Nuclear Power Renaissance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Power Renaissance


... hence, your children and grandchildren will be unable to challenge siting issues ... regulator some $600,000 in cash gold coins and a ski condo to obtain the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Power Renaissance

Nuclear Power Renaissance?
  • A Look
  • at the Issues
  • Jewish Council for Public Affairs
  • New York, NY
  • June 4, 2006

Open Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Nuclear Reactors are Categorized According to
  • Characteristics of the neutron spectra (fast or
    thermal, i.e., whether the neutrons are moving
    fast or slowly when they are reabsorbed in the
    fuel used to sustain the heat-producing fission
  • The neutron-slowing (moderator) material (e.g.,
    light water, heavy water, or graphite) and
  • The fuel coolant (e.g., light water, heavy water,
    gas, or liquid metal).

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Nuclear Power Issues
  • Economics
  • Potential Contribution to the Global Warming
  • National Security Proliferation and Terrorism
  • Reactor Safety
  • Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Disposal
  • Occupational and Public Health Risks, e.g. from
    Uranium Mining and Milling

Current Status

Nuclear Power Plants (end-2005)
  • Capacity
  • (Gigawatt-electric)
  • Units (GWe)
  • U.S. 104 101
  • Worldwide 444 372
  • Nuclear Provides 16 of global
  • and 20 of U.S. electricity

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After 50 years, nuclear energy is still highly
  • Only 31 countries (16) of UN member states
    operate nuclear power plants
  • Six countries USA, France, Japan, Germany,
    Russia, and South Korea account for 75 of
    nuclear electricity produced worldwide
  • However, 22 of the last 31 nuclear plants
    connected to a grid have been in Asia
  • Historical peak of 294 operating reactors in
    Western Europe-US was reached in 1989

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To Maintain Current Global Total of 444 Nuclear
Plants Requires
  • Completion of 8 new reactors per year over the
    next 10 years, and then
  • 20 reactors per year over the following 10 years
  • Compare to current global rate 1 new plant per
    year since 1988

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A Static-to-Declining IEA Outlook for Nuclear
Worldwide nuclear capacity is projected to
increase slightly, but the share of nuclear power
in total electricity generation will decline. A
substantial amount of capacity will be added, but
this will be mostly offset by reactor
retirements. Three-quarters of existing
nuclear capacity in OECD Europe is expected to be
retired by 2030, because reactors will have
reached the end of their life or because
governments plan to phase out nuclear
power. Nuclear power generation will increase
in a number of Asian countries, notably in China,
South Korea, Japan and India.
US EIA Expects Only 6 GW of New US Nuclear
Capacity in Next 25 Years
Nuclear Revival
EIA Forecasts Nuclear Share of US Total Electric
Generation Will Decline
  • In 2030, even with a national average capacity
    factor of more than 90, nuclear power accounts
    for about 15 of total U.S. generation.
  • but
  • From 2004 to 2030, 26.4 GW of new renewable
    generating capacity is added (more than 4X

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Nuclear Economics
  • Nuclear power is a mature industry, having
    received approximately 80 billion (current
    dollars) in federal subsidies
  • Existing nuclear plants can compete favorably
    with fossil-fueled plant today because of their
    low operation and maintenance (OM) and fuel
  • New nuclear power plants are uneconomical today
    because of their high construction costs.
  • There have been no successful nuclear plant
    orders in the U.S. since 1973.

  • Source MIT Study, The
    Future of Nuclear Power, 2003, p. 42.

The economic analysis in the MIT Future of
Nuclear Power Study (2003) suggest that
  • 100/ton carbon tax would make nuclear
    competitive with a conventional central station
    coal plant
  • 200/tC would supposedly make nuclear competitive
    with gas-fired combined-cycle generation at
    sustained high natural gas prices

MIT Comparative Cost Analysis was too narrow
  • Compared nuclear costs only with large
    central-station fossil power costs, when fastest
    growing energy market segments are distributed
    on-site co-generation, end-use efficiency, and
    renewables (wind and solar), with lower average
    delivered costs.
  • MIT study did not take account of the fact that
    carbon taxes or cap and trade will also benefit
    new-technology plants featuring coal gasification
    combined cycle with carbon capture, and all forms
    of carbon-neutral distributed generation.

