Title: Bobbie Williams
1Human Skeleton
- The skeleton is the name given to a collection of
bones that holds our body up. Our skeleton is
very important. It does three major jobs - It protects our vital organs such as the brain,
the heart and the lungs. - It gives us the shape that we have. Without our
skeleton, we would just be a blob of blood and
tissue laying on the floor. - 3. It allows us to move. Our muscles are attached
to our bones, so when our muscles move, they move
the bones and we move.
3- The skeleton has two main parts the axial
skeleton and the appendicular skeleton.
Axial Skeleton consists of the skull, the spine,
the ribs and the sternum. It includes a total of
80 bones.
The appendicaular skeleton includes two limb
girdles the shoulder and the pelvis and their
attached limb bones. It includes a total of 126
Click here to see picture of the axial and
appendicular skeleton!
4How many bones do we have?
- When a baby is born its body contains 300
bones. Most of these are not hard and sturdy
like the bones in the adult skeleton. Baby bones
are made of a material called cartilage. It is
soft and flexible, kind of like your ear lobes
and nose. Over the course of childhood, the
cartilage-like bones slowly harden. During
puberty some bones start to grow together to
produce 206 adult bones. Its not until we reach
17-21 years of age that the cartilage completely
hardens into bone. Once it has hardened, bones
will no longer grow.
5What are bones made of?
- Bones in our body are very much alive. They
have their own nerves and blood vessels and they
do various jobs, such as storing the bodies
minerals. Calcium is the building blocks of
bones. Milk and milk products such as cheese,
and yogurt are good sources of calcium and should
be part of our daily diet.
6How do bones work?
The bones in our body do not work on their own.
They join together to form joints. The end of
each bone is covered by a tough, smooth shiny
substance called cartilage. The cartilage
covered bone ends are kept apart by a thin film
of slippery fluid that works like oil in a car.
This is so your bones do not scrape and bump
against each other when you move. Our bones are
held together by stretchy bands called ligaments.
7Interesting Facts -The human hand has 27 bones
your face has 14! - Your thigh bone, the femur
is the longest bone in our body-- it's about ¼ of
your height. The smallest is the stirrup bone
in the ear which measures 1/10 of an inch.
-Humans and giraffes have the same number of
bones in their necks! Giraffe neck vertebrae are
just much, much longer! -You have over 230
moveable and semi-moveable joints in your body.
-Every 24 hours our body grows 40 yards of
hair -The human body release ½ a pint of sweat in
the course of a single day -Every morning when we
wake up we see a new world. The first time we
open our eyes the top layer of vision receptors
is simple scorched away.
8To learn more Check out the links below
Skeleton Worksheet Human Bones Matching
Quiz Skeleton Williams Link Page