Title: New SA Folder Organization
1New SA Folder Organization
New organization allows collections to be
organized under folders and sub folders.
Folder organization is also supported in the F2
selection mode
2New Direct Connect Excel MP Commands
Measurement Plans now have direct access to read
and write to Excel!
Simple commands to control cursor position and
write methods
Use Excel to perform calculations and return
results to Measurement Plan
3Writing to Excel via Direct Connect
Click Here for this Sample MP
Use the Set Workbook Address command to set the
cursor position in Excel. Once set the user has
the option to insert or overwrite.
To write data to excel, simply choose the data
type to write and its corresponding data.
4Reading from Excel via Direct Connect
Click Here for this Sample MP
Use the read commands to bring data from Excel
into MP. This can allow for point data,
calculated results and other data to be imported.
5Using Excel Labels via Direct Connect
Excel Direct Connect can take advantage of using
MP variables and Excel Labels.
MP can write variables to corresponding Excel
labels as well as read variables from Excel
Click Here for this Sample MP
6New Measurement Backup
Measurement backup creates a separate SA file of
instruments and measurements only.
7New Add Instrument Option
8New Geometry Fit Option
New option allows for immediate fit when dialog
opens. Uncheck option for geometry fitting that
requires fit options to be modified before fit.
This option would be turned off for geometry fits
such as paraboloids and cones.
9New MP Commands
10New SA Network Analyzer
SA Network Analyzer will allow the user to
troubleshoot their network connections quickly.
Reducing lost time while on the job.
11New Relationship Fitting Tool
This option, when constrained, will allow objects
to move about the working frame origin versus the
objects centroid.
12ConstructgtgtPlanegtgtFrom Surface Faces Added
13New Point Properties Option
This option will allow the new offset to override
even if you move the instrument and cause it to
rebuild the points from the measurements.
14New/Updated MP Commands
MP now has the ability to share variables between
MP editor now supports MP execute button.
15Jump Instrument to New Location
Quick and Easy way to move to a new instrument
location due to drift or new setup
No need to shut down the instrument interface,
the existing interface is jumped to the new
16Instrument Locate Shortcuts
Right Click on any instrument to access shortcuts
for locating the instrument
17New Report Bar Persistence
All Report Bar Tabs are now saved with the SA job
and can be accessed at any time
18Generate a Quick Report from Report Tabs
Generate a report of all report tabs quickly
19Callouts supported in Report Bar
20New Picture Object
Now add SA screen shots to your report bar quick
and easy!
Right Click on a Picture object to rename or copy
to clipboard
21Report Option Enhancements
- Report options now persist
- Ability to make current settings the default
settings - Ability to push current settings to existing
22Report Options Moved
Computer specific report options are now
accessible user options.
23Center Object/Instrument in View
24New Embedded File Properties
25New MP Commands
26New Master Installer included with every SA
Delivery Kit. The installer will guide the user
through first time installation and provide all
the necessary items to have SA up and running in
no time.
- Master Installer installs
- Hardware Lock Driver
- Spatial Analyzer
- User Manual
- Performs Network/System Check
- Install appropriate Instrument Drivers
- Display Whats New and Runs SA
Download SA Master Installer
27New Add Instrument Dialog
New dialog supports customizable interface! The
user can create a My Instruments list with
their most used instruments and configuration.
The Licensed Instruments list displays
instruments for the current SA lock.
28New Sokkia Net1 Interface
- Sokkia Net1 Interface
- Supports Bluetooth
- Perimeter Scanning
- Tracking Capabilities
Sokkia Net1 Quick Start Guide Available contact
29New Laser Tracker Target Dialog
New dialog simplifies the addition of tooling
offsets to targeting.
30Delete Last Measurement for Arm and Tracker
31Separate Two Face Measurements Option
32New Surface Construction
33Enhanced Relationship Weighting
- Normalize Weighting Option
- Allows relationships with many points to be
considered as significant as those with few
points. - Additional option to also weight based on
tolerance widths. This makes tighter tolerances
more significant.
34GDT Enhancements
- New cylinder evaluation methods.
- Support for additional tooling offsets
- Multi feature measurement trapping
- Auto naming of measurements based on feature name
- Annotations highlight graphically when selected
in Treeview
35New Measurement Plan Commands
36Metris MCA Arm Now Supported!
37Add Instrument Options
Add instrument options now persist for each
instrument. Instrument Stand, Placement and Run
Interface Option.
38Enhancement Vector Group Properties
- Ability to specify Collection name
- Option to set current display settings as
default display settings - Ability to apply current display settings to
existing vector groups
39Enhancement to USMN fit process
Added a button for "Best-Fit Only". This does
the initial guess best-fit, and stops so you can
see the results before solving.
