Title: Solar Thermal Technologies for Seawater Desalination
1Solar Thermal Technologies for Seawater
Jenny Lindblom, Luleå Technical University, Sweden
2Seawater desalination
- 23 million m3 seawater is desalinated every day
- 46 000 m3 (0.02 ) is produced by means of
renweable energy
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5Direct Solar DesalinationSingle-effect
StillsWater production lt 6 litres/m2,day
- Active stills
- Stills with solar collectors
- Stills with solar concentrators
- Stills with waste heat
- Passive stills
- Basin stills
- Wick stills
- Greenhouse integrated stills
6Basin still with radiative cooling
- Condenser
- Packed Bed
- Cooled during night
- Evaporator
- Solar still
- Natural Convection
- Production
- 5-6 litres/m2,day
7Greenhouse-Integrated Stills
- Solar still
- Roof-integrated
- Only partly light-transparent
- Greenhouse
- Lowered temperature
- Less water demand
- Production
- 1 litre/m2,day
8Direct Solar DesalinationMulti-effect
StillsWater production lt 20 litres/m2,day
- Still with preheating of feed water
9Double-glazed still with preheating
- Feed water
- Serpentine tube
- Tilted wick
- Air
- Humidified over tilted wick
- Condenses on serpentine tubes
- Production
- 1 litre/m2,day
10Direct Solar Desalination Humidification -
Dehumidification Water production 1 - 20
- HD with open-air cycle
- HD with step-wise humidification
11 HD with open-air cycle
- Humidification
- Water heating by solar collector
- Dehumidification
- Ambient air
- Production
- 6 litres/m2,day
12HD with Stepwise Humidification
- Humidification
- Air is warmed and humidified in several steps
- Dehumidification
- Warm air condenses on incoming air and water
13HD with Stepwise Humidification
- 1st step
- Heating from 25C to 50C
- Humidified to saturation (20 g/kg), temperature
decreases to 23C - 15th step
- Heating from 58C to 78C
- Humidified to saturation (148 g/kg), temperature
decreases to 60C
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16Indirect Solar DesalinationMulti-EffectWater
production gt 100 m3/day
- Seawater evaporates stepwise by heat transfer
from tubes with condensing steam - Primary steam source is produced externally
17Indirect Solar DesalinationMulti-Stage
FlashWater production gt 100 m3/dayGlobal
water production ? 10 million m3/day
- Heated seawater is flash-evaporated in
low-pressure chamber
18Indirect Solar DesalinationSalinity-gradient
Solar Ponds
- Utilization
- Heat storage
- Steam generation
- 3 zones
- Upper convective
- Gradient
- Lower convective
19Indirect Solar DesalinationParabolic trough
- Reflector concentrates sun irradiation up to 60
times - Used for steam production