Hemispherical Rasterization for SelfShadowing of Dynamic Objects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hemispherical Rasterization for SelfShadowing of Dynamic Objects


Hierarchical Culling. Group triangles together. Update their ... 2-level hierarchical culling introduces shadow artifacts. 3D distance between triangles: small ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hemispherical Rasterization for SelfShadowing of Dynamic Objects

Hemispherical Rasterization for Self-Shadowing of
Dynamic Objects
  • COMP238 Class Presentation, November 22, 2004
  • Nico Galoppo von Borries

  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • An Efficient Hemispherical Rasterizer
  • Results and Optimizations
  • Properties and Issues

Self shadowing in the past
  • Traditionally, real-time rendering has only used
    point light sources or area lights for shading a
  • Unrealistic, hard shadow boundaries
  • Environment maps
  • Provides realistic and dynamic spherical incident
    lighting, but doesnt account for shadowing

Self shadowing in the past
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Precompute visibility function
  • Heres how it works
  • Shoot rays over hemisphere (with importance
    sampling) at point p and store the fraction that
    doesnt hit other geometry
  • Produces nice soft shadows
  • For static geometry only!

  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer

Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • The basic idea is to extend dynamic environment
    mapping with soft shadows
  • We want to compute the exitant radiance Lout,p(v)
    from a point p into direction v

Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Transfer function Vp(s,v) is independent of p,
    we can precompute it!

(static geometry diffuse BRDF)
Efficient Radiance Transfer
  • Heres a cool trick to do the hemisphere
    integration efficiently
  • Project Lin(s) and Vp(s,v) into the orthonormal
    basis B with basis functions bi(s)
  • This yields coefficient vectors Lin and Vp(v)
  • Now, the integration is simply a dot product
    Lout,p (v) Lin Vp(v)
  • Vp(v) is the transfer vector
  • Advantages
  • With the right basis, only limited number of
    coefficients needed for good accuracy
  • Integral evaluation reduced to a simple dot
    product operation

Static Transfer Vectors
  • Lout,p (v) Lin Vp(v), assume
  • Static models
  • Diffuse BRDF
  • Then the transfer vectors Vp(v) are constants
    and can be precomputed
  • Lighting is projected into basis B at run time
  • Enables shading of static objects in
    time-varying, spherical lighting environments
    with soft shadows
  • Non-diffuse BRDF is possible but requires
    transfer matrix instead of transfer vectors

Which Basis B ?
  • Spherical Harmonics (SH)
  • Good for low-frequency lighting environments,
    only few coefficients needed
  • Wavelets
  • Preferable for higher-frequency lighting
  • Coefficients that carry most energy is unknown at
    preprocessing, thus the preprocess needs to
    account for all basis functions

What about animated scenes?
  • One approach PCA reduction
  • Compute transfer vectors for sparse set of frames
  • Perform PCA and interpolate solutions for
    intermediate frames in low-dimensional PCA basis
  • Still, precomputation is extremely long
  • This paper addresses self-shadowing of dynamic
    scenes in real-time

  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Dynamic Transfer Vectors

Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • Main contribution of this paper
  • Basic idea compute transfer coefficients
    Vp,i(v) on the fly (project into basis B)
  • Requires evaluation of the integral
  • Represent Vp(s) as a discrete binary image, the
    visibility mask

This is the only non-trivial term!
Whats this visibility mask?
  • Its a 1 bit framebuffer that holds the image of
    blocker triangles, rendered by a spherical
    rasterizer (by hemispherical projection)
  • Its a regular grid inside the unit disk
  • Black blocked, White environment visible from p

Advantage of Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • Why not just integrate lighting Lout,p(v)
    directly, using this visibility mask?
  • SH basis function integration requires lower
    resolution visibility mask to suppress aliasing
  • If model with diffuse BRDF is static in some
    frames, the coefficients can be reused

Heres the Rendering Pipeline
  • For all vertices p to be shaded, what is
    Lout,p(v) ?
  • Visibility rasterization ? Visibility mask
  • Compute transfer vector Vp(v)
  • ?i
  • This is all done in the same discrete 2D domain
    as the visibility mask, just discrete sum of
  • Integrate over hemisphere by dot product Lout,p
    (v) Lin Vp(v)
  • Pass Lout,p (v) to GPU for rendering

  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • An Efficient Hemispherical Rasterizer

