Title: Ri-scoprirsi
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- Cognitive affective relational approach according
to which its possible to develop new forms of
communicative and symbolic space within the Group
- The therapeutic action consists in supporting the
children stimulating the reciprocal competences
to get a more harmonious process of development - Training of coherent Groups based on the age of
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13- Meetings
- A day for the WWF Oases Ripa Bianca Oasis in
Jesi (AN) 21.4.2002 - press release CEA WWF Disabled children a
plan/project to re-discover oneselves - altogheter Recanati (MC) 15.7.2002
- An environmental education plan/project in the
rehabilitative way of the disabled - psychophisic child XIX National Conference of
the Italian Soc. Neuropsichiatria Infancy - and Adol. Catania 14-17.10.2002
- Environmental education qualifying way
beyond the clinic for the disabled - psychophisic child Naturabilmente Conference
the protected nature for the - diversabilities Pesaro 23.5.2003
- Plan/projects presentation re-discover
oneself......naturally (FA.NP.IA) Naturabilmente - Conference the protected nature for the
diversabilities Pesaro 23.5.2003 - Little enough for an unforgettable
holiday.....(FA.NP.IA) Protected Areas
Conference - accessible destinations for all Hermitage
Carpegna Mount (PU) 19.7.2003 - Environmental education and disabled
neuropsychic child experiences after a - riabilitative-interactive way in evolutive
age. European Meeting Park is for (of) - all. World too. Norcia 2-5.10.2003
- Book Re-discover oneself .......naturally.
Multisensorial Laboratory for disabled - neuropsychic children. Public presentation
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15... to consider (1) experience based on
interventions of not easy standardizationdifficul
t evaluation according to traditional or/and
consolidated schemesnot measurable indicators,
at the moment, through expected and/or
recommended tools in clinical/therapeutical
actions (coherent literature, scales of
evaluation, random control, etc.)
16... to consider (2) Actual used indicators1.
parental satisfaction (verification through
personal interviews, final audit)2. audit
operators (periodic meetings)3. clinical
sketches as deduction from the experience
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