Title: Integration of Mobility Management in land use planning: Outputs
1Integration of Mobility Management in land use
planning Outputs
- Janina Welsch (ILS), Roberto. De Tommasi
(synergo), Tom Rye (TRI, ENU), Aljaz Plevnik
(Uni Maribor) - (on behalf of whole MAX WPD Team)
- ECOMM 2009, Donóstia San Sebastian,
- 15 May, 2009
2WP D topic Integration of MM and planning
- Planning and building permission process great
potential to integrate MM with - Plan-making so sites have a choice of transport
modes - Building permission so new developments have MM
plans and measures in place from Day 1 - WP D research, practice and guidance to
encourage integration
3Todays session
- Introduction  to the guidelines and tools
developed by WPD (20 Minutes) - Planning simulation workshop in Slovenia  -
process and results (20 Minutes) - Training course in smaller groups looking at
hypothetical new development s and how MM might
be included in building permission process (30
Minutes) - Discussion of the findings from smaller groups,Â
in  a final plenary  session (10 Minutes)Â
4Output of WP D on 3 levels
PART D Awareness raising
PART E Recommendations
5Output of WP D on 3 levels
PART D Awareness raising
PART E Recommendations
6Introduction (Part A) What do they cover and
what not? (Chapter 1.2)
- Guidelines give practical advice to planners on
- how to integrate transport planning and land use
planning (Part B) - how integrating MM into the land use planning /
building permission process can work (Part
C) - Input approach
- show policies existing in practice and
applications of them (Annexes to B and C) - Transferability of existing policies
- not treated in detail
- readers have to judge if policy works in their
7Output of WP D on 3 levels
PART D Awareness raising
PART E Recommendations
8Integration of land use with transport planning
(Part B) Content
- What this integration is
- Why it is important for MM
- Policies and practice to achieve integration,
including first steps - Some examples for policies and practice, e.g.
- PPG13 from England
- highly-frequented sites in Switzerland
9Integration of land use with transport planning
(Part B) Overview of policies
- For each policy
- How the promising policy supports integration and
so the use of more sustainable transport - Normal situation and how the promising policy
differs from normal - What changes are needed to put the promising
policy into effect, and barriers to
implementation - Framework conditions
10Output of WP D on 3 levels
PART D Awareness raising
PART E Recommendations
11Integration of MM in the planning and building
permission process (Part C) Content
- Introduction Chapter 3.1.
- The building permission process How does it
work? Chapter 3.2. - The Detailed Site Development Plan
Chapter 3.3. - Promising policies supporting the integration of
MM Chapter 3.4.
12Integration of MM in the planning building
permission process (Part C) Introduction
(Chapter 3.1.)
- Defines site-based MM, based on MAX definition
- Explains typical building permission process
- Highlights two principal strategies for public
authorities to secure MM during the planning
building permission process - setting the adoption of MM as a condition, as a
task of negotiation or as a recommendation and
advice influence of local authority direct or
indirect - influencing the amount of parking spaces at a new
development - Could also take place in context of Detailed Site
Development Plan
13(Part C) Promising policies supporting
integration of MM Overview of policies (Chapter
14Tools and Instruments (Part D)
- separate documents (PPT and doc), most based on
content of guidelines - useful as instruments for awareness raising of
different target groups
15Training exercise 1
16Training exercise 2