Title: Hand and Finger Injuries
1Hand and Finger Injuries We are all involved in
an extremely dangerous industry! Each year a
large number of people get injured just doing
their job... In Well Engineering we have a high
percentage of incidents where people injure their
hands / fingers 2002 1 out of
2 50 2001 11 out of 19 58 2000 7 out of
16 44 statistics up to 1st March 2002
2Hand and Finger Injuries in Well Engineering
3Hand and Finger Injuries in Well Engineering
4Hand and Finger Injuries in Well Engineering
5- Hand and Finger Injuries
- We are all involved in an extremely dangerous
industry! - Our job is dangerous because
- we do a lot of manual handling
- many of the jobs are repetitive
- We make mistakes, even though
- we may have done the job many times before
- we know what we are doing
- we are doing the job we were trained to do
- We become distracted / loose concentration
- on what we are doing...
6Hand and Finger Injuries We are all involved in
an extremely dangerous industry! 96 of all
accidents are caused by people This means YOU
or the people around you! Source Dupont
7Hand and Finger Injuries We are all involved in
an extremely dangerous industry! During 2001 in
Well Engineering 16 of accidents were caused
by improper manual handling 31 of accidents
were caused by failure to follow the rules /
procedures 18 of accidents were caused by
lack of due care and attention 96 of accidents
are caused by people
8- Hand and Finger Injuries
- We are all involved in an extremely dangerous
industry! - We try and eliminate the risk of injury by
- Designing out the hazards
- Procedures / rules
- Wearing the correct PPE
- However despite having these in place we still
suffer from accidents. - WHY?
- 96 of accidents are caused by people
9- Hand and Finger Injuries
- What can we all do to improve and reduce
- the number of accidents?
- Before starting a job
- identify the hazards
- discussed the hazards in the Tool Box Talk (TBT)
- identify the correct way of doing the job
(procedures) - always follow the rules / procedures
- think - WHAT IF...?
10Hand and Finger Injuries What can we all do to
improve and reduce the number of accidents? If
there is a change to the planned job or if things
are not going according to plan. STOP If you
see someone doing something wrong. STOP
11Ask Yourself Would you ask a member of your
family to put their hands where you are planning
to put yours? Think Again should you be
putting your hands there? Remember In the
battle between Steel and Flesh Flesh has never
won! ? Look after yourself ? Look after the
people around you ? Look after the world you live
12Hand and Finger Injuries What can we all do to
improve and reduce the number of
accidents? Discuss the hands and finger injuries
that occur in your operation. Discuss what YOU
can all do to help make your workplace a safer
place. ? Look after yourself ? Look after the
people around you ? Look after the world you live
13Hand and Finger Injuries
An example of what you can do Colour coded
pinch points
Would this work in your operation?
14Hand and Finger Injuries - Colour coded pinch
Would this work in your operation?
15Hand and Finger Injuries We are all involved in
an extremely dangerous industry! Each year a
large number of people get injured just doing
their job... Additional Pictures All these
injuries occurred in the oil industry although
not in Oman
16Hand and Finger Injuries
We all need to work together to avoid these types
of injuries
17Hand and Finger Injuries
We all need to work together to avoid these types
of injuries
18Hand and Finger Injuries
We all need to work together to avoid these types
of injuries