Title: Parents, Coaches, Mentors Meeting Building on Talented Students
1Parents, Coaches, Mentors Meeting(Building on
Talented Students)
2Join our email mailing list!!
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- badgerbotsfll-request_at_madison.k12.wi.us
- Messages badgerbotsfll_at_madison.k12.wi.us
3FLL Values
- Respect each other in the spirit of teamwork.
- Behave with courtesy and compassion for others
- Honor the spirit of friendly competition
- Act with integrity
- Demonstrate gracious professionalism
- Encourage others to adopt these values
- Have FUN!!
4Gracious Professionalism
- Attitudes and behaviors are win-win
- Respect others and let that respect show in your
actions - Make a valued contribution in a pleasing manner
due to your special knowledge and skills.
5Lets go to the videos!
- Zoom FLL Promo
- Amazing Things Happen
6The Annual Challenge
- A real-world problem through a
- Robot Game
- Research Project
- Power Puzzle
7The Tournament
- Four Major Components (25 each)
- Research Presentation
- Technical Interview
- Teamwork Interview
- Robot Performance
- Badgerland FLL Regional, Nov 3rd!
8The Robot Game
- Design
- Build
- Test
- Program
- Autonomous robot to accomplish missions
9The Research Project5 minutes!!
- Conduct research into the annual theme
- Find a problem
- Create a technological or engineering solution to
the problem - Share or implement your solution in your
community - Be creative captivating inspiring
- 5 minutes Q A follows
10The approach
- The kids do the work
- Experiment to slow down the robot yes
- Build a gear box with a worm gear no
- Encourage everyone to push their limits.
- Remember to have FUN!
11Major Tasks to be Accomplished
- Research leads to project presentation
- Mission Analysis
- Building
- Programming
- Prep Operators (2)
- Quality Control
- Marketinglogo, shirts, team name
- Documentation
- Team Spirit
- Project Management
12Early meetings
- Kickoff Sept 10th Monday 545 PM
- Student folders decorate!
- Learn each others names
- Veterans build field kits laptops!!
- Rookies Training missions and project
13Parents and Mentors2-3 per team, or more
- KISS Keep It Simple, Silly
- Maintain a supportive learning environment
- Maintain group awarenessconstantly test robot
and practice the presentation. - Have a process for making decisions.
- Parents help a ton! Especially behavior!
- 4 x 8 playing field
- Multiple missions
- Robot kit (RCX vs NXT)
- Software Robolab
- Sensors
15Almost all missions are Object manipulation
- Do I really need a motor?
- Think mousetraps triggers
- Check out the hardware store!
- Training Sessions
- Quick Sheets on our website
- Veteran Teams Rookie/Veteran Pairs?
17The Tournament Day
- Morning
- Technical Judging 10 minutes
- Project Judging 5 5 minutes
- Teamwork Judging 10 minutes
- Afternoon
- Robot game judging going for points
- 3 rounds is typical, 2 1/2 minute rounds
18Funding this Endeavor
- Your fees
- 250 team fee
- 45 individual fee
- Cookie Dough Sale??
- Need committee volunteers
19Badgerland RegionalNovember 3rd
- Need Committee Members and Managers
- Food
- Volunteers
- Judges
- Pit Area etc.
- Corporate Sponsorships
20Junior First LEGO League
- Younger students
- Affordable
- Linked to the annual theme
- FUN!
- We dont manage the JFLL
21Join our email mailing list!!Spread the
- Subscribe
- send e-mail with "subscribe (no quotes)
- in the body of the message
- the Subject header is ignored
- badgerbotsfll-request_at_madison.k12.wi.us
- Messages badgerbotsfll_at_madison.k12.wi.us
22Whats now??
- Gather information and fees
- Coaches pick up documents!
- Turn in all info and fees 2 weeks, Sept 20th
23Whats next??
- Dive in and have FUN
- The kids will teach you as much as you can
absorb and more! - Keep it simple, stay positive, and practice to
maintain awareness of where your at. - Kickoff is Monday, Sept 10th, 545 PM!!
- BRING A LAPTOP and flash drives.
24(No Transcript)