Title: Geospatial Technology In Utah
1Geospatial TechnologyIn Utah
- Bet Granberg
- Dennis Goreham
- gis.utah.gov
- April 9, 2008
2About AGRC
- Department of Technology Services
- Division of Integrated Technology
- Automated Geographic Reference Center
- Staff
- 16 full time employees with 4-6 interns
- Software
- Image Server, Server, Desktop, and SDE
- AGRC Business Model
- Appropriation, Enterprise resources
coordination - Cost Recovery, Contracted projects training
3About AGRC, cont.
- AGRC Responsibilities
- Charged by CIO to facilitate implementation of an
enterprise approach to geospatial technologies - Enterprise Geospatial Focus Areas Across
sectors - Data
- Provide stewardship, maintenance, and access for
Utahs State Geographic Information Database
(SGID) - Services
- SGID Database Server (ArcSDE)
- SGID Imagery Server (ImageServer)
- Application Server (ArcGIS Server)
- Governance
- GIS Advisory Committee
- Awareness
- Coordination, Promotion
4History of Utah Geospatial Infrastructure
1978 Recommendations to create SGID 1981 AGRC
created 1987 GISAC established 1991 SGID
created in statute 1991 UGIC created and held
first conference 1998 Data Sharing Agreement
signed by Gov. 2001 Framework Implementation
Plan completed 2008 Utah Geospatial
Infrastructure Strategic Plan
5SGID GIS Data25 Thematic Categories, 350 Data
- Political
- Recreation
- Reference
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Wilderness
- Energy
- Environmental
- Demographics
- Vegetation
- Wildlife
- Administrative Boundaries
- Climate
- Parcels
- Cultural Features
- Geography
- Geology
- Hydrology
- Indices
- Land Cover
GIS Users Federal State County City Tribes Private
6SGID GIS Data25 Thematic Categories, 350 Data
- Political
- Recreation
- Reference
- Transportation
- Utilities
- Wilderness
- Energy
- Environmental
- Demographics
- Vegetation
- Wildlife
- Administrative Boundaries
- Climate
- Parcels
- Cultural Features
- Geography
- Geology
- Hydrology
- Indices
- Land Cover
GIS Users Federal State County City Tribes Private
7SGID GIS DataPoints of Interest
- State-owned asset, freely accessible
- Multi-level agency partnership
- Contains public and secured data
- Future Direction
- Centralized ? Decentralized, federated
- Data standards implementation
- Archive data
8UGI Vision
The Utah Geospatial Infrastructure (UGI) is a
partnership of the Utah geospatial community that
delivers robust map-based information and
services to citizens, businesses and government
to enhance the safety, economy, environment, and
quality of life in Utah.
9UGI Definition
- The Utah Geospatial Infrastructure (UGI) is a
collaborative effort, both formal and informal,
among the entire GIS community in Utah, including
federal, state, tribal, and local governments,
businesses, colleges and universities, schools,
local service districts, and non-profit
organizations. - The UGI has both a technical component,
consisting of data, software, networks, and
services that facilitate widespread use of
geographic information and a human element,
consisting of associations, agencies, and
policies that foster collaboration within the GIS
community and cooperation with policy makers and
the public. - This infrastructure is necessary to acquire,
process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve
spatial data and services for the long-term
benefit of all citizens of Utah.
10UGI Strategic Goals
- Collaboratively maintained statewide data
resources are usable, dependable, and relevant. - Services are effective, accessible and reliable.
