Title: Presents
1- Presents
- An introduction to Andon
- Andon Concept/Origins
- Types of Applications/Examples
- Andon Products Available
3Andon Concept/Origins
- In ancient Japan Andon was a paper lantern that
contained a candle inside.
4Andon Concept/Origins
- These lanterns were used as a flashlight, for
commercial signs and as a signaling light. - In our time Andon is a term still used for
signaling in the workplace. - Andon is the term used for a visual and/or
audible notification control tool (Jikoda) - Andon is a visual control device that shows
machine, line or process status. It is a very
useful tool in lean manufacturing systems where
the main goal is to reduce production waste in
all levels.
5Andon Concept/Origins
- The concept is that when operators have an issue
they use the Andon system to signal for help - Once activated support staff who can address the
problem should quickly respond - Andon systems vary greatly from the very basic to
hi tech solutions
6Andon Concept/Origins
- An Andon promotes visual factory and serves two
goals. - First, it enables the production personnel to
remain at their workstation when they have an
issue. - Second, it reduces response time and more
efficiently gets the support personnel to the
line where they are needed to get the line back
up and running.
7Key Learning
- It needs to be well understood that the Andon
system enables workers to stay at the line
WORKING and signal the support staff to come to
them. - Often companies may question spending money on a
system to keep a 15/hr worker in place to signal
a 50/hr engineer?
8Key Learning
- They need to look at it in terms of the value of
their operation running versus not running. - If that 15/hr employee is not working, their
value stream worth 50,000/hr is not running. - So the real question they need to answer is,
whats their uptime worth?
9Types of Applications
- An organisation may want to signal either the
same respondent i.e. team leader for different
issues or may wish to signal different
respondents for different issues. - Typically an Andon light system can be used for
this type of application
10Types of Applications
- An example of same respondent for different
Red - Line stopped team leader required now
Amber - Line slowing or will stop shortly team
leader required ASAP
Green - Line running as desired no team leader
response required
11Types of Applications
- An example of different respondents for different
Red - Line stopped Team Leader required now
Amber Quality issue - QA staff required now
Green - Line running as desired no response
White Maintenance issue - Maintenance staff
required now
12Types of Applications A Typical Example
- On the line if an operator has a problem he/she
pulls the Andon cord to signal that help is
needed - Pulling this cord lights up an overhead light
stack and sounds a tone that is specific to that
particular area
13Types of Applications A Typical Example
14Types of Applications Typical Examples
- Individual Andon Light stacks might be linked to
a central light stack that can be located in a
more visible location - Often the audible alarm is part of the central
light stack so that it does not create any OHS
15Types of Applications Typical Examples
- Typical installations can also be linked to a
timer - The timer can be used for many different reasons
- A common use is to manage TAKT times
16Types of Applications Typical Examples
- The TAKT time (cycle time) can be entered i.e. 60
mins. and the timer will count down - If the counter gets to 0 and the work areas have
completed their task and pressed the green button
the timer will automatically reset - If a red light is displayed when the timer
reaches 0 it will not reset until the problem has
been addressed and the light has been changed
back to a green - If a amber light is displayed when the timer
reaches 0 it will change to red and follow the
same process as above
17Types of Applications Advanced Example
- A more advanced Andon system includes an Andon
Board - An Andon Board is a visual control device in a
production area, typically a lighted overhead
display or board.
18Types of Applications Advanced Example
- Andon Boards can be computer screens, paper
charts, electronic boards, manual boards, LCD
screens. - They often include lights and/or sounds to
communicate the status of a process and to call
for help.
19Types of Applications Advanced Example
- Andon Boards are used to give the current status
of the production system and alert team members
to emerging problems or an abnormal situation - Sometimes the Andon board can also indicate what
type of help is needed (maintenance, team leader,
supplier etc)
20Types of Applications Advanced Example
- In a factory the Andon board needs to be located
where it can be clearly seen (often in many
locations) - For remote locations the Andon board is usually
on computer networked to everyone who needs to be
aware of the status of the processes at that
21Andon Products Available
22Andon Products Available
23Andon Products Available