Title: Machine Learning of Bridge Bidding
1Machine Learning of Bridge Bidding
By Dan Emmons Computer Systems Laboratory 2008-200
2Bridge Bidding is Hard
- Both cooperative agents and opposing agents must
be dealt with - Only partial information is available to each
player - Effectiveness of all bids cannot be evaluated
until the end of the entire bidding sequence - Multiplicity of meanings for each bid
- Some hands can be readily handled with multiple
bids while other hands can be readily handled by
no bids
3Three Necessary Parts
- A way to select bids that overcomes the
limitation of partial information - A way to evaluate a bidding scenario by counting
tricks that can be earned in play - A way to improve partnership bidding agreements
inductively to improve overall bidding through
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Double-Dummy Solver Implementation
- MTD(f) is used with a transposition table
- Two pruning extra pruning techniques
- Only check one of adjacent cards in the same hand
- Assume the player does not want to lose with a
higher card than necessary - Hash values are computed so as to hash equivalent
hand positions to the same value
Clubs K Q J Diamonds 9 7 2 Hearts 6 5 4 3
2 Spades K 9 After the club ace has been played
Clubs A K J Diamonds 9 7 2 Hearts 6 5 4 3
2 Spades K 9 After the club queen has been
7Sample Output of Implemented Solver
- North
- Clubs T 7 5 3 2
- Diamonds J
- Hearts A Q J T
- Spades T 9 7
- West East
- Clubs 6 Clubs A J 8
- Diamonds A K T 7 5 Diamonds Q 9 8
- Hearts 9 8 4 Hearts 5 3
- Spades Q J 6 2 Spades A K 8 5 4
- South
- Clubs K Q 9 4
- Diamonds 6 4 3 2
- Hearts K 7 6 2
- Spades 3
- Â
- Trick Counts for Each Declarer (North, South,
East, West) - Clubs 9 9 3 3
- Diamonds 2 2 11 11
8Current Bidding Performance
Dealer West Vulnerable None North Clubs A K
7 6 Diamonds J T 8 4 Hearts Q T 8 3 Spades
2 West East Clubs 9 8 5 4 Clubs J
2 Diamonds 9 7 6 Diamonds A Q 2 Hearts J
2 Hearts A K 9 7 6 4 Spades 8 7 6 3 Spades K
9 South Clubs Q T 3 Diamonds K 5 3 Hearts
5 Spades A Q J T 5 4 South West North East Pas
s Pass Pass 2S Pass 3H Pass 3S X 4C Pass 4S Pass 4
NT Pass 5C Pass 5H Pass 5S X Pass Pass Pass 5SX
Nonvul - South Making Exact Score 650
Dealer West Vulnerable All North Clubs A 8
4 Diamonds Q J 8 Hearts A T Spades A T 8 6
3 West East Clubs Q 5 2 Clubs J 6
3 Diamonds 6 4 3 2 Diamonds A T 9 Hearts 9 7
4 Hearts Q J 8 5 Spades J 7 2 Spades K Q
9 South Clubs K T 9 7 Diamonds K 7
5 Hearts K 6 3 2 Spades 5 4 South West North
East 4D Pass 4H X Pass Pass 4S X Pass Pass Pass
4SX Vul East Down 7 Score -2000
9Third Quarter Improvements
- Give bidding agents a more rigid framework of
rules and constraints as a basic system - Teach agents to refine their bidding system
inductively, reducing the average branching
factor of the bidding look-ahead and giving the
partner agent more information per bid - Hold IMP-scored games between refined and
unrefined bidders to verify improvement - Test a computer bidding pair against human