Title: Agenda for today
1Agenda for today
- Developmental Learning Experience
- Building from the Site Inventory
Sharing Your Developmental Leaning
Experience Inter-active forum . . . not just a
2- Institutions matter
- it is folly to think that the changes needed in
the coming years will not involve fundamental
shifts in the way institutions function,
individually and collectively. - The gap between the need to think and act
interdependently and our abilities to do so sits
at the heart of all the most difficult problems
we face today.
3If we want to develop and deepen the capacity for
connectedness at the heart of good teaching, we
must understand and resist the perverse but
powerful draw of the disconnected life (p. 36)
4Noun1. integrality - the state of being total and
complete "he read the article in its entirety"
"appalled by the totality of the destruction"
entireness, entirety, totality completeness -
the state of being complete and entire having
everything that is needed full treatment, kit and
boodle, kit and caboodle, whole caboodle, whole
kit, whole kit and boodle, whole kit and
caboodle, whole shebang, whole works, works -
everything available usually preceded by the'
"we saw the whole shebang" "a hotdog with the
works" "we took on the whole caboodle" "for 10
you get the full treatment"
5The purpose of Education is to provide an
understanding of PLACE
How many PLACE settings should I plan for?
I came in first PLACE
6- A Teaching Philosophy and Goals
- Methods to Achieve Goals
- Interconnected Learning Experiences
- Detailed Samples of Experiences
7Developmental Learning Experience
- What is the purpose of education anyway?
- What are some specific Goals you think education
should strive for? - In what ways do you think those Goals could be
achieved? - What particular example learning experience helps
others understand your thinking?
8- Final Period Review Due
- Please select from Experience 1 and One other
Experience from the list below. - Review and select one concept from Experience 1
and your choice - explain how and why the
concept(s) is meaningful to you. - Email me by attaching your responses using
Microsoft Word. - Title your email EOE 224 010/011 Period Review
2008. - Upon receipt of your work I will respond to
verify that I have received your work - Your response needs to reach me no later that
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Experience 1 Experience 2 Experience
3 Experience 4 Experience 5 Experience 6
9Course Expectations Dates to Remember
- Outline of DLE Thursday, November 20 2008
- Completed Developmental Learning
Experience Thursday, December 02 2008 - Period Reviews
- Mid-Term Period Review Thursday, October 30
2008 - Final Period Review Due Thursday, December
11, 2008
10Next meeting
- We will meet in E 210 to continue working on DLE
- Thursday, November 20, 2008