Title: Esercitazione 2 Teoria del consumatore
1Esercitazione 2 Teoria del consumatore
2Esercizio 1
3part 2
Step 1 set up the Lagrangean
4 part 2
First-order conditions
Solve to get
Offer curve is a vertical line at 10a
5part 3
- Points to watch
- Use your knowledge of the shape of the
solution - For example we can get the solution to type A by
adapting part 2 - Types B-D follow by using the diagrams in Part 1
6part 3, type A
We can use the demand function from part 2.
Income is 20 now (instead of 10r) so solution
must be
Offer curve is horizontal line at 201-a
7part 3, type B
Solution must be on one or other axis unless rb
indifference curve
Offer curve is line segment with kink at x''
8part 3, type C
Solution must be on one or other axis
? g
Offer curve is blob at x' and line segment from
9part 3, type D
Solution must lie on corner of the indifference
curve where x2dx1. Using this fact and the
budget constraint x2rx120 we have
Offer curve is line through all the corners
10Esercizio 2 Rationing
Part 1 standard demand functions
11Utility maximisation
Maximise x1x2x3x4 subject to
The Lagrangean is
Differentiating, the FOC is
which implies
Ordinary demand function
Using the budget constraint we get l 4/M. So
we have
12Derive related functions
Indirect utility function
Substitute optimal demands in utility function
Cost function
Rearrange to get M as a function of u
Compensated demand function
13Ordinary elasticity
Take the ordinary demand function
Take logs and differentiate with respect to log
p1 and with respect to log pj
14Compensated elasticity
Take the compensated demand function
Again take logs and differentiate with respect to
log p1 and with respect to log pj
15Consumption and rationing
Part 2 introduce a side constraint
16Modify the problem
- x4 is now fixed at A4
- Define M' M p4 A4
- Problem is equivalent to maximising x1x2x3A4
subject to budget with adjusted income M' . - Use results from part 1 applied to 3-good economy
Errore manca A4-1/3
17Ordinary elasticity again
Take the ordinary demand function
An income effect
Take logs and differentiate with respect to log p4
Take logs and differentiate with respect to log
p1 and with respect to log pj
18Compensated elasticity again
Take the compensated demand function
Errore manca A4-1/3
Closer to 0 than before
Again take logs and differentiate
19Consumption and rationing
Part 3 more constraints
20More constraints
Reapply the method with one fewer commodity
Errore manca un pezzo contenente A4 e A3
Closer to 0 than before
Differentiate again
21Consumption and rationing
Part 4 Interpretation
- Model illustrates the comparative statics of
someone who is subject to a quota ration. - But not rich enough to determine which
commodities are consumed at a conventional
equilibrium and which will be constrained by the
ration. - Parts 2 and 3 show clearly how the compensated
demand becomes steeper the more external
constraints are imposed
22Points to remember
- Modify the problem where appropriate to get a
more tractable equivalent. - Re-use the solution to one part of the problem to
build the next.
23Esercizio 3 part 1(a)
These are easy parabolic contours
Even easier fixed money income
- First steps
- Sketch indifference curves
- Write down budget constraint
- Set out optimisation problem
24Slope is vertical here
We could have x20
25- Substitute this into the utility function
- We get the objective function
- FOC for an interior solution
26- FOC for an interior solution
- Therefore, if positive amounts of the two goods
are bought
- Otherwise x20 and we get x1 from the budget
27 28- Maximised utility gives us the indirect utility
29For case where both goods are consumed
- For the cost function use the relation uV(p,M)
30Esercizio 3 part 1(b,c)
- Method
- Use C function to write down CV
- (Equivalently use V function to write down CV)
- Check income effects
31- Compensating variation is
- But demand for good 1 has zero income effect
32Esercizio 3 part 2(a)
- Method
- Find monopolists AR from consumer demand using
part 1. - Use standard optimisation procedure
33- Aggregate demand over N consumers using part 1
- Rearrange to get AR curve
- From AR curve, price at optimum is
Price gt MC
35Esercizio 3 part 2(b)
- Method
- Aggregate the CV for each consumer to define L
- Use marginal cost and monopolists equilibrium
price to evaluate L
36- Use definition of CV with p1 c
37Esercizio 3 part 2(c)
- Method
- Add bonus B into the expression for profits
- Again use standard optimisation procedure
38- Expressed in terms of quantity
39Price MC
40Esercizio 3 Points to note
- The fact that indifference curves touch the axis
does not cause any great problem - Aggregate welfare loss is found from individual
CV - Regulation causes monopoly to behave like
competitive firm
41Esercizio 4 setting
- Sketch the indifference curves shifted
Cobb-Douglas - k is minimum consumption requirement of other
goods. - a is share of budget that goes on rice after an
amount has been set aside to buy the min
42part 1 approach
- Work out the budget constraint.
- Use the utility function to set out the
Langrangean - Find the FOCs for an interior solution
- Check whether the solution makes sense
- Find the demand functions
- Use these to get household supply function
43part 1 getting the FOC
- The budget constraint is
- px1 x2 ? y
- where
- y pR1 R2
- The Lagrangean is
- a log(x1) 1a log(x2k) l y px1
- The FOC for an interior maximum are
- a
- pl 0
- x1
- 1a
- l 0
- x2k
- y px1 x2 0
44part 1 supply function
- From the FOC
- a 1a
- px1 x2 k
- l l
- Adding these and using the budget constraint, we
have - y k 1/l
- Eliminating l in the above
- a
- x1 y k x2 ak 1a y
- p
- Supply of good 1 is given by
- S(p) R1 x1.
- Substituting in for y, we have
- a
- S(p) 1a R1 R2 k
- p
Supply increases with price if R2 gt k
45part 2
- If ak 1a y ? c nothing changes from
previous case. - Otherwise
- px1 c y
- so that
- R2 c
- x1 R1
- p