Title: Presenting
Lyell Creek
By Kate Smith Stephanie Fitzgerald
Choosing our Topic
About Lyell Creek
What we did
Crest is the name of the group that we are in. In
this group we had to carry out a practical
science investigation, with direction, by
planning the investigation, collecting and
processing data, and interpreting and reporting
the findings. In completion of this project we
will receive 4 NCEA credits for next year.
4Choosing our topic.
We decided to do our project on Lyell Creek
because we wanted to know more about the creek
scientifically and just for general knowledge.
5Lyell Creek
Lyell Creek is a lowland spring-fed stream with a
number of springs, man-made channels and
tributaries. The springs arise on the alluvial
Kowhai fan northwest of Kaikoura and occur mainly
as seepage areas. The main stem of Lyell Creek
flows east towards the coast before running
parallel to the coast into Kaikoura and exiting
into the sea. Warrens Creek is the main
tributary, arising adjacent to the Kowhai River,
and includes drainage water from the Kowhai River
as well as spring water. These are also some
tributaries on the peninsula hills that drain
into Lyell Creek.
6What we did?
- For 5 weeks we tested the Creek using the Stream
health Monitoring and Assessment Kit (SHMAK). - That involved
- Testing pH
- Water Temperature
- Clarity
- Flow Velocity
- Flow Conditions
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8The Clarity results were varied. The clarity was
good when the Weather was fine. From the 3/8-
17/8 the clarity was good. When the weather is
bad the rain disturbs the water and it makes it
mucky and not clear.
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For the 5 weeks that we did the testing the pH
was almost the same every time. Except for the
first test we did on the 20/7 it was 8.9 because
it had been rainy heavily for 3 days.
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12Flow Velocity
The flow velocity had a wide range of
results. Some weeks it was extremely slow because
there was no rain effecting the flow of the
stream, and some weeks the flow was very fast
caused by rain and bad weather.
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14Water Temperature
The temperature of the water was fairly even
apart from the first week which was because of
bad weather.
15We did a clean up of Lyell Creek on Hawthorne
Road with Peter Adams for Clean up New- Zealand
Week. We found many things in the creek such as
plastic bags, bread bags, barrel drum, tins, beer
bottles, seafood left overs, tea bags, batteries,
cans, broken plastic, old fence and tin foil.
This was found over 20 metres. Mostly all the
things that were found in the creek are caused by
Littering which could be improved.
16Lyell Creek
Hypothesis Lyell Creek is polluted in many
different ways which is affecting the
environment. Nil Hypothesis Lyell Creek is not
polluted and it is a very healthy creek. Method
Testing for clarity, PH, velocity, recording
17What we think about Lyell Creek From our tests
and investigations we think that Lyell Creek is
at an average state. We are disgusted in some
things we have found and are pleased in others.
The Creek could be improved in may ways like To
plant more barrier plants which intercept run off
and pollutants from farm land and industrial
sites (riparian margin). To have vegetation
suitable for spawning fish and invertebrates. To
have all banks fenced off from stock, especially
on rural land. Stream surfaces shaded with plants
and undercut banks for the fish and invertebrates
to hide in. A wide range of sediments types from
boulders to sand, to sand, to accumulate the
different habitat needs of aquatic
organisms. Good fish access both to and from the
sea. In times of drought, flood or when there is
pollution, a stream may become unhealthy.
Habitats may be lost which can reduce the
biodiversity of species.