Title: Employee Training and Development
1Employee Training and Development
2It is not always possible to get people with the
skills you need.
- So employers are finding an alternative approach
- Finding people that closely match what they need
and training them to be more productive
- is used to measure mental aptitudes and behaviors
required for optimum job performance
4The Achiever Can Be Completed
- On the web at www.virtualhrcenter.com
- On PC software
- On paper
5The Achiever Can Be Completed
- On the web at www.virtualhrcenter.com
- On PC software
- On paper
6The Achiever is available in
- English
- Spanish
- Braille
- Audio
7The Achiever is available in
- English
- Spanish
- Braille
- Audio
8Achiever report contains
- Narrative explaining job-related aptitudes and
behaviors - Individuals scores contrasted to desired scores
- Leadership Analysis
- Sales Analysis
- Personal Development Plan
- Behavioral Interview Questions
9Achiever report contains
- Narrative explaining job-related aptitudes and
behaviors - Individuals scores contrasted to desired scores
- Leadership Analysis
- Sales Analysis
- Personal Development Plan
- Behavioral Interview Questions
10Personal Development Plan
- Based on job person is being assessed for
- Plan is generated for areas indicating
development need - Recommends
- Actions individual can take
- Mc-Graw Hill development books
- Online soft skills courseware
- To enhance performance.
11Personal Development Plan
- Based on job person is being assessed for
- Plan is generated for areas indicating
development need - Recommends
- Actions individual can take
- Mc-Graw Hill development books
- Online soft skills courseware
- To enhance performance.
12Benefits of Development Plan
- Identification of specific training needs
- Online courseware can be obtained 24/7
- Ability to provide standardized training through
the Internet - Ability to customize training programs
13Benefits of Development Plan
- Identification of specific training needs
- Online courseware can be obtained 24/7
- Ability to provide standardized training through
the Internet - Ability to customize training programs
14Other training and development assessments
- Leadership Knowledge Challenge
- Sales Knowledge Challenge
15Other training and development assessments
- Leadership Knowledge Challenge
- Sales Knowledge Challenge
16Training and Development Assessments Cont.
- Customer Service Knowledge Challenge
- Career Competency
17Training and Development Assessments Cont.
- Customer Service Knowledge Challenge
- Career Competency
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