40New/Updated Measurement Plan Commands
41Enhancement to MP Reference Selection
- Supports Left Mouse Double Click for Reference
Selection - MP Editor now prevents argument self
referencing by highlighting the current field
with orange
42GDT Design Mode
New Design Mode allows user to walk through each
Datum and Feature Check, storing View and Nominal
Points .
The View and Nominal Points will be recalled
during the inspection process guiding the user
through the inspection.
43GDT Rehearse Mode
New Rehearsal Mode allows the user to simulate
the Inspection process and take measurements with
the mouse.
The Rehearse Mode will allow the user to tweak
the flow of the inspection to improve the process
for the downstream user
Use Mouse to simulate measurement!
44Colorized Mesh
New method for reporting point to surface error
See Readme for more detail
45Arm Simulation Mode
Inverse Kinematics implemented to allow for PCMM
Arm Simulation
Simulate arm movement by moving mouse. This is
useful for experimenting with a measurement/build
46MP Editor Updates
- MP Reference selection dialog now supports
resizing and remembers last size / position
information. - MP Editor now persists column sizing.
- MP Reference browser now persists column sizing.
47New MP Commands
48New MP Watcher
The MP Watcher is a debugging tool which logs the
execution of each MP step. The step highlighted
in yellow is the step waiting to be executed.
As steps are executed the results are logged.
Results can be saved in Excel or PDF format.
49New Arm Interface Start Up Option
When the arm interface is started the selected
measurement mode will automatically start.
50Instrument Status in SA TreeBar
New instrument connection status and scaling
51ASCii Import/Export Enhancements
ASCii Import/Export now supports target offsets
52New Report Options
Point Group Report Options now include Target
Vector Group and Relationships now support
coordinate components.
53Query Point to Object - Ignore Offset
Query ignores offset and can also be used as a
relationship. Relationship is noted if ignoring
54Object to Object Relationship Enhancement
55New NRK Feature Checks
NRK Feature Checks allow for graphical
annotations with Tolerance and Dimensioning.
Allowing for quick inspection of holes, part
thickness and surface comparison. Quick reports
notify user of pass/fail situations.
56New NRK Hole Check
57NRK Thickness Check
58NRK Points to Objects Check
59Frame of Reference for Watch Windows
Watch windows now support using a frame other
than the working frame. Simply right click on the
watch window and select Set Frame of Reference.
The title of the watch window will display FoR
to indicate a now working frame.
60MP Watcher Enhancements
New MP Watcher Options and Search Functionality
61(No Transcript)
62New LPT Laser Projector Interface
63Polygonalized Mesh Interface
64Rename Points using a Name Pattern
65New SA Start Up Options
Added ability to specify length/temperature units
to be used when no default template exists
66New CTE Editor
67Update Relationship Watch Window
68Level Monitor in Laser Tracker Interface
New alarm capability!
69New MP Step Comment
70Measurement Plan Updates
- Instrument Operations gtgt Auto Measure Points --
now contains "Show Dialog?" argument to cause
display of Auto Measure Dialog. - File Operations gtgt File Export gtgt Export ASCII
Points -- added additional argument for appending
to file. - Analysis Operations gtgt Relationship Operations gtgt
Make Object to Object Direction Relationship --
new command added. - Added access to arm calibration via MP,
Instrument Operations gtgt Instrument Operational
Check, enter string value "Calibrate". - MP Editor - deletion of steps that are
referenced elsewhere in the MP now produces
warning prior to deletion. - MP Editor - subroutine input argument deletion
or changing of type when referenced elsewhere in
the subroutine now produces warning prior. - MP Editor - added auto refresh of subroutine
arguments whenever a run subroutine step is
selected. Whenever possible, previous input
values will be preserved within the run
subroutine step.
71Best-Fit Points to Points Simple View
New ability to toggle between simple and advanced
72New Circle Construction
73New Measurement Plan Commands
View Readme.txt for other MP updates
74Arm Button Toggle
Arm Interface now includes a button toggle
functionality. When activated the arm buttons
have no action. This can be useful during point
layoff, reducing the chance of accidental
75New GDT Point Cloud Association
GDT Feature Inspection Auto Filter is a fast and
easy way to associate point clouds to their
respective GDT Datum or Feature.
Before Filter
Click Here for Demo Video
After Filter
- 3 Easy Steps
- Quick Align to Part
- Scan or Probe Part
- Perform Auto Filter
76GDT Measurement Profiles
When editing Annotations, a measurement profile
name can be configured for each annotation which
is transferred to the Datums or Feature check
77New Relationship Association Capability
New ability to create empty relationships. Points
and objects can be associated at any time.
