Title: Budget coherence
1Budget coherence
- Jim Brumby
- Washington DC, April 9, 2003
- What are the dimensions of coherence
- Where do we see coherence failures
- What are some of the emerging mechanisms to
bolster coherence
3Understanding coherence
- What it requires
- Consistency incentives and information
- Comprehensiveness
- Substance over form
- Ability to process
- Why budget coherence is required
- Orderly provision of public resources to public
purposes through time - Requires ex ante, operational and ex post
4Traditional (economists) view of budgeting
- Allocation, distribution and stabilization
- Presumption of institutions
- Government as single entity
- All sources of funds are fungible all uses of
funds compete equally - The budget is implemented
- Aggregate constraint is real
- No role of transaction costs and distorting
5Dimensions of coherent budgeting
- Characteristics
- Intertemporal consistency (time)
- Completeness of relevant disclosure (type)
- Comprehensiveness (space)
- Relevance
- Performance
- Macroeconomic stabilization
- Financial management
- Policy outcomes
6Coherence breakdowns
- Vested interests like special treatments
- Pressure for non-sustainable finance
- Tragedy of the commons problem
- Special funds
- Mediated budget laws
- Management systems rewarding BMBs
- Hard for government to be credible at any point
because of its future power - Needs devices to tie its hands
7Developing countries problems
- Unrealistic planning and budgeting, resulting in
- Cash rationing (cash box budgeting)
- Informal systems (hidden budgeting)
- Lack of credibility (repetitive budgeting and
deferred budgeting)
8Developing countries
- Special funds
- Payment arrears
- Low effective accountability hoarders rewarded
- MTEFs with false accuracy and non-credible
estimates - Too much low quality or low relevance information
- Tendency for supermarket trolley budgeting
9Macroeconomic coherence
- Analysis of sectoral balances per Mundell-Fleming
- Overall fiscal balancerevenues-expenditures
- Govt Savingcurrent revenues-current expenditures
- Spans all levels of government
- Government performs different functions from rest
of economy - Measuring (not estimating/imputing) gross flows
of payments to/from government (i.e. cash) - Economic and functional classification (COFOG)
- Statistical approach to support analysis
11Improving macroeconomic coherence
- Steps to improve reliability or reduce costs of
failing to achieve growth (e.g. Canada) - Transparency independent review comparison
sensitivity analysis (15 OECD)
12Intertemporal issues
- Contracts exist which exceed annual focus
- Large projects
- Enduring commitments (entitlements)
- Incentives to mislead
- Implied commitments
- Explicit liabilities
- Implicit liabilities
- Contingent liabilities
13Dealing with time coherently
- One year snapshot of cash very partial
- From cash to accrual
- From less to more information, especially on
fiscal risks - Commitment to higher quality information
- From narrow to broad coverage
- Development of IBC
14Intertemporal budget constraint
- Comprehensive concept tax gap for
sustainability generational accounting CNW - CNW RNW PV(revenue-expenditure)
- Sensitivity Budget at risk models
- Period
15More intertemporal coherence
- 64 OECD countries provide some MT forward
projection of activity - A few now provide LT projections 50 years or so
- 4 countries provide pre-election outlooks
- Shift to accrual accounting
- 8 now using some accrual 5 committed to move to
full accrual budget, and 3 some additional
16Projection of fiscal pressure
Australia Intergenerational Report, Budget
17Coherent budget coverage
- Numerous devices test comprehensive coverage in
space - Decentralization
- External loans and grants
- Extra budgetary funds
- Autonomous agencies
- Tax earmarking/user charges
- Social security funds
- QFAs
- Two conflicting approaches for coverage
- Ownership control versus public purpose
18What is the coherent entity View from GFS
Public sector
Private sector
Financial corporations
Nonfinancial corporations
General government
Nonprofit Institutions Serving Households
State governments
Central government
Local governments
Social Security accounts
Extra Budgetary accounts
Budgetary accounts
19What is the coherent entity
- View from IFAC Ian Ball
- GFS does not report on all the entities under
the control of Government, and is therefore
seriously deficient as an accountability
instrument. To adopt GFS as the basis of
reporting is to facilitate the manipulation of
results through transactions with those entities
which are under the Governments control, but
outside the reporting entity.
20How can coherent budgeting support performance
- Performance and budget incentives reinforce each
other - Macro goals are clear
- Reinforced by fiscal rules
- Financial goals achieved
- Budget actually executed
- Policy delivery accountability
- Policy outcomes specified
- Outputs contracted
21Financial coherence
- Traditionally
- All cash
- Based on funds
- Trust funds
- Consolidated funds
- Based on legal authority not on economic or
financial substance - All input line item driven
- Execution report
22Financial coherence
- Migration to accruals
- Cash flow statement
- Operating statement
- Balance sheet
- IFAC standard for cash only
- A fully integrated set of accounts
23Outputs and outcomes
- Migration from PB to formal contracting
- Externally focused
- Similar in nature
- Controllable
- Comprehensive
- Measurable
- Informative
- Quantity, quality, cost, timeliness
24OECD results budgeting
- 15 publish with budget for most programs
- 6 for some
- 7 for none
- 11 in main budget document
- 5 audited
- Coherence is multidimensional
- Innovations in institutions
- Coherence requires
- Time
- Capacity
- Coherent advice