Title: A high key black and white conversion
1A high key black and white conversion with
Lightzone 3
2A high key black and white conversion with
Lightzone 3
by Jacek Gózdz
3Let's open an image
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5There are no default tools (I don't use them) and
'Raw Adjustments' are left unchanged
6Time for default BW conversion
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8I will brighten the image using relight tool
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10'Shadow' slider brightened the image (especially
11... while 'Detail' and 'Depth' were used to give
the image better sharpness
12Now I need to brighten the sky and some details.
I will use...
13... big radius sharpening with 'lighten' blend
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15Need some contrast and extra sharpness on the
leaves near
16I will do it using high radius sharpening (again)
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18I used a region to leave trees untouched
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20Now some final contrast with zone mapper (up to
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22And that's it!
24... and after
25Thanks for watching