Relationships now support measurement trapping
from instruments. Associate measurement as they
are taken.
78New 6 Degree of Freedom Laser Tracker Target
Capability-Offset Frames
Click Here for Video of T-Mac with Offset Frame
Leica Absolute Tracker with T-Mac
Click Here for Trans Track Demo with Leica T-Mac
79New Leica 1203 Interface
- Leica 1203 Interface
- Supports Bluetooth
- Perimeter Scanning
- Tracking Capabilities
80New NDI OptoTrak Interface
Supports NDI Laser Line Scanner and Probe
81Multiple Faro Arms on single a PC
Arm interface now supports ability to select arm
serial number if multiple arms are available.
82Added support for Faro I-Probes and V3 Scanner
Download latest SA supported Faro driver
83Updated Graphics for Leica Absolute Tracker and
84Move Collection
Added ability to move entire collection by right
clicking on Collection name and selecting move.
85New Vector and Line Functions
Construct Lines from Vectors
Reverse Vector Direction
86New Vector Colorization Options
Before Filter
After Filter
New vector colorization includes new round
blotches and tubes.
87New Performance Options
Before Filter
Use the Display Frames-Per-Second Monitor to
evaluate change with and without Hardware
Acceleration Rendering
After Filter
New performance options include the ability to
use Hardware Accelerated Rendering.
Note Installation of current Video Drivers is
required for optimal performance.
88Leica 1203 Enhancements
Before Filter
- Added Laser pointer Off/On.
- Group field now supports drop down list of
existing group names within SA. - Tracking now supports pressing Record button to
capture current position.
After Filter
89Laser Tracker Enhancements
Added Initialize command to MP operational
check command strings. (NOTE does not apply to
API trackers).
After Filter
Data Watch - Added Home button. Note that beam
auto-recovery (whether set to IFM or ADM) works
with this window as well.
90PCMM Arm Enhancements
New Geometry box added to edit the names of
geometries being sent to SA
After Filter
91New Measurement Plan Commands
Before Filter
After Filter
92SA Open Instrument Interface Enhancements
- Added ExecuteMP method to allow user to specify
an Embedded or External MP to execute. - Added Connect method to allow user to establish
an SA connection on a specified computer
(hostname or IP address). - Added IPAddress and AutoConnect properties. Set
the IPAddress property, then set AutoConnect
TRUE to perform connection to SA. - Added MPFilename, Collection, Embedded and
Execute properties. Set the desired MPFilename /
Collection / Embedded properties, then set
Execute TRUE to perform MP execution
After Filter
93New Cylinder Fits
Max Inscribed cylinder is the largest fit
cylinder bounded by the selected points.
Min Circumscribed is the smallest fit cylinder
containing all the selected points.
94New Cross Section Acquisition for Laser Trackers
and Arms.
New Laser Tracker and Arm acquisition mode allows
for Cylindrical and Cartesian Cut planes. The
two can be used simultaneously.
95New Cross Section Acquisition for Laser Trackers
and Arms.
New Laser Tracker acquisition mode. Click on the
Geometry Trigger Value to access parameters.
New Arm feature mode. Right click on the feature
mode to access parameters.
96New B-Spline Arrow Option
97Point at target quick select
98Hover Enchancement
Hover window now supports object type
Access Hover window with CTRL H
99New Arm Plane Selection Option
Adds ability to select nominal plane for arm
acquisition modes
100SA now supports Faro Renishaw Probe
101Measurement Plan Enhancements
Measurement plane is now object type aware. This
eliminates issues with identically named objects.
102New Measurement Plan Commands
103Point Cloud Auto Thinning
Before Rotation or Panning
During Rotation or Panning
Point Clouds automatically thin for quick
rendering when rotation or panning the view with
the right or left mouse button
104Auto Filter to CAD Faces
105New Geometry fit option for using probing
Planes and Circles now have an option to override
Right Hand Rule or Point On Positive Side with
Probing Direction to determine offset direction.
The override is used only when probing directions
are available in the data.
106GDT Enhancements
Auto-measure during guided inspection
Ability drag annotation along leader line by
using CTRL Left Mouse
New filter options for Feature Inspection Auto
107Tubular Surface from B-spline
108Vector Group Summary Report Updates
109Laser Tracker Interface Toolbar
New toolbar icons allow quick access to tracker
settings and measurement modes and targets
110New Measurement Plan Commands
View the Read Me File to see other Measurement
Plan Scripting Enhancements and Updates