Factors in Addition to Generating Cost That Crimp
a Nuclear Revival
  • No approved licensed path for long-term geologic
    disposal of spent fuel
  • Added security concerns and risks in an age of
  • Proliferation concerns if advanced fuel cycles
    are used
  • Long gestation/construction period increases risk
    of market obsolescence and stranded costs
  • Uranium mining, milling, and enrichment can often
    have harmful environmental impacts

Nuclear Powers Role in Curbing Global Warming

Can Nuclear Deliver Serious Amounts of Carbon
  • Overall Goal Keep global average temp increase
    to within 2 deg. C above pre-industrialized
    levels to avert dangerous climate impacts. Apply
    seven complementary carbon-reducing approaches
    such that each displaces 1 GtC/yr in 2050,
    stabilizing atmospheric carbon concentration at
    current level.
  • We asked the question How much nuclear capacity
    would be needed to avert carbon accumulation
    sufficient to warm the atmosphere by 0.2 deg. C.
    during the second half of this century
  • To achieve this level of carbon displacement, our
    model suggests that from 2010 to 2050 the world
    would have to add 700 GWe nuclear worldwide
    (17.5 plants/year), and
  • Maintain 1100 GWe from 2050 through 2100

Hypothetical Nuclear Wedge
  • Add 700 GWe nuclear worldwide (2010-2050)
  • Maintain 700 GWe from 2050 through 2100

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Nuclear vs Carbon Reality Check
  • 0.2 degrees Celsius avoided requires almost a
    tripling of current global nuclear capacity
    within 40 years
  • 1200 nuclear power plants (plant life 40 years)
  • 15 enrichment plants (plant capacity 8 million
    separative work units/year (SWU/y)
  • plant life 40 y) 9 plants in a given year
  • 14 Yucca Mountains for 973,000 t spent fuel (SF)
    containing approximately
  • 10,000,000 kilograms of plutonium or
  • 50 reprocessing plants if all SF were to be
    reprocessed (plant capacity 800 t SF/y and
    plant life 40 y)
  • Construction of these facilities requires 2.5 -
    3 trillion dollars in capital

Comparison of Per Capita Electricity Consumed in
U.S. and CA Since 1975 US per capita energy use
has increased by 50, but California has held
roughly constant. With 37 million people in the
state, by saving 5,000 kwh/y-person, California
has avoided the equivalent of more than twenty
average-size nuclear power plants that would have
cost on the order of 50 billion.
Source California Energy Commission, 2005.i
i John Wilson, California Energy Commission,
November 2005.
California has Achieved 30 Reduction in Per
Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions While the Rest of
the U.S. has Remained Essentially Static
Curbing Global Warming is the ObjectiveNuclear
Construction Subsidies vs RD
  • Subsidizing a few noncompetitive nuclear plants
    e.g., paying the current cost difference between
    nuclear and fossil plants is economically
    inefficient. It will drain funds from more
    efficient and more cost competitive non-nuclear
    technologies, thereby slowing achievement of
    meaningful CO2 reductions and it will divert
    funds from nuclear RD that could provide a
    greater contribution to CO2 reductions in the
    longer term.
  • The best policy is to internalize all
    pollution/security/waste isolation costs through
    regulation (or a tax on emissions), e.g. by
    capping greenhouse gas emissions, and rely on the
    free market to select energy supply technologies
    in fair and open competition with demand side
    management alternatives.

  • Nuclear Power is the only existing energy
    technology that requires an international
    safeguards regime.
  • As evidenced by Iran and the two Koreas, current
    IAEA safeguards have major vulnerabilities.

