Title: Internet Banking
1Internet Banking
2Featuring the notorious...
Luke Deakin
Steven Shiels
Liam Lydon
3There are several banks, which offer Internet
Banking, these Include
4There are also online banks, including
5Features of Internet Banking
Account Details
Transfers and Payments
Standing Orders
Direct Debits
6Advantages of Internet Banking
Easy to use
Takes away hassle of writing cheques
Fastest method of checking your balance and
7Advantages of Internet Banking
Easy to find the information youre looking for
Can be done from the comfort of your own home
Saves resources, i.e. no cheques are needed
You can pay off debts with friends and family
without having to go to a cash point
Eliminates the chance of cheques getting lost in
the post
8Disadvantages of Internet Banking
Users accounts may be open to hackers if they do
not have sufficient anti virus/firewall software
Users that are not IT literate may find it hard
to use
Encourages people to become lazy and not walk to
the bank
Some one could find out your username and
password and spend the money in your account
If the computer crashes in the middle of a
transaction it will cause trouble in finding out
whether it carried through or not
9Disadvantages of Internet Banking
Users accounts may be open to hackers if they do
not have sufficient anti virus/firewall software
Users that are not IT literate may find it hard
to use
Encourages people to become lazy and not walk to
the bank
Some one could find out your username and
password and spend the money in your account
If the computer crashes in the middle of a
transaction it will cause trouble in finding out
whether it carried through or not