Title: ELE22MIC Lecture 18
1ELE22MIC Lecture 18
- Writing 68HC11 software
- 68HC11 Main Timer System
- Output Compare
- What is different about TOC1?
2Writing 68HC11 software
Use Functional Decomposition i.e. Break down
complex functions into several simpler functions
or subroutines. For example a long time delay
cannot be created using just one 16 bit counter,
so break the time delay into two parts. 1. A
short time delay subroutine 2. A long time delay
subroutine that calls the short time delay
routine many times.
3Software Time Delays
Wait_a_sec LDX 1000 3
cycles Delay_lots JSR Wait_a_bit
6 for jsr wait 10 ms
Subroutine Wait_a_bit is on next page
DEX 3 BNE Delay_lots 3
RTS 5 ReTurn from
4Software Time Delays
1 us 2 cycles, so 1ms 2000 cycles. 10
cycles per delay_more loop. 29 cycles in
wait_a_sec/jsr/pshx/setup/rts overhead... Wait_a_b
it PSHX save x on
stack 4 LDX 1971
X 2000-29
3 Delay_More NOP waste some time
X - -
3 BNE Delay_More Is (X 0)?
recover x 5
RTS ReTurn from
Subroutine 5
5(No Transcript)
668HC11 Timer - PreScaler
- An E-Clock PreScaler divides by 1, 4, 8 or 16
- This value is selected by writing to Bits PR0,
PR1 of the TMSK2 register (at 1024). - In normal modes the pre-scale rate may only be
changed once within the first 64 bus cycles after
768HC11 Timer - PreScaler
- Crystal Frequency vs clock Pre-Scaler
8Free Running Counter - TCNT (1)
- The pre-scaled clock clocks a free-running
counter, TCNT ( 100E..100F) - The TCNT Count Value can be read using the
LDD 100E Reads all 16 Bits in one instruction.
The Timer value is frozen during this
instruction sequence. DONT read the timer with
the following instruction sequence LDAA 100E
LDAB 100F as the counter will be incremented
between the instructions
968HC11 Timer System (1)
- The HC11 Timer System is based on a free-running
16 bit counter with a four stage programmable
pre-scaler. Assuming PR00 and PR1 0 gt TCNT
counts at frequency of divide E by 1 - (8MHz crystal -gt 2MHZ E clock -gt 0.5us per
count). - Five Output Compare functions are included for
generating software timing delays or output
signals on pins OC1, OC2, OC3, OC4 and OC5 - OC2..OC5 work in exactly the same manner.
1068HC11 Timer System (2)
- Timer Register Summary
- TCNT - 2-byte Free Running Timer Counter Value
- TOCx/TICx - 8 x 2-byte TIC/TOC count registers
- 5 for Timer Ouput Compare 4 Timer Input Capture
(One shared TIC/TOC) - TMSK1 - 1 byte - Timer Interrupt Enables
- TMSK2 - 1024 - PR0/PR1/RTI
- OPTION - 1039 - CR0/CR1 - Clock Pre-scaler
- CFORC - 1 x byte port for Force output compare
- TCTL2 - 1 x byte register for output port control
OMx/OLx - TFLG1 - 1 x byte flag register indicating state
of comparisons
11Timer Output Compare - TOC (1)
- The five Output Compare pins can be used
independently to create precise timing for time
delays or external logic pulses. - Each Output Compare Register is compared to the
value in the 16 bit counter, and if equal,
triggers its Timer Output Compare (TOCn)
12Timer Output Compare (2)
- The output compare hardware can ensure that
intervals and waveforms are not subject to jitter
due to interrupt servicing routines
13Timer Output Compare (3)
- TCTL2 1020, OM2 OL2 - select the relationship
of Output Compare to Output Port Pin
OMx OLx where x 2..5 0 0 No Change 0
1 Toggle Pin state 1 0 Force Pin to
0 1 1 Force Pin to 1
14TOC2 code (4)
REGBAS EQU 1000 Starting address for register
block PORTB EQU 04 Output port B TCNT EQU
0E Free running counter (16
bit) TOC2 EQU 18 OC2 register (16
bit) TCTL1 EQU 20 OM2,OL2,OM3,OL3OM4,OL
4,OM5,OL5 TCTL2 EQU 21
-,- EVB Routine Addresses Pseudo Vector
Equates PVOC2 EQU 00DC EVB Pseudo Vector
