Title: Functional Groups __________________________
1Exercise M.3 Name _________________________
This exercise is to be done individually. In
Exercise M.3 you will be given a set of 12 IR
spectra. For each unknown, annotate the spectrum
showing the key absorptions you used to identify
the functional groups and the compound name. Be
explicit. The list of possible compounds is on
the last page. Some compounds contain more than
one functional group. While some of the spectra
contain peaks that might fit with more than one
of the choices, there is a best choice for each
spectrum. So pay attention to details. Table
2M-1 in the lab text should be used to locate
relevant absorption bands. Choose from the
following list of functional groups amide,
amine, alcohol, alkane, alkene, alkyne, aldehyde,
carboxylic acid, nitrile, ester, arene
(aromatic), ether, acid anhydride, and
ketone. You must have annotated spectra to
receive any credit for the problem. The
annotations must also support your choice of
functional groups and compound. Since sp3 C-H
stretching is commonplace, these do not need to
be annotated. Do not try to assign every peak
just the ones necessary to pinpoint the
functional groups. A sample is shown below.
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
2Spectrum 1
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 2
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
3Spectrum 3
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 4
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
4Spectrum 5
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 6
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
5Spectrum 7
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 8
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
6Spectrum 9
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 10
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
7Spectrum 11
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
Spectrum 12
Functional Group(s) __________________________ Na
me ______________________________________
8List of possible compounds for the previous