Title: Sub Procedures and Functions
1Sub Procedures and Functions
- Advanced GISWeek 2/3
- 2008 Spring
2Subroutines (or subprocedures in VB) Dont
return value
- Option Explicit manually check variable
declaration - Dim intMyNumber As Integer Dim outside Sub
- Private Sub cmdCalcualte_Click()
- intMyNumber InputBox("Input your number")
- Call SquareNumber
- End Sub
- Private Sub SquareNumber()
- lblAnswer.Caption intMyNumber intMyNumber
- End Sub
3Passing arguments to subroutines
- Private Sub SquareNumber(intNum As Double)
- lblAnswer.Caption intNum intNum
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click()
- intMyNumber InputBox (Input your _
number) - Call SquareNumber(intMyNumber)
- End Sub
4Exercise create a sub procedure with two
arguments for calculating area of a rectangle
- Private Sub Area(x as single, y as single)
- lblAnswer.Caption x y
- End Sub
- Private Sub cmdCalculate_Click() need to
declare _ width/height - width Inputbox (Input width of a square)
- height inputbox (Input height of a square)
- Call Area(width, height)
- End Sub
5Exercise finding minimum values
- Private Sub cmdSmallest_Click()
- Dim value1 as Long, value2 as Long, value3 as
Long - value1 txtOne.Text
- value2 txtTwo.Text
- value3 txtThree.Text
- Call Minimum(value1, value2, value3)
- Private Sub Minimum (min as Long, y as Long, z as
Long) - If y lt min Then
- min y
- End if
- If z lt min Then
- min z
- End If
- lblSmallest.Caption Smallest value is
min - End Sub
6ByVal or ByRef
- Parameters can be passed byVal or byRef
- byRef passes the memory location of the
argument to the subprogram instead of the
arguments value. - Allows subprogram to change
- Deafult
- byValue pass the copy of variable. If value of
copy changed, the original will not.
7What will happen if cmdClick clicked 10 times?
What if ByVal is replaced with ByRef?
- Private Sub cmdClick()
- Dim Number1 As Integer
- Number1 10Call IncrementVariable(Number1)
- MsgBox(Number1)
- End Sub
- --------------------------------------------------
----------------------- - Private Sub IncrementVariable(ByVal Number1 As
Integer)Number1 Number1 1 - End Sub
8Functions return values which determines data
type of functions
- Return a value from a function by assigning it to
the name of the function itself. Basically, the
function is treated as though it were a variable. - In slides 10, the SqureNumber sub can only change
the lblAnswer.Caption. If a function is in place
such as the follows - Option Explicit
- Dim intMyNumber As Integer
- Private Function SquareNumber(intNum As Double)
As Double - SquareNumber intNum intNum
- End Function
- Private Sub cmdCalcualte_Click()
- Dim intMyNumber As Double
- intMyNumber txtNum.Text
- lblAnswer.Caption SquareNumber(intMyNumber)
- End Sub
9Built-in Functions
- String, numeric, date and time, financial
functions. - Commonly used String functions
- LCase/UCase converts to L/U case
- Len return length of string
- Left/Right/Mid return specified number of cha.
form left/right/middle side of a string. - Replace replace one or more occurrence of a
string inside another - LTrim/RTrim/Trim removes spaces from the
beginning (end)(both ends) of a string. - InStr/InStrRev returns the position of the
first(last) occurrence of one string within
another - Join return a string created by joining a number
of substrings contained in an array.
- Commonly used functions
- Abs/Sin/Cos/Tan/Atn(arctangent)/Exp/Log/
Sqr/Sgn(sign of a number)/Rnd (random
number)/Int,Fix (integer portion of a number) - Date-current system date
- DateAdd- add specified interval to a date
- DateDiff - differ of two specified dates
11Public or Private
- Public subprocedures are declared like this
- Public Sub ltsubprocedure namegt
- Public Function ltfunction namegt As ltreturn typegt
- A public routine can be accessed throughout the
program but a private can only called in the same
Form or Module - Advantage of using Private
- use less memory, code protected within one
corner, and names used over and over
12Variable Scope
13Static statement - to preserve the values of
procedure-level variables, use Static
VariableName As data type
- used to maintain the values of variables between
calls of the procedure. - Try this
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- Static intNum As Integer
- intNum intNum 1
- MsgBox intNum
- End Sub
- Try to run these code several times, the
increment of - intNum can be shown in Static but not Dim