Bulk Handling Facilities
  • Uranium Enrichment Plants
  • Reprocessing Plants
  • Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Plants (MOX Plants)
  • The timely warning criteria cannot be met if
    these plants are located in non-weapon states.
  • Inventory differences exceed the amount of
    material required for a nuclear explosive device.

IAEA Significant Quantities
  • Material ______________________ SQ_________
  • Direct use nuclear material
  • Pua 8 kg
  • U-233 8 kg
  • HEU (U-235 20) 25 kg
  • Indirect use nuclear material
  • U (U-235 lt 20)b 75 kg
  • (or 10 t natural U
  • or 20 t depleted U)
  • Th 20 t
  • ______________________________________ ________
  • a For Pu containing less than 80 Pu-238.
  • b Including low enriched, natural and depleted

NRDC Significant Quantity
  • Yield Technical Capability
  • (kt) Low Medium High
  • 1 3 1.5 1
  • 5 4 2.5 1.5
  • 10 5 3 2
  • 20 6 3.5 3

  • Beginning material form
    Conversion time
  • __________________________________________________
  • Pu, HEU or U-233 metal Order of days
  • PuO2, Pu(NO3)4 or other pure Pu compounds
    Order of weeks (13)a
  • HEU or U-233 oxide or other pure U compounds
  • MOX or other non-irradiated pure mixtures
  • containing Pu, U (U-233 U-235 20)
  • Pu, HEU and/or U-233 in scrap or other
  • miscellaneous impure compounds
  • Pu, HEU or U-233 in irradiated fuel
    Order of months
  • U containing lt20 U-235 and U-233 Th
    Order of months (312)
  • __________________________________________________
  • a This range is not determined by any single
    factor but the pure Pu and U compounds
  • will tend to be at the lower end of the range and
    the mixtures and scrap at the higher
  • end.
  • 1 IAEA, IAEA Safeguards Glossary, 2001 Edition,
    Paragraph 3.13.

Enrichment Plants
  • Small gas centrifuge plants can be readily
    hidden from IAEA inspectors and foreign
    intelligence forces. If a State is permitted to
    possess a safeguarded enrichment plant, it can be
    used a cover for procuring components and
    materials needed for a small clandestine plant. A
    State possessing a safeguarded centrifuge
    enrichment plant can rapidly reconfigure the
    plant to produce HEU. Also, a State may have a
    small clandestine enrichment plant. In either
    case the conversion time could be on the order of
    weeks to months depending on the number of size
    of the plant and the technology employed.

Enrichment Requirements to Obtain One SQ of HEU
  • Product ( U-235) 93.5
    93.5 93.5 93.5
  • Feed ( U-235) 0.711
    0.711 4.0 4.0
  • Tails ( U-23) 0.25 0.5 0.25
  • Enrichment Work (kg SWU) 5,422 4,021
    1,769 894
  • U feed (tonnes)
    5.057 11.02 0.622 1.144
  • Centrifuges Required to Obtain 1 SQ HEU/y1
  • 2 kg SWU/y/centrifuge (P1) 2,711
    2,011 885 447
  • 5 kg SWU/y/centrifuge (P2) 1,084
    804 354 179
  • 10 kg SWU/y/centrifuge (Russia) 542 402
    177 89
  • 40 kg SWU/y/centrifuge (URENCO) 136 101
    44 22
  • 300 kg SWU/y/centrifuge (U.S. RD) 18 13
    6 3
  • 1Individual centrifuge capacity values are from
    Marvin Miller, The Gas Centrifuge and Nuclear
    Proliferation, Appendix. 1, Table 1, in Victor
    Gilinsky, Marvin Miller, and Harmon Hubbard, A
    Fresh Examination of the Proliferation Dangers of
    Light Water Reactors (Washington, D.C. The
    Nonproliferation Policy Education Center,
    September 2004).

Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Plants
  • Commercial-size plants process up to 800 tonnes
    of spent fuel annually
  • LWR spent fuel contains 1 plutonium
  • Thus, the plant recovers 8 tonnes 8,000
    kilograms of plutonium/year
  • Accounting uncertainty is on the order of 0.5 to
    1 of throughput
  • Thus, inventory differences are
  • ? 40-80 kg Pu/year

Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing RD
  • When conducted in non-weapon states, research
    on reprocessing and transmutation related
    technologies, including those that are unlikely
    to ever be commercialized, simply train cadres of
    experts in actinide chemistry and plutonium
    metallurgy, a proliferation concern in its own
    right. The hot cells, used for on-hands research
    provide readily available facilities for
    separation of plutonium and fabrication of
    plutonium components for weapons. Thus, smaller
    reprocessing activities, and research and
    development on transmutation related technologies
    should not be permitted in non-weapon states.

The Current International Safeguards Regime Has
Major Loopholes
  • IAEA safeguards are inadequate for achieving the
    objective of timely detection of diversion of
    significant quantities of nuclear material from
    peaceful activities to the manufacture of nuclear
  • The IAEAs SQ values are technically erroneous
    and excessive.
  • The IAEAs timeliness detection goals are too
    long, and timely warning cannot be achieved if
    non-weapon states possess uranium enrichment or
    reprocessing plants.
  • Non-weapon states should not be permitted to
    possess an SQ of unirradiated direct use material
    in metal form or uranium enrichment or fuel
    reprocessing plants.

  • The civil nuclear fuel cycle in Russia,
    containing over 30,000 kilograms of separated
    plutonium from reprocessing, is a potential
    source of illicit nuclear weapon materials, and
    represents a significant risk to U.S. national

Reactor Safety
  • No core melt accident since TMI (1979)
  • One bad precursor eventdiscovery in March 2002
    of a football-size cavity in the reactor head at
    Davis-Bessiewhich possibly came within 2-6
    months of a core melt accident
  • Reactors are thought to be safer today than they
    were two to three decades ago
  • The risk of a reactor accident depends on the
    safety culture at the plant
  • The safety culture in India, Russia and China
    should be of great concern

More Nuclear Risks
  • Any Nuclear Power investment may be held hostage
    to the conduct of the worst performer -- or even
    the average performer on a bad day -- in the
    event of a nuclear accident or near-accident
    anywhere on the globe.
  • "The abiding lesson that Three Mile Island taught
    Wall Street was that a group of N.R.C.-licensed
    reactor operators, as good as any others, could
    turn a 2 billion asset into a 1 billion cleanup
    job in about 90 minutes. -- Former NRC
    Commissioner Peter Bradford

Spent Fuel and Nuclear Waste

Yucca Mountain
  • Yuccas Geologic Media
  • Leaks Like a Sieve
  • Containment of Radionuclides Relies Primarily on
    the Engineered Containers

Realizing that Yucca Mountain Leaks Badly, EPA
Corrupted the Yucca Standards
  • Gerrymandered the Compliance Boundary by
    extending it from 5 to 18 km in the direction of
    groundwater flow
  • Arbitrarily set a 10,000-year compliance period
    that would allow it to rely on man-made barriers,
    instead of the sites geologic stability, to
    contain radioactivity
  • Significantly raised the allowable level of risk
    level in the post-10,000-year period when the
    compliance period was declared unlawful. EPAs
    new proposed standard would permit estimated
    average radioactive doses so large that a woman
    today exposed at these levels over her lifetime
    would face about a 25 percent increased risk of
    dying of cancer.

