Title: Peaking Generation for Connecticut
1 Peaking Generation for Connecticut
Tony Marone October 14, 2009
- 200?-2007 Insufficient fast start peaking
generation resources necessary to meet local
operational requirements (LRFM) of the electric
system. - This shortage resulted in higher customer costs
and the need to operate older less efficient
units as peaking resources. - Lack of market response to build peaking assets.
- 2007 Section 50 of Public Act 07-242, An Act
Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency
directed the CT DPUC to solicit proposals to
build new peaking generation that would operate
under a cost-of-service pricing structure. - Electric distribution companies and merchant
generators were allowed to participate in a
competitive selection process.
3The Formation of GenConn
Experienced Developer/Generator Existing Sites,
Projects, Permits Completed or Queued
interconnections ISO NE FCA Qualified
Electric Distribution Company Long Relationship
with Policy Makers Strategic Realignment w/ LT
CapEx Program COS Regime Operations
UI/NRG JV Strategic Alignment Regulatory
Compliance Commercial Advantage
4CT DPUC Process
- DPUC Rules Docket established bidder and proposal
requirements along with a long-term contract
(Cfd) template. - Peaking Generation Proposals were submitted to
the DPUC on 3/3/08. - Seven competitors offered thirteen options
- Over 1800MW offered vs. DPUC claimed need of
500MW - GenConn offered four options ranging from
200-500MW - GenConn was selected to build 400MW of fast start
peaking - GenConn Option 2 (400M) consisting of 187.6MW
in Devon and 187.6MW in Middletown Ct. - Devon COD 6/1/2010
- Middletown COD 6/1/2011
6GenConn Project Structure
The United Illuminating Company
NRG Energy, Inc.
GCE Holdings LLC
LandLease and Shared Facility Agreements
Administrative Agreement
GenConn Devon LLC
GenConn Middletown LLC
Engineering Contract
ProceedsOffset RevenueRequirements
Construction Contract
CTG and Other Equipment Purchase Agreements
The Connecticut Light and Power Company
Connecticut Ratepayers
7Cfd Contract
- Revenue requirements cover fuel, capital costs,
fixed and variable OM, taxes, financing costs
and fixed return - Projects participate in ISO-NE
- Shortfall in revenues from market paid to
projects by CLP excess paid by projects to CLP
Revenue Framework
- Anticipated Financing (3/08 proposal)
- A non-recourse permanent financing back-stopped
by underwritten construction financing at the
GenConn Energy level. - Permanent financing from private placement market
with back-stop from bank market - Term for the debt to match 30-year term of the
CfD - Recourse limited to assets with no requirement of
parental support beyond equity commitments - An actual or implied investment grade rating
(i.e., Baa3/BBB- or greater) expected based on
the strong credit profile of the projects with
30-year CfD supported by rate base - An equity bridge loan to fund equity requirements
during the construction period was proposed - The global credit crisis of the fall of 2008
changed everything! - 30-year private placement rates exceeded ROE
- No underwriting available
- Very shallow market banks had limited capital
- Very few willing to lend above 50 million
- Credit risk must be investment grade
- Upfront and spreads had approximately doubled
even for investment grade deals
9Pro Forma Simplified Lending Structure
10Construction Strategy Update
- Strategy
- Leverage existing infrastructure and skilled
workforce at brownfield sites. - Maximize use of fixed price contracts.
- Leverage synergies and timing of engineering,
equipment purchases, and construction between
Devon and Middletown locations. - Maintain project scope, schedule and budget while
maximizing customer and project benefits. - Update
- 70 of Total Project Costs were fixed prior to
financing. - All major equipment supplied by vendors directly
contracted by GenConn for both facilities. - Barton Malow contracted as General Contractor.
- NRG Construction is acting as Construction
Manager, pursuant to Construction Management
Agreement (CMA). - Construction budget and schedule are on track to
meet contractual obligations and provide customer
benefits starting 6/1/2010. - GenConn preparing file its first rate case with
CT DPUC in November.
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