Title: Rossby Wave Radiation from Tropical Cyclones
1Rossby Wave Radiation from Tropical Cyclones
- Kyle Krouse1, Adam Sobel1,2, Lorenzo Polvani1,2
1Department of Applied Physics and Applied
Mathematics 2Department of Earth and
Environmental Sciences Columbia University NE
Tropical Conference MIT Endicott House June 18,
2TCs, being vortices, radiate Rossby waves in the
presence of PV gradients
Snapshot of 850 hPa Abs. vorticity and wind from
NCEP Reanalysis, from Sobel and Bretherton (2000)
3This energy dispersion can lead to genesis of a
second TC (e.g. Frank 1982 Davidson and Hendon
TC Jelawat inducing TC Ewinar in WNP, Aug., 2000.
From Li et al, 2003
4What controls whether or to what extent wave
radiation occurs? What sets the wavelength?
5We look at this process with simple numerical
- Shallow water equations on sphere
- Mass equation forced by relaxation to specified
function of position, - he is a constant plus a Gaussian depression
time scale also Gaussian, minimum at mass sink
center (so no far-field damping of waves) - This produces a vortex we move it by forcibly
moving the mass sink at a constant velocity - Velocity and amplitude of mass sink are varied
6Westward vortex motion is necessary in order to
obtain a zonal wave train as in observations
Note U here is defined as the opposite of the
vortex translation velocity Ugt0 westward
vortex motion
7Moderate nonlinearity makes wave train more zonal
but doesnt otherwise change results much
8The linear dispersion relation for Rossby waves
explains why only westward-moving vortices radiate
In the presence of uniform background flow U,
So Ugt0 (westerly flow for stationary obstacle
resting environment viewed from reference frame
of westward-moving vortex) gives steady solution
k zonal wavenumber n meridional wavenumber
9What is U?
- Not the translation velocity of the TC
- Rather, the difference between that and the
steering flow of the waves - Either vertical or horizontal shear could provide
this difference for vertical, need steering
levels to be different
10? vs. U for n 0, 1, 2 and c 50 m/s (linear
11? vs. U for n 0, 1, 2 and c 50 m/s (nonlinear
12The prediction is that easterly vertical shear or
cyclonic horizontal shear will be necessary for
wave radiation, and that stronger shear-gt larger
PV contour
z or y
Mean zonal flow
13Implications of horizontal shear, in more
synoptic language
Monsoon trough good for wave radiation
Recurvature bad
14Easterly shear also inhibits vertical
propagation, trapping energy in troposphere (good
for our disturbances)
15Test these hypotheses using best-track data for
west Pacific, combined with NCEP Reanalysis to
define large-scale flow
- Look for cases where new TC appears to east of
old one, less than 5000 km away (threshold not
critical) - First one is mother, 2nd is daughter TC for
which daughter never forms is other - 1517 storms, 676 mothers (44), 972 others (64)
(totalgt100 because some daughters have gt1
mother string of pearls) - Look at histograms of large-scale horizontal and
vertical shear of zonal wind averaged over large
regions centered on storm (for vertical shear) or
between mother and daughter (for horizontal shear)
16- Distributions are very different, and sign of
difference is - consistent with theory
Vertical shear (850-250, opposite of
standard definition)
17- Distributions are very different, and sign of
difference is - consistent with theory
Horizontal shear at 850 hPa
18- Wavelength is unrelated to shear, in
contradiction to theory
Wavelength vs. horiz. shear vector
Wavelength mean stdev in horiz. hear vector
bins, theoretical dispersion relation
- Dynamics of stationary Rossby waves seems to
explain some basic features of multiple cyclone
events conditions under which they occur, and
zonal scale - Easterly vertical shear and cyclonic horizontal
shear are favorable, opposite unfavorable - From event to event, wavelength differences do
not seem to be explainable by differences in
shear, so other dynamics must be relevant at this
level of detail