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Proposals intended to slow, stop and reverse the
accumulation of spent nuclear fuel
  • reprocessing using UREX and/or pyroprocessing
  • transmutation using fast reactors

Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle
The closed fast-reactor fuel cycle for
transmutation of waste is
  • Uneconomic
  • Unreliable
  • Unsafeguardable
  • Unsafe
  • Unworkable

  • For transmutation to work every third to fifth
    reactor must be a fast reactor that will cost
    considerably more than a water-cooled thermal
    reactor, perhaps twice the cost.
  • A closed cycle with PUREX reprocessing costs more
    than an open cycle, UREX will cost more than
    PUREX and pyprocessing will likely cost more than

  • Historically, almost one-half of the worlds fast
    reactors have had serious accidents, operated
    unreliably, or were cancelled during
    construction, or shortly after becoming
  • After years of research pyroprocessing is still
    an unproven technology.

  • IAEAs Significant Quantity (SQ) value for
    plutonium, 8 kilograms, is technically erroneous
    and too large by a factor of about eight.
  • Each commercial-size fast reactors will contain
    on the order of five thousand kilograms of
    plutonium, and for each reactor the supporting
    fuel cycle will contain several times the reactor

  • The IAEAs timeliness detection goal cannot be
    met at reprocessing plants.
  • Mixtures of plutonium, neptunium-237, americium
    and curium are still direct-use weapon materials
    and are not self-protecting.
  • Leaving transuranics mixed with plutonium does
    not solve the State-threat proliferation problem.
  • Pyroprocessing RD requires hot cells and cadres
    of experts in plutonium metallurgy and actinide

  • Fast reactors have a poor safety track record.

  • In an unregulated utility industry, the U.S.
    taxpayer would have to heavily subsidize the fast
    reactors, and/or the federal government would
    have to order nuclear generating companies to
    build them.
  • The government would have to federalized the
    entire back-end of the closed fuel cycle
    including reprocessing plants.
  • This uneconomic, unreliable, unsafeguardable and
    unsafe fuel cycle would have to take place over
    100 years.

If This Is Not Bad Enough
  • Several costly reprocessing plants would need to
    be built for each geologic repository avoided.
    IAEA safeguards currently permits these
    unsafeguardable facilities to be built and
    operated in non-weapon states. The so-called
    proliferation resistant reprocessing
    technologies actually increase the proliferation
    risks relative to the once-through fuel cycle.
  • There is no evidence that the releases from the
    closed fuel cycle will have fewer health impacts
    than the health impacts due to projected releases
    from geologic repositories.

NRDCs Preferred Solution
  • Terminate proliferation risky RD on fast
    reactors and pyroprocessing.
  • Initiate a search for a second geological
    repository in the United States.
  • Improve interim dry cask storage of spent fuel at
    operating reactor sites.
  • Allow away-from-reactor spent fuel storage for
    decommissioned reactors.

Nuclear Regulation

Nuclear Regulations
  • For 25 years the U.S. Nuclear Power Industry has
    enjoyed a regulatory process of its own design.
  • The opportunities for public participation in the
    licensing process have been significantly

Public Participation!(or Lack Thereof)
  • The Nuclear Regulatory Commissions Early Site
    Permits (ESPs) will be good for 20 years and can
    be renewed for an additional 20 years.
  • Some 10 to 40 years hence, your children and
    grandchildren will be unable to challenge siting
    issues decided under ESPs or design safety issues
    decided under Construction Operating Licenses

Integrity of NRCs Licensing ProcessNRC Chairman
Promotes AP1000 before NRC License Approval
  • The top U.S. nuclear regulator vouched for
    the safety of a new Westinghouse nuclear reactor
    -- yet to be built anywhere in the world -- in a
    sales pitch to supply China's growing power
  • . . . U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Chairman Nils Diaz said the US1.5 billion (euro
    1.2 billion) AP1000 reactor made by Westinghouse
    Electric Co. is likely to receive regulatory
    approval in the next few months.
  • Associated Press, October 19, 2004

Integrity of the NRC (more)
  • The NRC permitted the sole owner of Envirocare, a
    low-level nuclear waste facility -- licensed
    through an Agreement State -- to continue to own
    the facility despite knowing that the owner paid
    the state regulator some 600,000 in cash gold
    coins and a ski condo to obtain the facility
    license and amendments to it.

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