Title: EuroScience Open Forum 2004
1 - EuroScience Open Forum 2004
- Awareness creation in
- policy making
- Kjell Andersson
- Karita Research and The VALDOC Group
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
2SOME EXAMLE AREAS genetic testingsoftware
patenting food safetycellular phone systems
GMOnuclear waste management municipality
planningglobal warming. etc .
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
3a scenario we dont want
- New-tech enthusiasm
- Early narrow framing
- Later concerns, media debates, conflicting
interests, frustration . - The framing found irrelevant
- Fragmentation by interest groups
- The decision-making system gets paralysed
- Backlash in technology development
- Does it sound familiar ?
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
4Trust deficit - Eurobarometer 2002
- Trust
- The medical profession 49
- Consumer organisations 49
- Environmental organisations 46
- Universities 33
- Animal welfare organisations 26
- Television and newspapers 23
Valdoc Group
Karita Research
5Trust cont.
- Trust
- International institutions 17
- National government bodies 14
- Farmer organisations 3
- Religious organisations 8
- None of these (SPONTANEOUS) 6
- A particular industry 5
- Political parties 3
- Dont Know 6
Valdoc Group
Karita Research
6Dialogue proposed
- EU White Paper on Governance 2001 people
increasingly distrust institutions and politics
or are simply not interested in them. -
- House of Lords 2002 Direct dialogue with the
public should become a normal and integral part
of the process. - The Royal Society The Royal Academy of
Engineering (2004), see a need for mechanisms for
incorporating public values early in the
development of nanotechnology. -
Valdoc Group
Karita Research
7Expert attitudes
- Xxx technologies should be accepted by the
public - There are barriers against acceptance
- European population base their attitudes towards
xxx research not on concrete evidence but on
images of fear, stereotypes and beliefs. - sound scientific evidence
Valdoc Group
Karita Research
8Trust deficitUneasiness among policy makers
Information does not helpWhat shall we
do?Dialogue Yes ! BUT HOW?
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
9A success story ??
- Dialogue Project SKI/SSI 1991-93
- RISCOM Pilot SKI/SSI/Karita 1996-98
- RISCOM II EU 2000-03
- Hearings site selection SKI/SSI 2001
- Oskarshamn Model O. municip. 1994 ---
- VALDOR symposia SKI/SSI/Karita 99,01,03
- Site selection hearings SKI/SSI 2001
- VALDOC Summer School Karita 2002 the
Transparency Forum idea was borne
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
- Factual issues
- Uncertainties
- Values
- Emotions
- Vested interests
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
- lobbyists
- NGOs
- political parties
- media
- industry
- authorities
- scientists
- experts
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
12HOW ?
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
13VALDOC VALues in Decsions On Complexity
- Awareness in societal decisions requires
- Transparency
- Citizen involvement
- Arenas for public discourse
- Awareness is for decision-makers
- and the public
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
14VALDOC/Riscom Model of Transparency
Truth/efficiency - Objective world - Scientific
methods and technology Are we doing things
Legitimacy - Social world - Are we doing the
right things?
- Authenticity
- - Personal integrity/
- organisational identity
- are we doing what we say? (no hidden agenda)
Karita Research
- 1. A multi-perspective starting point
(up-framing) - 2. Stretching capacity
- (making the RISCOM triangle visible)
- 3. Impartiality and fairness (participation)
- 4. Publicity (discourse arenas)
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
- organise a cross-disciplinary study group
- involve stakeholders early (fairness)
- have methods to apply the RISCOM Model
- define the format and actor/stakeholder roles
carefully - document and evaluate
- stick to the principles
- be pragmatic in implementation
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
17Application nuclear waste
- SKI and SSI
- Hearings about site selection
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
18Application remediation of contaminated sites
- Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
- How can decision processes be strengthened with
more transparency ?
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
19Many possible areas of application e.g. in biotech
- Patenting in genomics
- Stem cell research
- Bio banks
- Genetic testing
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
20Application mobile phone systems
- Industry, authorities, municipalities and
critical groups have agreed to form a joint
Transparency Forum - Next talk (Hedberg)
Karita Research
Valdoc Group
21 VALDOC Group www.valdoc.org