Title: Studies Review: 08/25/03
1Studies Review 08/25/03 09/08/03
Doug Moehs FNAL
2Stores Summary
Store Initial Lum. (E30) Delivd Lum. (nb-1) Termination Time (hr) Stack/ Unstack (mA) Comments
2943 39.7 1484 Intentional 19.1 132/115 Pbars 70.7 to HEP
2953 36 1145 Intentional 15.5 112/101 New Helix Pbars 71.7 to HEP
2975 28.36 968 Intentional 17 80/73 Lost 2 stores to Cogging 78.4 of Pbars to HEP
2977 41.7 1708 Intentional 17.7 149/134
2979 42 863 Quench 7.1 175/157 61.3 of Pbars to HEP
2985 34 1315 Intentional 17.4 134/122 2.5 MHz transfers Trans. Dampers off No MI closure
2988 35.9 828 Intentional 13.2 157/141 Trans. Dampers off TEL troubles RF1 turned off New 150 GeV optics
2997 40.7 1555 Intentional 19.5 118/101 Last store of the fiscal year Trans. Damp. Recom. 75.3 of Pbars to HEP
3Brief Study Summary
- Focused on machine studies for the last 2 weeks
- Semiparasitic studies
- whenever stacking for a store
- 10 of timeline
- Dedicated study periods separated by aprox. 16
hours. - Period 1 8-12 hours of Pbar and/or MI studies
- Period 2 8-12 hours of TeV studies
- 2 stores between study periods
- Stack and store through the weekends
- In addition to studies, over the last 2 weeks
- Approximately 140 store hours over the last two
weeks - Integrated just under 10 pb-1
4TeV Studies and Changes
- Studies
- Losses during the squeeze and at CDF
- Commissioned new high energy ramp helix
- Recommissioned transverse dampers
- Commissioned new optics at 150 GeV
- Standard maintenance studies included
- Two 36x4 stores to find a cogging problem
- Work on the TEL
- 16 Hour accesses to optimize the Fall shutdown
- Cold lift measurements
- As found measurements
5Machine Updates
- Main Injector
- Commissioned 2.5 MHz transfers along with
Antiproton Source - Measure current optics of MI-8 line
- SY120
- 8 hour shutdown Installed and tested new septa
motors - Preparation for slow resonant extraction
- Fast extraction physics run
- Slip stacking
- NuMI multi-batch acceleration
- Achieved intensities up to 2.3E13 with 5 loss
- 2.5MHz acceleration
- MI transverse dampers
6Machine Updates
- Antiproton Source
- Debuncher studies
- Reverse proton studies
- Complete set of admittance measurements
- Proton emittance growth
- Accumulator dispersion
- AP2 BPMs
- Accumulator tunes across the aperture
- measurements automated
7Automated Tune Measurement
8Machine Updates
- Recycler
- 8 hour shutdown Installed final 2 houses of new
BPMs - Commissioning new BPM system
- Commissioning Ion Clearing Current Monitors
- Old BPMs used in place of ion gauges
- Proton Source
- Cogging studies for NuMI-multibatch injection
- Turned off MiniBooNE at 0800 on September 2
- Activation in the Linac reduced by a Factor of 2
9Linac Activation Reduction Associated with
Turning off MiniBooNE
Ratio of one foot measurements on 9/7/03 and
The last bar is an average of all data points
Slide provided by Elliott McCrory