Title: Topics for the Session
1Topics for the Session
- Non- uniform Quantizers.
- Variance,
- Features
- Variance is valid only if the input signal does
not overload Quantizer - SNR Decreases with a decrease in the input power
A Quantizer whose SNR remains essentially
constant for a wide range of input power levels.
. Non Uniform Quantizer
4Non Uniform Quantizer
- Variable Step-Size.
- Smaller amplitude - Smaller Step Size.
- Larger amplitude - Large Step size
5Non- UniformQuantizer MODEL
Compander Compressor Expander
8Quantization Error-1
Transfer Characteristics
Compressor --- C(x) Expander --- C-1(x)
C(x). C-1(x) 1
9Quantization error-2
Compressor Characteristics ( for large L )
?k Width in the interval Ik
10Quantization Error-3
- Let fX(x) PDF of X .
- Assumptions
- fX(x) is Symmetric
- fX(x) is approximately constant in each
interval. ie.. fX(x) fX(yk)
11Quantization Error-4
fX(x) fX(yk) ?k xk1 - xk for k 0, 1,
L-1. pk Probability of variable X pk P
(xk lt X lt xk1 ) fX(x) ?k fX(yk) ?k
12Quantization Error-5
Q yk X for xk lt X lt xk1 Variance
sQ2 E ( Q2) E ( X yk )2
13Carrying out Integration w.r.t x
( ?k2 / 12 ) - Variance of error in the
Interval Ik
?k ? for all k in Uniform Quantizer.
14Types of Companding
- µ - law ( US, Canada Japan)
- A - law ( Europe)
?255 reduces noise power in speech 20dB
16µ-law companding
µ 255 - practical value
Practical value for A 87.5
19Companding Gain - Gc
Companding gain For µ-law
20Advantages ofNon Uniform Quantizer
- Reduced Quantization noise
- High average SNR
21DPCM - Transmitter
22DPCM - Receiver