for OC2 ORG 2000 Start variables in RAM (upper
half) HDLY RMB 2 Half-cycle delay
(in 0.5mS increments)
15TOC2 code (5)
TOP5 LDS 0047 Top of
Users Stack area on EVB LDAA 7E
Jump (extended) Opcode STAA PVOC2
Pseudo Vector see manual text
LDX SV5OC2 Address of OC2 service
routine STX PVOC21 Finish jump
instruc to TOF svc LDX REGBAS
Point to register block LDAA 01000000
OC2 for toggle, on compare STAA TFLG1,X
Clear any pending,OC2F STAA TMSK1,X
Enable OC2 interrupts CLI
Enable Interrupts
BRA Interrupt driven
sit here Try varying hdly
16TOC2 code (6)
SV5OC2 - Output Compare 2 Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR) Called at each OC2
interrupt. SV5OC2 LDD HDLY Get
delay time for 1/2 cycle ADDD TOC2,X
Add HDLY to last compare value
STD TOC2,X Update OC2 (schedule
next edge) BCLR TFLG1,X BF Clear
Return from OC2 service
17TOC1 Differences
- TOC1 is the same as TOC2..5 in the way we program
the Timer register, interrupts and Flags. - TOC1 is different in that it does not use OMx,
OLx to control the output pins. - i.e. TCNTL2 is used for TOC2..TOC5 only.
18TOC1 Output Controls
- TOC1 has much greater flexibility in that it can
control all 5 output pins at once, forcing any
combination of outputs high or low - TOC1 - OC1M - Output Compare 1 Mask
- Setting a bit in this mask enables the Data in
OC1D to be forced onto the output pin. - OC1D - Output Compare 1 Data
- Data to be forced onto pin
19TOC1 Output Control Registers
20Time Delay using TOC1 (1)
If you base your subroutine, delayms, on the TOC1
timer, then the time delay should be independent
of other CPU activity as the TOC timers tick at a
uniform rate unaffected by other CPU
activity The first time you call delayms, you
need to read the value of TCNT, the free running
timer counter, then add the delay for the number
of milliseconds to delay, write that back to the
TOC1 count register, and wait until the TCNT
count and TOC1 count matches. At this time TOC1
flag is set
21Time Delay using TOC1 (2)
We want a subroutine to provide accurate
time delays usage example wait
10ms startHere ldd 10 of
milliseconds jsr delayms delay of
ms swi return to BUFFALO
22Time Delay using TOC1 (3)
When the TOC1 count matches TCNT, a flag is set
OC1F. If your loop waits for the TOC1 flag to
be set then you can stop waiting at this point.
The BRCLR instruction can be used here.
Eg brclr TFLG1,X 10000000 Branch if bits
in mask are clear to (branch back to current
23Time Delay using TOC1 (4)
msDelayCount equ 2000 Toc1 is at 1016 REGBAS
equ 1000 TOC1 equ 16 TMSK1 equ 22
Timer Interrupt Mask 1 Register TMSK1 BITS 7
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 INTS OC1I
TGFLG1 BITS 7 6 5 4 3 2
1 0 Flags OC1F OC2F OC3F OC4F OC5F IC1F
24Time Delay using TOC1 (5)
TCNT equ 0E delayms Save number of ms delay
in D - on stack psha pshb disable TIC TOC
interrupts, else this code will not work well
at all! ldx REGBAS ldaa 0 staa TMSK1,x
25Time Delay using TOC1 (6)
ldd TCNT,x addd (msDelayCount-67) std TOC1,x
clear the OC1F flag BIT 7 in TFLG1
register bclr TFLG1,x 01111111 morems
Branch if (bit TFLG1 0) to brclr TFLG1,x
10000000 wait here whilst the TOC1 flag is
not set when flag is set, drop through to
test for more ms delays...
26Time Delay using TOC1 (7)
Get D again pulb pula Decrement ms delay
count subd 1 is (D 0)
? beq doneDelay Yes, then done delaying
else save D back on stack again, and delay
another ms psha pshb
27Time Delay using TOC1 (8)
ldd TOC1,x add 20000 clocks addd msDelayCou
nt std TOC1,x delay another
ms bra morems doneDelay rts
- Images of the configuration registers, and some
source code examples, are derived from the
Motorola M68HC11 Reference Manual 11rm.pdf or