Title: LTI no 44: 27Oct00
1LTI no 44
A driver was going towards a rig along this road
to deliver some tools. He is driving a twin cab
pick-up. Time is 15.00 hrs.The Driver is alone
in the car.
2LTI no 44 27/Oct/00
Discuss in your teamWhat can go wrong on a
perfectly normal road like this one?You are the
Driver - What should you be doing?
. - What should you NOT be
3LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
A Landcruiser appeared and suddenly moved to the
wrong side of the road. It ran head-on into the
pick-up. Both drivers were severely injured. They
were flown to Salalah hospital. Their seatbelts
saved their lives. There were no
4LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
The load in the back of the pick-up was not well
secured.This 120 kg piece crashed straight
trough the back panel of the cab. If someone had
been sitting there he would probably have been
5LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
From the brake marks of the LC it is clear that
he was going very fast.This driver did NOT use
the correct breaking techniques his wheels
locked and he could NOT steer.
Locked Breakscan NOT steer!!
Always PUMP your brakes so thatyou can still
keep direction (except if you have ABS)
6LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
What caused this LTI ??- Landcruiser on the
wrong side of the road (not clear why?)- Loss of
concentration by both drivers.- Pick-up driver
NOT driving defensively.- Both drivers NOT
following the dust code (not sure) ??What can
you learn from this LTI ??- Seat belts save
lives only when you wear them.- Loads should be
tied down.- Emergency breaking PUMP, do not
lock your wheels.
7LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
Discuss in your team- Do we all know the
dust code What do I do when a dust cloud
comes towards me?? Should I enter a dust
cloud to overtake a slow car/truck ?? - Do I
always follow the dust-code?- Do you ever
practice emergency breaking do it.- How do you
keep concentrated when driving?- How often
should I stop to rest when driving long
distances?- What should a driver do when he
feels tired/sleepy ?
8LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
The Windrow
The DUST CODE when this is coming towards
youSlow down, pull over the windrow and STOP if
needed.A car could be overtaking the truck!!!
9LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
If you are still here you are TOO LATE.Move
over the windrow much much earlier
10LTI no 44 Head on collision 27/Oct/00
The DUST CODE when following a vehicleDO NOT
ENTER the dust cloud!!Do NOT OVERTAKEin
dust!!Be patient! Better late than dead.
Would YOU overtake this truck ???