Title: Metallic Atomic Planes and Surfaces: FCC
1Metallic Atomic Planes and Surfaces FCC
Which fcc atomic planes are expected to have
lowest surface energy, ?? Why?
Relative Surface Energies ?110 gt ?100 gt ?111
- From packing arguments only, clearly the most
close-packed planes are 111, then 100,
followed last by 110. - Following packing, must considers bonding (e.g.,
Ru(0001)), covalency and ionicity (e.g.
InSd(111)). - Metals rarely reconstruct on CP planes. Simply
relaxing redistributes itinerant e. - one rare exception is Au(110) 1x1 to 2x1 at
650K (continuously)
Finnis and Heine, 1974
2Ru(0001) Non-reconstructing Metallic Surfaces
Kr 4d7 5s1
- Ru(0001) surface is equivalent to fcc (111)
planes. - Hence, this is most-closed packed plane.
- bulk Ru(0001) has mostly non-bonding d-orbitals
- Expect no reconstruction
- Ru(0001) is stable, non-reactive substrate for
ML growth studies.
3FCC Au(110) reconstruction
(Campuzano et al, 1985)
(111) facets formed
1x1 to 2x1 surface reconstruction follows
Onsagers exact solution (solid line) for 2-D
Ising model. Argument does not depend on fact
that this is Au.
LEED intensity
4Surface structure of W(100) high-T 1x1 phase and
low-T v2 x v2 - R450
relaxed surface atoms
Related to Jahn-Teller Or Peierls distortion
unrelaxed surface atoms
5Various FCC surface adsorption sites
fcc 001
fcc 110
fcc 111
- We now can consider
- Types of molecules
- Types of bonds in molecule and surface
- Types of bonds at metal surface, e.g. dz2
Atop 4-fold hollow hcp 3-fold hollow fcc 3-fold
Also, Rate of diffusion as measured by the
diffusion coefficient increases in
order Stepped lt (100) lt (110) lt
111) Increasing diffusion coefficient Increasing
surface roughness
6Overlayer structures on fcc surfaces due to
fcc 001
v2 x v2 structures
2x2 structures
3x3 structures black and grey
Experiments, such as LEED, cannot distinguish
these cases
7Case Study CO on Ni(001)