- Operational efficiencies are achieved through
effective organization and communication. - Decision makers at all levels understand the
value of building the UGI and the benefit of
utilizing it to respond to needs and
11Enterprise Services - Data
- SGID Database Server
- ArcGIS Server Geodata Services
- ArcGIS clients connect to 350
- layers of vector GIS Data
- Others, connect via Web Services
- http//gis.utah.gov
- Download 350 layers
- of GIS data in file-based
- formats (.shp fgdb)
ArcGIS Server (SDE)
12Insert Vector Data Slideshow here
- Show GIS data
- Counties, munis, sales tax transit tax,
streets, parcels, schools, ownership
13Image ServerArcGIS, CAD clients
Enterprise Services - Data
14Aerial Photography (DOQ 1m)
Image Server Services
15Aerial Photography (1m NAIP)
Image Server Services
16Aerial Photography (HRO 1ft)
Image Server Services
17Color Infrared (1m)
Image Server Services
18Satellite Imagery (LandSat w/ terrain)
Image Server Services
19Geology Base Maps
Image Server Services
20USGS Quads (24K DRGs)
Image Server Services
21LIDAR Elevation (2m)
Image Server Services
221 meter black and white DOQ
231 meter natural color NAIP
241 foot natural color Urban Area Ortho-Imagery
25High Resolution Imagery AcquisitionEconomies of
If each county had done imagery independently
(15,381 sq miles) Total 2,215,780 through
coordinated effort Total 1,429,860 Municipal
ities total cost bought separately (1,490 sq
miles) Total 1,123,464 through coordinated
effort Total 108,301
26GIS Analysis Examples
- Relational Database - Queries, Stats
- Spatial Queries
- Where is x
- What is at
- Overlay and Proximity Analyses
- Cartography/ Visualization
- Address Location Intl Trade
- Data Integration MV Waste Wells
- Modeling - Solar
- Application Development
27Solar Radiation (Watt Hours, direct diffuse)
28(No Transcript)
29Location X
GIS FacilitatesData Integration
Municipal Boundaries
Location can be used as the central organizing
principle for data in multiple databasesMost
government data relates to a location, or an
individual / entity that has an address location
School Districts
Census Blocks
Property Boundaries
County Boundaries
HazMat Sites
Population Density
Aerial Imagery
30Integrated AnalysisClosing MV Waste Disposal
- State Databases of Business
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Workforce Services
- Tax Commission
- Select North American Industry Classification
System (NAICS) Codes of Interest - Geocode Addresses of Interest to
- Overlay SWPZs to Prioritize Inspections
31(No Transcript)
32Businesses with MVWDW Suspect NAICS Codes
33Drinking Water Source Protection Zones
34Prioritized Businesses For MVWDW Inspections
35Enterprise Services - Applications
- ArcGIS Server
- Interactive Web Mapping Applications
- Display and Query
- Editing, Geoprocessing
- Web Services package geospatial functionality
into toolsets for application developers - Geocoding
- Linear Referencing
- Base Maps
- Spatial Query, Etc.
36Current AGRC Applications Development
- Dept. of Environmental Quality
- Geospatial View of DEQ regulated facilities
- DERR Migration of ArcIMS applications for
Response and Remediation Sites and Underground
Storage Sites to ArcGIS Server - Water Quality Underground Injection Control
Application (Exchange Network project) - Dept. of Agriculture
- Mobile Application for Insect Program
- SalinityProgram
- Dept. of Natural Resources
- Forestry, Fire, Sovereign Lands DNR
landownership index - Wildlife Resources Utah Biodiversity Database
and Application (Exchange Network project) - Wildlife Resources Aquatics Database
Application - Wildlife Resources Watershed Restoration
Initiative Application
37Web Services SOA
District Look Up Web Service
Validate User
Spatial Query
District Look up Logic
Increment database (Tracking)
Address Geocoder
38SOA And Web Services
- Think of it this way.
- A Service Provider
- Web Services Delivery Language (WDSL)
- A Service Registry
- Universal Description Discovery Integration
(UDDI) - A Service Requester
- SOA can be thought of as a style of information
systems architecture that enables the creation of
applications that are built by combining loosely
coupled and interoperable services
40District Look Up Web ServiceThe Request
41District Look Up Web ServiceThe Response ?
Response formatted displayed in ? client
application (map? text?)
42 43Utah GIS Portal http//gis.utah.gov(1100 reg.
users, 200K visits/month)
- One stop shopping for Utah GIS Community
- Data, Scripts, Standards
- User Agency Contacts
- Coordination GISAC, UGIC, Calendar
44 45UGI Vision
The Utah Geospatial Infrastructure (UGI) is a
partnership of the Utah geospatial community that
delivers robust map-based information and
services to citizens, businesses and government
to enhance the safety, economy, environment, and
quality of life in Utah.
46UGI Definition
- The Utah Geospatial Infrastructure (UGI) is a
collaborative effort, both formal and informal,
among the entire GIS community in Utah, including
federal, state, tribal, and local governments,
businesses, colleges and universities, schools,
local service districts, and non-profit
organizations. - The UGI has both a technical component,
consisting of data, software, networks, and
services that facilitate widespread use of
geographic information and a human element,
consisting of associations, agencies, and
policies that foster collaboration within the GIS
community and cooperation with policy makers and
the public. - This infrastructure is necessary to acquire,
process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve
spatial data and services for the long-term
benefit of all citizens of Utah.
47UGI Strategic Goals
- Collaboratively maintained statewide data
resources are usable, dependable, and relevant. - Services are effective, accessible and reliable.
- Operational efficiencies are achieved through
effective organization and communication. - Decision makers at all levels understand the
value of building the UGI and the benefit of
utilizing it to respond to needs and