Visibility Rasterization
  • The domain of the visibility mask is a regular
    grid inside the unit disk
  • Domain of the visibility function Vp(v) is the
    unit hemisphere just drop the z coordinate to
    get to domain of visibility mask
  • Compared to single plane sampling
  • This reparameterization perfectly importance
    samples the hemisphere according to cosine
    distribution (Nussel analog)
  • Occluders near horizon arent missed
  • Compared to hemicube sampling
  • Only requires 1 pass (vs. 5)
  • No depth sorting required (visibility function
    is binary function)

Now make it efficient!
  • Whats the image of a blocker triangle in the
    visibility mask?
  • Define 3 planes for each triangle
  • Formed by v and each edge of the triangle

Pixel inside triangle test
  • Pixel belongs to the image of the triangle if
    point on the hemisphere that corresponds to that
    pixel is above all 3 planes defined by the edges

Use Lookup Tables
  • Precompute set of bitmasks for a discrete set of
  • An edge normal from the set defines a particular
    bitmask, stored in the lookup table
  • Triangle mask 3 edge bitmasks ANDed together
  • Visibility mask Vp for point p by ORing all
    blocker triangle images together

Indexing the Lookup Table
  • Cubemap the normal vectors defining the edge
  • 6 x 128 x 128 cubemap
  • For 32 x 32 bitmasks, results in 12 Mb of data
  • This resolution provides visually accurate
    results with good efficiency

  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • An Efficient Hemispherical Rasterizer
  • Results and Optimizations

Demo (and probably a better explanation)
Reduce of triangles to be rasterized
  • Mesh Hierarchy
  • Use a 2-level mesh hierarchy
  • Assume smooth lighting conditions
  • Far-away blocker triangles cast soft shadows
  • Use the low-res mesh
  • Close-by blocker triangles (one or two-ring) cast
    sharp shadows
  • Use the high-res mesh

Reduce of triangles to be rasterized
  • Hierarchical Culling
  • Group triangles together
  • Update their bounding box during animation
  • Test bounding box against tangent plane
  • Only rasterize those groups above the tangent

Reduce of triangles to be rasterized
  • Potentially Visible Sets
  • If some prior information of the animation is
    known, construct PVS for each vertex
  • Can be static or time-dependent
  • Example
  • Bottom of feet will never be visible to vertices
    on the top of the head
  • If you dont buy that, please give a demo right

  • Tests performed on pretty high-end system Dual
    3Ghz P4 Xeon

To be rasterized for visibility mask
  • Self Shadowing Previous Work
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer
  • Dynamic Transfer Vectors
  • An Efficient Hemispherical Rasterizer
  • Results and Optimizations
  • Properties and Issues

Properties and Issues
  • Scalability
  • Complexity is proportional to
  • Avg. Triangles vertices of the object
  • Assuming that the low-res mesh remains fixed, the
    cost of increasing the resolution of the high-res
    mesh is linear.
  • This means you can compute lighting for extra
    vertices at linear cost
  • But inter-object shadows increase complexity
  • Project approximation of other shadow casting
    objects onto the environment maps of the
    receiving objects

Properties and Issues
  • Per-vertex Sampling
  • Shadow artifacts
  • Creep due to undersampling
  • This problem is inherent to per vertex sampling
    and common to other techniques (such as
    per-vertex Monte-Carlo integration, radiosity, )
  • Sacrifice quality for speed

Properties and Issues
  • Accuracy of the local geometry
  • 2-level hierarchical culling introduces shadow
  • 3D distance between triangles small
  • Distance along surface is larger than 2-ring
  • They propose a more complex spatial data
    structure, but dont specify
  • Does anyone have any suggestions?

Properties and Issues
  • They compare to a GPU hemispherical rasterizer
  • We need to subdivide the triangles to render
    curved triangle edges in the hemispherical
  • 16 times as many triangles need to be rasterized
    much slower (only 0.76 FPS)
  • You dont want to do it anyway, because the GPU
    is busy rendering background geometry anyway,
    while the CPU is computes self-shadowing

  • Main contributions
  • Dynamic transfer vectors (based on static
    transfer vectors)
  • The SH basis transform gives visually accurate
    results for fairly low-res visibility masks which
    allows efficient integration
  • Efficient hemispherical rasterizer

  • Render dynamic objects with softself-shadows in
    time-varying lighting environments
  • No prior information on the animation is needed,
    although such information can be used for

  • Hemispherical Rasterization for Self-Shadowing of
    Dynamic Objects 
  • Jan Kautz, J. Lehtinen, T. Aila
  • Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on
    Rendering 2004
  • Precomputed Radiance Transfer for Real-Time
    Rendering in Dynamic, Low-Frequency Lighting
  • Peter-Pike Sloan, Jan Kautz, and John Snyder
    SIGGRAPH 2002,July, 2002

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