Title: Ancient Greeks
1Ancient Greeks
2the ancient olympic games
The Ancient Olympic Games, originally referred to
as simply the Olympic Games
were a series of athletic competitions held
between various city-states of Ancient Greece
They began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and
celebrated until 393 AD.1 The prizes were olive
wreaths, palm branches and woollen ribbons.
3the events
The events were the stadion race which was a
race which measured between 180 and 240 metres,
or the length of the stadium. The actual length
of the race is unknown, since tracks found at
archaeological sites, as well as literary
evidence , provide conflicting answers.
Food, for the Greeks, had all sorts of religious
and philosophical meaning.
The Greeks, to begin with, never ate meat unless
it had been sacrificed to a god,
or had been hunted in the wild
They believed that it was wrong to kill and eat a
tame, domestic animal
without sacrificing it to the gods. Even with
vegetables, many Greeks believed
that particular foods were cleaner or dirtier
5By Georgia Bailey