Title: Feature Similarity
1Feature Similarity
- 02/11/2002
- Hyung Wook Park
2The table of contents
- From Images to Similarity
- From Features to Similarity
- Similarity Between Two Sets of Points
- In the field of image retrieval
- - needed achieving a compact representation
image content using concise but effective feature
- Their effectiveness depends on the fact that
- the notion of similarity between two images
is subjective
- Pre-attentive search techniques emphasize the
of descriptions of images and similarity measures
metrics to compare these description
4From Images to Similarity
5Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
Determines the similarity of the stimuli without
attempting their interpretation
Determines the similarity between two stimuli
after they have been interpreted and classified
6Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
It looks like quite similar
7Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
The difference between the two should be striking
8Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
- Let Q the query proposed by user U
- I an image of the database
Using Bayes theorem
We can lead this equation
P(IQ,U) P(QI,U)P(I,U) / P(QU)
? We have to maximize P(QI,U)P(I,U)
9Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
Induces attentive mechanism assuming that
stimuli to be compared have previously been
The constraints the user puts on the DB, and is
related to the concepts the user will try to
summarize by its request
10Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
- Is able to extract features from the image of
the DB, and summarize these features in a
reduced set of index
- Then, the retrieval process consist in
extracting features from this image,
projecting them onto the indexes space and
looking for the nearest neighbors based on a
some particular distance
11Pre-attentive vs. Attentive Similarities
- Global architecture of proposed system
12Distance vs. Similarity
- Given a feature and its representation
associated with - each image, we need a metric to compare an
image I of - the database and the query Q
- A distance(d) is defined as follows
d A x A ? ?
A the set of images
? the set of positive real numbers
13Distance vs. Similarity
- d must satisfy the following properties for
all the images I, J and K in A
P1 d(I, I) d(J, J)
P2 d(I, J) ? d(I, I)
P3 d(I, J) d(J, I)
P4 d(I, K) d(K, J) ? d(I, J)
triangular inequality
14Distance vs. Similarity
- Tversky(1977) refuted the geometry model
- the properties P1 to P3 are not validated
by human
- Symmetry We are searching a DB using
particular query Q so we can not assume
the symmetry as obvious
- For example (triangle inequality)
15Distance vs. Similarity
- Tversky proposed non-metric model, Contrast model
- An image is characterized as a set of binary
S(A,B) ? f(A n B) - a f(A-B) - ß f(B-A)
- However, it is not applied texture or color
comparison - except shape comparison
16From Features to Similarity
17From Features to Similarity
- The similarity measurements are based on
comparison - between images features which thus have to be
- previously extracted
- Gray levels
- Color with histograms or moments
- Texture with the coefficients in the Fourier
- Shape for special geometric feature
- Structure
18Complete vs. Partial Feature
- One can take the overall distribution of a given
feature - in the input image or video as an index
- Carson et al. proposed to first segment the
image - as a set of regions
- This approach is complex because it
requires segmentation step
19Complete vs. Partial Feature
- Two signals are similar if they have particular
feature values spatially located in a
consistent order
Interest points or key points
20Global vs. Local Feature
- Take into account all the pixels in the image
? It is very difficult to summarize to deal with
- A value is computed based on a subset of the
Complete Partial
Local Histogram of N x N values Histogram of k x k values
Global Mean of N x N values Mean of k x k values
21Global vs. Individual Comparison of Features
- There are many different nature of features
- It makes it difficult to build a global distance
or similarity
measure because the indexes have been computed
may induce different behavior
- The overall similarity is based on a combination
individual similarities
- User have to give some weights for the overall
computation in some classic systems ? but, user
- The system have to interaction with user to
approach the answer
22Similarity Between Two Sets of Points
23Multidimensional Voting
- Voting algorithm(Schmid and Mohr)
- Each vector I, of the query image is compared
to all vectors J in the DB, which are linked
to their images M
- If the distance between I, J is below a
threshold t, then the respective image M gets
a vote
- The images having maximum votes are returned to
the user
- The problem is the threshold strategy is
sensitive to the choice of threshold t
24Multidimensional Voting
- Change the voting algorithm (Wolf)
- The means to qualify two points as being a pair
is the minimum distance in feature space
- To do this, they build a matrix which stores
the distance of all possible feature pairs,
the row i denoting the key points of the
query image, the column j the key points of
the compared image
- Then, we search the minimum element of the matrix
25Multidimensional Voting
- This figure shows two examples images and their
maps - of interest points superimposed in a single
- Corresponding interest points are connected with
a straight line
26Graph-Based Matching
- The information which is a set of points, and
associated with a feature can be abstracted as an
relational graph
- The vertices of which are the points
- The vertices attributes are the vector values
- The edges can be established by computing the
neighbor graph
? This method is used for image retrieval based
on line patterns