n
lt m(?) gt1.540-0.020 GeV
32- All ? lt m(?) gt1.533-0.023 GeV, chi2/dof3.92
- ? ? pK0s lt m(?) gt1.529-0.011 GeV,
chi2/dof3.76 - ? ? K n lt m(?) gt1.540-0.020 GeV,
chi2/dof0.94 - (Note we assumed an error of 5 MeV for Graal as
no error was given - For the prel. CLAS result we assume syst. Error
10 MeV as quoted previously by CLAS) - After adding a syst. Error of 0.5 m (ca. 8 MeV)
when no syst. Error is given - All ? lt m(?) gt1.533-0.031 GeV, chi2/dof2.1
- ? ? pK0s lt m(?) gt1.529-0.022 GeV,
chi2/dof0.95 - ? ? K n lt m(?) gt1.540-0.022 GeV,
chi2/dof0.91 - When syst. Errors are added for experiments which
dont give them, he chi2/dof for the mass(theta)
from theta?pK0s and nK separately is very good - The overall bad chi2/dof of 2.1 is mainly due
to a syst. Deviation between the Kn and K0s p
- Kn, K0s p diff. due to syst. errors in nK ?
Fermi-mom. corr, neutron not dir. meas. - gt Need direct measurement of K n ? E.g. Phenix (
anti-?) and Graal (K n) - Syst. Err. by all exp. needed ? maybe no
discrepancy but understimation of syst. errors ?
335. Non-observations and discussion of syst. errors
- Many experiments reported non observation of
pentaquark candidates - (HERA-B, CDF, Belle, BES, LEP-exp., D0, E690,
Zeus(theta0c), BABAR, etc) - Non observations mainly in inclusive, ee-,
hadron reactions at large energy - Could the non-observations and the observations
be consistent ? - M Karliner H Lipkin, PLB597(2004)309, Azimov et
al production mechanism studies - - Suppression factor in ee- (as no sbar,
baryon in initial state) - - Theta may be produced mainly through decay
of N(2400) - Titov et al., Decrease of theta cross section
with increasing energy - Bicudo et al., theta maybe a heptaquark --gt
additional suppression factor - --gt More measurements of pentaquark candidate
observations (also cross sections, spin, parity)
and upper limits from non-observations needed
(no rumors..) - --gt Experiments should explore assumtpions for
prod. Mechanisms in their cuts
34- Few papers critically discussing the pentaquark
evidence - Dzjerba et al theta peak from kinematic
reflexions from decays of resonances - S Wenig H G Fischer (hep ph 0401014) Previous
non observations etc. - Another paper (hep ph 0311250) discuss that the
theta peak can be possibly reproduced by effects
like missidentification - How to address these questions
- experiments must estimate all sources of syst.
Errors and prove the credibility of their results - More data statistics will be very helpful to
enhance the significance and help also for better
syst. studies - (Dzierba et al) study stability of mass(theta)
vs incid. beam momentum - Search for pentaquarks in different collision
systems and decay channels
35F Close ICHEP2004
One is real (CLAS) Three are fake Can you tell
Dzierba Szczepaniak Teige
365. How do the observations compare to theory ?
- - Theta not an s-wave K-N molecule or
pentaquark, can be an s-wave heptaquark K-pi-N
(borromean binding) - If s-wave heptaquark, its decay into p-wave K-N
is suppressed by angular momentum leading to
narrow width (P. Bicudo, hep-ph/0405254) - ? do the expected cross sections for heptaquarks
agree with the observations ? - - Theta not a p wave K-N, due to large width
expected O(100 MeV) (e.g. Capstick et al,
hep-ph/0307019) - Theta could be a K-N molecular resonance with
L3, assuming a special potential (D.E. Kahana et
al, hep-ph/0310026) - In chiral soliton model one expects a theta
isospin singlet (anti-10, S1/2), (e.g. M
Polyakov et al, 1997), and a triplet (?,?,
?0) of I1 (27-plet, S3/2) (J Ellis et al,
hep-ph) - In quark models theta can be an isotensor I2
(?, ?, ?, ?0, ?-) ( uuuus, uuuds,
uudds, uddds, dddds) - If ? exists, QCD at large Nc predicts several
excited states with similar mass (100 MeV
range), with possibly different widths (T. Cohen
et al, hep-ph/0309150).
37Limit on width of theta to explain non
observations (Arndt et al, Cahn et al , etc)
approx. 1 MeV In agreement with direct
measurements (Hermes 17-9-3 somewhat larger
than the exp. Resolution of 4.3-6.2 MeV , Zeus
width (sigma 6.1-1.62.0-1.4) consistent with
exp. Res. of 2sigma MeV) --gt Need higher stat.
to improve the errors Cross section(theta)
agrees with assumption of spin 1/2 --gt
preliminary indication that spin of theta 1/2
(B Jaffe, hep-ph/0409065) Xi masses (NA49) do
agree well with Chiral Soliton Model latest
calculations (J Ellis et al) N(1730) agrees with
expectations of the corr. Diquark model
(Jaffe/Wilzcek) for N(s) 1710 CSM expects
1650-1690 (Diakonov et al), resp. 1650-100 MeV
(J Ellis et al) for N N(1680) is also in this
range of masses. N(1730) could be octet.
38Theoretical models Soliton model, Correl. Quark
model, Uncor. Quark model etc
Seen (1535)
And Theta0c, theta
Seen (1860)
Correlated diquark model (B Jaffe, F Wilzcek)
octet and anti-10 are degenerate (Diakonov et al)
two octets (1/2) below 2 GeV mass, PDG or
?0(1660) ?0(1600)
?0(1880) ?01810)
394 Conclusions and outlook
- Experimental results on pentaquark candidates
- Theta(1530) seen by many experiments in two
decay channels. - However individual significances no more
than 7.8 --gt Confirmation with higher statistics
needed - - mass(theta) differs in Kn and K0sp channels
--gt Direct measurement of Kn (K- anti-n) needed,
better study of syst. of Fermi motion
corrections, estimate syst. Errors - - Cross section agrees with predictions,
and suggests spin(theta)1/2 - - Width order 1 MeV --gt Need more precise
measurements - - Spin, parity, cross section measurements
needed - - mass vs beam momentum to check reflexions
- 2. Theta(1573) excited state?,
Theta(1530,1579) preliminary hints
40- 3. Xi--(1862), Xi0 (1864) and (prelim.) Xi-
(1854) candidates - 4. N0 or Xi0 I1/2 (1727/1734) in two decay
channels (if same state then is N0) and N0(1670)
candidates (prelim.) - Agree with (Arndt et al) --gt 1680,1730 narrow
states - 5. Theta_c0(3099) candidate
- 6. Non observations ee-, inclusive reactions,
high energy --gt to be understood - Outlook
- Need confirmation with higher Significance
allowing also better systematic Studies - If pentaquarks exist, many more states to be
found - Expect factors up to 10 increase in statistics
from CLAS, LEPS - STAR, COSY-TOF, ZEUS, H1, within 2005 etc.
- Several experimental proposals approved in Japan
and JLAB - to measure spin, parity, mass, width of theta
41- Are there pentaquarks ? Which is their parity,
mass, widths - and spins ? Why are they narrow?
- Focused experimental and theoretical efforts
should allow us to - answer these questions in the next few years
- this is work in progress !