Title: Presentacin de PowerPoint
1Teldat Security
VisorALARM MIP Alarm transmission over IP
- Product description
- Installation
- Video storage options
- Recording access and management
- Tech specs
3 Product definition
The MIP is a simple communications device that
allows the transmission of alarms, generated by a
conventional control panel, through any kind of
IP network (ADSL, cable, internet) at the same
time that keeps the standard telephone alarm
transmission as a back-up mechanism
Central Station
Alarm Panel
4 How does it work?
When the control panel dials the central station
telephone number to send an alarm, the MIP will
capture the call, read the CONTACT-ID
information from the control panel, put that
information into an IP packet and send it to the
Central Station via the internet (Cable, ADSL,
Alarm Panel
Sends the alarm
Telephone call
Sends Contact-ID
via the internet
5 And if the network is down?
The MIP will not acknowledge the alarm to the
control panel until the central station has
receive the IP alarm properly. If the IP
transmission fails, no ACK will be given to the
control panel and the control panel will then
redial. This second time, the MIP will let the
control panel make the phone call to the central
station (pass-through mode)
Central Station
Alarm Panel
6 With which control panels does the MIP work ?
The MIP supports any control panel that can be
programmed to use the CONTACT-ID protocol and
that uses a standard telephone line to send its
alarms to the central station
Alarm Panel
Note The SIA protocol will be available for
version 2.0 of the MIP.
7 MIP installation
The MIP has been designed so that it can be
mounted in the inner side of the control panels
Input telephone connection from panel
12Vdc (from panel)
Alarm input
From panel (optional)
Relay output
Ethernet connection to hub or router
Connection to telephone network
8 Communication line for the MIP
The MIP can send alarms to the central station
using any kind of always-on communication line,
such as ADSL, cable or T1 lines
9VisorALARM Central station IP receiver
10 VisorALARM Central Station IP receiver
All the alarms sent by any MIP module will be
sent to the VisorALARM receiver located at the
Central Station
VisorALARM Central Station Receiver for MIP
alarm reception
11 IP receiver installation
The VisorALARM IP receiver will send all
received IP alarms to your automation software
server via a serial connection, just as any other
of your alarm receivers
Automation Software Server (IBS, MAS, Microkey,
Dice, Bold)
Serial Connection
To internet router
12 IP receiver protocols
The VisorALARM receiver can be programmed to
emulate some of the most common receiver
protocols (Shurgard, Radionics,)
Automation Software Server (IBS, MAS, Microkey,
Dice, Bold)
Surgard or Radionics serial protocols
Serial Connection
To internet router
13 IP receiver scalability
Multiple VisorALARM modules can be set-up at the
central station, each of them using a different
IP address and acting as independent receiver
Automation Software Server (IBS, MAS, Microkey,
Dice, Bold)
Nx Ethernet
To internet router
N x Serial Connection
14Main advantages of using the MIP system
15 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( I )
1. Saves the cost of each alarm phone call By
transmitting the alarm via a flat rate always-on
network which the customer is probably using for
Internet access.
Alarms are sent through the existing high speed
internet access
Central Station
Alarm Panel
16 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( II )
2. Instant alarm transmission to the central
station Alarm transmission over most high speed
networks will take less than a second.
End-2-End delay usually less than 1 second
Central Station
Alarm Panel
17 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( III )
3. Low alarm transmission cost and high speed
allows fast and easy communication to the central
station of almost any control panel event (secure
arm/disarm, battery status, test signals )
Central Station
Fast and no-cost transmission of maintenance and
general events
18 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( IV )
4. Allows for the secure line functionality
with no extra costs The MIP is periodically
sending signals to the Central Station receiver
acting as a line supervision mechanism. If a MIP
does not communicate in time, the receiver will
automatically generate a false alarm. This
functionality allows line sabotage and line
failure detection.
Sabotage / technical alarm
Alarm Panel MIP
Line Failure / Sabotage
Central Station
19 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( V )
5. The MIP does not require a dedicated internet
line and can be placed on the same network that
is being used to surf the internet or for other
broadband services
Alarm Panel
High Speed Router
20 Main advantages of using the MIP system ( VI )
6. The MIP can be used with most of the installed
base of control panels as most panel support the
CONTACT-ID protocol The MIP can be sold to your
existing customer base as a way to improve their
security and decrease their costs, or added to
new alarm installations.
Compatible with installed base of alarm panels
Alarm Panel
21Security on the MIP alarm transmission system
22 Security on the MIP system
Alarm Encryption All the information transmitted
between the MIP and the central station receiver
is encrypted using an RC4 code.
Password protected All the information
transmitted between the MIP and the central
station receiver is encrypted using an RC4 code.
Anti-replication mechanism Each communication to
the central station receiver has a dynamic
sequential password so any alteration on the
encrypted sequence will be detected.
Note Dynamic sequential password is not
supported in beta / evaluation versions of the
MIP units.
23Frequently Asked Questions
24 MIP Frequently Asked Questions ( I )
CID The MIP module will have the same CID than
the control panel to which it is attached. That
will allow the central station to keep track of
all the secure lines and associate each of them
to the corresponding user account.
Bandwidth The MIP uses less than 64 bytes of
information in each polling or alarm
communication, thus using an insignificant
bandwidth of a regular internet line.
IP address The MIP can be setup with private
(non public) IP addresses.
25 MIP Frequently Asked Questions ( II )
Firewalls and proxies The MIP uses UDP packets
and can be programmed to work over any IP port.
Most firewalls will allow outgoing UDP traffic.
Polling period The polling period can be set
between 10 and 65000 seconds.
Control Panel Programming The MIP lets through
all incoming calls to allow the central station
access the panel for configuration and
maintenance purposes.
26 IP receiver Frequently Asked Questions ( I )
NÂș of MIP units VisorALARM receiver supports
more than 3,000 MIP units simultaneously.
IP address The VisorALARM receiver needs to be
programmed with a static public IP address.
Scalability Several VisorALARM receivers can be
installed at the Central Station (each of them
using a different IP address and serving a
different group of MIP units).
27 IP receiver Frequently Asked Questions ( II )
Receiver backup For high availability scenarios,
the VisorALARM receiver can be installed by pairs
in a Master/Slave backup configuration.
What happens if the central station internet
access goes down? The receiver is programmed
to poll a well-known highly reliable external
internet address. If that poll fails, the
receiver will not generate false technical alarms
and will wait for its connection to be
28MIP and VisorALARM technical specifications
29 MIP Technical Specifications
30 VisorALARM IP receiver Technical