Title: National Athletic Trainers Association
1National Athletic Trainers Association
- Governance Task Force Report
- 2007
- February 2006, key NATA leaders participating in
the Joint Committee meeting requested the BOD
evaluate the associations governance. - Group specifically targeted the following
objectives - Create a better communication from national to
membership and membership to national - Create a structure that represents current
membership proportions - Consider practice settings
- Representation of state organizations
- Consider the financial impact of any proposed
change - Create a leadership ladder and leadership
3The Governance Task Force
- President Chuck Kimmel appointed the Governance
Task Force to address this concern. - Rochel Rittgers, ATC, is chair of this group.
- The task force consists of 19 members, and is a
good mix of athletic trainers from different
districts, work settings, ethnic backgrounds,
genders and ages.
4What Do We Want To Accomplish?
- To create a leadership group that is a snapshot
of the membership and to encourage and provide
opportunities for NATAs best and brightest to
participate in the leadership of the association. - This takes into consideration the organizations
changing demographics (including the increase of
women and the unique needs of our younger
members) and the strategic plans direction of
fostering emergent leaders.
5Key Considerations
- This is quite a task one that requires
significant time, as well as financial and human
resources. - It is important to think about the unintended
consequences of a project of this magnitude - What if the task force recommends reorganization
of the districts? Or transfer of power to the
states? - Is NATA ready for this type of change?
6The Charge
- After reviewing the background, goal and key
considerations, the Board charged the task force
to - Review NATAs structure and leadership pathway
to ensure long-term growth and adequate
representation and to enhance communication among
the organizations key groups while working
within the parameters of the associations
strategic plan.
7What Has to Happen?
- Keeping in mind the key considerations, and given
the fact that some small changes may address the
stated concerns, the Board has asked the GTF to
begin this task by - Addressing where we have been
- What has worked (or not worked) in the past
- Reviewing how leaders are selected, recruited and
trained - Analyzing committee member, chair and board
member terms - Suggesting how to proceed.
8What Have We Done So Far?
- The task force is addressing the items assigned
by the Board of Directors. - Work began before the task force was appointed
with a focus group in Atlanta in 2006. - Additional research of our organization,
governance structures in general and other items
that impact our work have been ongoing since last
fall. - Surveyed all certified members in Fall 2006.
9Fall 2006 Survey Results
Q1 -- Only 1 out of 10 respondents disagreed with
the statement.
10Survey Results
Q2 -- Only 17 disagreed with the statement.
11Survey Results
Q3 -- Only 10 disagreed with the statement.
12Survey Results
Q4 -- Only 18 disagreed with the statement.
13Survey Results
Q5 Only 40 agreed the system should remain
unchanged indicates a majority of respondents
feel some change it appropriate. Yet in the
review of earlier responses, it seems clear that
while some agree we need to tweak our system, a
major overhaul is not what our members are
looking for.
14Board Membership Updates
- Our next Board report is scheduled for June 2007.
- It is critical to the task force that we take
time to properly complete this project. - The June Board report could include
recommendations or an update of our work. - Membership updates will be included in the NATA
News and the Ebast Newsletter and will be posted
on the NATA Web Site.
15Important Notes
- Were not out to change the world.
- It is possible that we dont need any changes
or that the changes might be very small. - Our goal is to make sure NATAs leadership is
sensitive to the needs wishes of our diverse
membershipand to ensure everyone has an
opportunity to participate in the governance of
the organization. - Questions?