Title: Skills Identification in French Region
1Skills Identification in French Region
Christine Guégnard, Dublin 26 November 2004
2Skills Identification
- From National Forecast...
- Forecast workplaces in different professions
- Control the training-employment relationship
- Renunciation at the end of 70th
- Contracts of Prospective Study (CEP) in 1988
- Decentralisation transfer to regional
authorities of education responsibilities
3Skills Identification
- To Regional Needs
- Contracts of Territorial Objectives (1987)
- Regional Training Employment Observatory
- OREF Burgundy Network of 8 institutions
- initial and continuing vocational training,
- local approach,
- integration of trainees,
- qualifications development
4Skills Identification
- Contract of Objectives in Hotel-Restaurant
- Regional Council
- Rectorat Ministry of Education
- Regional Board for Labour Ministry of Labour
- OREF Burgundy
- FAFIH national funds, professional branch in
hotels-restaurants sector
5Strengths and weakenesses
- Regional Council ?
- Leadership
- Planning, optimising use of financing
- No research department, data on programmes
- Policy of administrative management
- Segmented services, absence of evaluation,
referred to an opinion of the professional branch
6Strengths and weakenesses
- Rectorat ?
- National policy implementation, Carte scolaire
- Justifying decisions regarding local data
- Research department number of trainees,
apprentices, demography, schools policy,
trainees integration (survey IVA)... - To follow pupils path in education system, in
the labour market, social demands - Absence of socio-economical indicators to justify
opening and closing training sections
7Strengths and weakenesses
- Regional Board of Labour (DRTEFP) ?
- Mediation, accompaniment
- Determining elements of analysing
- Research Department data on employment,
unemployment, turn-over... - Guarantor of institutional information (Labour
Code) - Absence of educational vocational analysis
8Strengths and weakenesses
- OREF Burgundy ?
- To analyse data on supply and demand sides,
relationship, elaborating diagnosis to support
decision making process - Skill needs identification on chronological and
comparative analysis, using CEP national, survey
among 50 firms - Richness of inter institutional analysis, not
depending defending only ones institution
opinion, expertise - Complexity, reductive analysis, low impact
9Strengths and weakenesses
- FAFIH National ?
- Control of Training (apprenticeship, lycee)
- Justifying national, sectoral choices
- Skill needs identification on CEP national,
creation of a table on employment training
relationship (adequation) - Knowlegde of professions, part of sector
- Absence of data interpreting, forgetting mobility
and individual behaviour, partly representatives
10Transfer into policy, practice
- First episode Regional Council question
- Regional Council makes an appeal to prepare
annual training programme - Vocational Center proposes cook training based on
local survey among main hotels-restaurants
revealing lack of cookers - Regional Council sollicits OREF expertise
11Transfer into policy, practice
- Second episode OREF analysis
- Half of cookers in other sectors, problem is not
- to train too many cookers but to keep them in
H-R - National regional data confirm good conditions
- of access to workplaces
- Local data indicate a need for cookers with
limited unemployment
12Transfer into policy, practice
- Third episode FAFIH analysis
- Data confirm to discourage qualifying programmes
for cookers - Regional monography indicates an excess
- Regional data indicate that lycee prepare more
qualified young people than firms need for cookers
13Transfer into policy, practice
- Fourth episode Conseil regional decision
- To not use the multi analysis by OREF
- To ratify without control FAFIH opinion
- To reinforce the links with FAFIH
14Transfer into policy, practice
- Contracts of Objective
- To confront economic actors, public decision
makers in training-employment - Instrument to improve dialog, consensus,
diagnosis - Various logics administrative, territorial,
national and sectoral
15Transfer into policy, practice
- Skill needs identification
- Analysis of quantitative, qualitative data
- Confrontation of various viewpoints
- Development of shared diagnosis
- Influence on strategy of decision makers ?
- Expertise will be the less takes into accpunt the
stronger is the combination of actors logics