Title: eGovernment
1e-Government the Art of Project Management
- e-Government - Critical Success Factors
- Implementation Dynamics
- Project Development Project Management
- Principles of Project Management
- Capacity Building for Project Management
3Managing e-Government
4Success Failure Rate
Most Failures are rooted in improper Project
Development Project Management
- 35 of eGov projects are total failures
- Initiatives not implemented
- Initiatives abandoned immediately
- 50 of eGov projects are partial failures
- Main stated goals not achieved
- Initial success but failure after an year
- Success for one group but failure for others
- 15 of eGov projects are successes
- All stakeholders benefited
- No adverse results
57 Steps in Implementation
6Project Development VsProject Management
- Project Development
- Creativity
- Research Analysis
- Consultation
- High-end Resources
- Project Management
- Planning Ability
- Field Work
- Coordination
- Medium Resources
7Principles of Project Management
8Project Program
A Project is an endeavour to create a unique
Product, Service or Result that has
inter-related activities and is progressively
A Program is a group of projects managed in a
coordinated way
9Components of Project Mgt.
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
HR Management
Communications Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
10Triple Constraint of Project Mgt
11Components of a Project Plan
- Project Charter
- Project Management Approach
- Scope Statement
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Responsibility Chart
- Major Milestones
- Budget
- Schedule
- Resources
- Change Control Plan
- Project Management Baselines
12CADS Methodology of Project Development (NISG)
13Issues in Project Managementfor e-Government
14Issues in eGov Project Mgt.
e-Government delayed is e-Government denied!
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Scope is not precise Scope creeps
Lack of team spirit No e-Champion
Delays in Decisions Delays in sign-offs
Cost Management
Quality Management
HR Management
Turnover of Key people Lack of PM Skills
No Flexibility Delays in payments
Lack of Skills Lack of Institutional approach
to QM
Communications Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
Too many meetings Too few decisions
Risk Aversion One-sided contracts
Vagueness in specifying requirements
15Improving Project Management
- Empowerment
- Empowered Committee for Major Decisions
- Project Implementation Committee for operational
decisions - Partial outsourcing of PM activities
- Select a Professional Organization as PMU
- Capacity Building in PM skills
- Institutional Capacity
- Creating CIO CTO
- Sponsoring Key people for PMI Certification
16Thank You
171. Conceptualization
- Develop a Vision
- Bordering on the impossible !
- Define a Mission
- A Slogan that motivates
- Spell-out Objectives
- Benefits to ALL Stakeholders
- Stakeholder consultation
- Define Services
- Transformation
- Lay down Specific Outcomes
- Measurable Parameters
182. Architecture
- Meets the Objectives
- Is Sustainable
- Scales to handle future demand
- Accommodates future developments
192. Architecture (contd)
- Process Architecture
- Government Process Reengineering
- Technology Architecture
- Consultative Approach e.g eBiz Architecture
- People Architecture
- Policy Level, e-Gov Champions, CIOs, CTOs
Operational Level - Resource Architecture
- Business Model, Viability, Sustainability, PPP,
User Charges, SLA
203. Development
Spend Quality Time here
- Functional Requirement Specification
- System Requirement Specification
- Coding
- Testing
- Deployment
- Documentation, Version Management, ALM
214. Pilot
- Why Pilot?
- A More thorough debugging
- A more innovative product
- Early course correction OR Go-No-GO decision
- A more reliable Business Model
- Scope of the Pilot
- Functionality
- Geographical Coverage
225. Rollout
- Phasing
- Functionality
- Geography
- Resource Planning
- Financial
- Managerial
- People
- Stakeholder Consultation
- Project Management
236. Evaluate
- Service-Orientation
- Efficiency
- User-Convenience
- Citizen-Centricity
- Technology
- Architecture Standards
- Security
- Scalability
- Reliability
- Sustainability
- Organizational
- Commercial
- Legal
- Cost-effectiveness
- Replicability
- Functional
- Technological
- Commercial
24SLA for e-Government projects
- Justification for SLA
- Govt is buying services
- not hardware, software networks
- Captures the Roles Responsibilities
- Specifies quantity quality of services
- Payments linked to performance
- Contains rewards penalties
- Drives the partners to better performance
25SLA Metrics of a G2B project (1/3)
26SLA Metrics of a G2B project (2/3)
27SLA Metrics of a G2B project (3/3)