Title: Using Middle Grades Student Achievement Data to Support
1Using Middle Grades Student Achievement Data to
Theoretical Teacher Quality Measures
- Robert M. CapraroMary Margaret CapraroTamara
Anthony Carter Adam P. HarbaughEmilie
NaiserChristopher Romero
Texas AM University
2Theoretical Framework
- It is important to understand the nexus of
theorized Teacher Quality Measures (TQMs) and
classroom enactments of learning goals. (Kelly
Lesh, 2000) - Applicability and interpretability of TQMs is
essential to construct development. - TQMs devoid of meaningful content expectations in
classroom enactments are meaningless to
mathematics education research.
3Genesis of our TQMs
- Adapted from Curriculum Quality Measures of AAAS
middle grades textbook analysis
- Probing understanding
- Encouraging curiosity questioning
- Providing practice
- Using representations
4A Teachers Perspective
- Emily Naiserenaiser_at_bryanisd.org
5What benefits has the project provided for me?
- Reflection on my teaching
- Time to analyze tapes and set goals
- A way to monitor growth
- A new perspective - the opportunity for you to be
a learner in your own class
6Research Questions
- Do our TQMs provide quantifiable differences on
focused, high-quality assessments and minimal
skills tests? - To what extent are the measures useful for
improving student achievement? - Can student achievement data be used to
substantiate and support the theoretical model? - 4. To what extent does teacher in-service affect
teaching practice? - 5. How do teachers represent mathematical ideas?
7Reliability Verifiability
- Quantitative rating of qualitative data was
subjected to inter- and intra-rater reliability
assessment. - Formal coding of the videos began following
achievement of 0.80 reliability.
8Development of a Coding Schema
- Video Data coded in 20 second intervals.
- Teacher assessed during each interval for each
indicator on a tripartite scale - 2 teacher met the indicator
- 1 teacher partially met the indicator
- 0 teacher did not meet the indicator
- X no opportunity to meet the indicator
9Why 20 seconds?
- We found 20 seconds was the most appropriate
partition for assessment of TQMs. - Longer intervals could lead to aggregation of
occurrences within a particular interval. - Shorter intervals provide less opportunity to
demonstrate TQM.
10Example of Coding Artifact
11Teacher Background Data
- Over two years, two 6th grade teachers were
studied Ms. H. Ms. W. - Video data were part of a larger NSF-IERI
project. - Classroom learning goal of featured lessons was
to use, interpret, and compare numbers in several
equivalent forms particularly fractions,
decimals, and percents.
- Robert M. Caprarorcapraro_at_coe.tamu.edu
13Criterion 1 Probing Understanding
- Tamara Anthony Cartertcarter_at_tamu.edu
14Theoretical Basis
- Asking more open-ended questionscan contribute
to the construction of more sophisticated
mathematical knowledge by students (Martino
Maher, 1999, p. 53-54). - Classroom experiences need to lead to the
formulation of generalizations, justification of
thinking, and the search for insights, which open
new areas of investigation (Burns, 1985).
15Probing Questioning -- Criterion
- Does the teacher facilitate engagements with
assessment questions or tasks that require
students to show, use, apply, and explain their
16Engagements via questions or tasks
- are focused on the use of the knowledge or
skills specified in the learning goals - are presented in new and unique ways.
- do not use the exact context of the learning
goals. - Illuminate commonly held student notions which
are relevant to the learning goals.
17Coding Examples
- 2 (met) Questions requiring students to apply,
explain, express, justify, interpret, describe,
predict, design, discuss positions, summarize
what they have learned, or otherwise demonstrate
understanding. Example - 1 (partially met) Questions requiring a word or
phrase answer, but that answer must require
individual creativity. - 0 (did not meet) Questions requiring only a
specific word or phrase (no individual
creativity) or a numerical answer or class time
with teacher interaction without questions.
18Criterion 2Encouraging Questioning
- Adam P. Harbaughadam-harbaugh_at_tamu.edu
19Theoretical Basis
- Teachers can foster students motivation by
stimulating curiosity or suspense. (NRC, 2001) - One of the teachers roles in the classroom is to
encourage students development of verbal
representations of mathematics through classroom
communication with peers and the teacher. (NCTM,
1991) - A persistent dialogue that elicits questions can
extend a students search for answers.
(Martinello, 1998)
20Encouraging Curiosity Questioning
- Does the teacher help to create a classroom
environment that welcomes student curiosity,
rewards creativity, encourages a spirit of
healthy questioning, and avoids dogmatism?
21Teachers can encourage curiosity and questioning
- providing opportunities for students to express
their curiosity and/or creativity. - providing occasions for students to ask
questions and guides their search for answers. - modeling the types of questions that he/she
expects students to ask. - respecting and valuing students ideas.
22Coding Examples
- Indicator The teacher respects and values
students ideas. - 2 (met) Eliciting student ideas AND providing
appropriate feedback. Example - 1 (partially met) Elicits student ideas without
giving appropriate responses. - 0 (did not meet) Does not take the opportunity
to show respect for or value students ideas
23Criterion 3Providing Practice
- Christopher Romerocromero_at_tamu.edu
24Theoretical Framework
- Wait time is essential for appropriate student
conceptualization.(Tobin, 1983) - Everyday mathematical practice reflects a higher
level of thinking than is typically accomplished
in school.(Lester, 1989) - Mathematics Practice is context specific
effective practice must be embedded in real
contexts. (Masingila, 1995)
25Appropriate Practice Providence
- requires students to generate individual ideas
strategies. - is accommodated with sufficient wait time (i.e.
at least 15 seconds). - gives each student the opportunity to
conceptualize the item before a path to the
solution or the solution itself is revealed. - efficiently handles any non-ideal,
irreconcilable classroom issues (e.g. not enough
manipulatives). - practice which requires less than 15 seconds is
likely not meaningful
26Coding Examples
- 2 (met) The teacher shows evidence of
appropriate practice. - Whole class participation
- Meaningful activity
- Example
- 1 (partially met) The teacher provides less
than appropriate practice. - Teacher singles out one student for practice
- 0 (did not meet) The teacher provides
inappropriate or no practice. - Teacher dominated reporting of previous practice
- Example
27Criterion 4Using Representations
- Mary Margaret Caprarommcapraro_at_coe.tamu.edu
28Theoretical Basis
- Representational forms are essential to teaching
mathematical ideas (NCTM, 1991, 2000). - Children do not have enough abstract thinking
ability to learn abstract mathematical
conceptions presented in words or symbols alone
(Piaget, 1952). - Goldin and Kaput (1996) postulated that the
representational forms presented by teachers
influence how students develop mathematical
understandings. - Some forms of representation have been taught
and learned as if they were the ends in
themselves. This approach limits the power and
utility of representations as tools for learning
and doing mathematics (NCTM, 2000, p.14).
29Representing Ideas Effectively
- Does the teaching include accurate and
comprehensible representations of the learning
30Teachers can represent ideas effectively by
- using two or more representations (verbal,
symbolic, pictorial, and/or manipulatives). - accurately representing relevant aspects of the
learning goal and bringing out the limitations of
the representations. - using representations as
- re-presentations of the learning goal.
31Coding Examples
- 2 (met) The teaching uses at least two
representations - (verbal, symbolic, pictorial and/or
manipulative) AND makes connections to the
mathematics being represented for the students.
Example - 1 (partially met) The teaching uses only one
representation (verbal, symbolic, pictorial
and/or manipulative) BUT does not make a
connection to mathematics being represented for
the students. - 0 (did not meet) The teacher does not take the
opportunity to use a representation in any of the
ways previously mentioned. Example
32Methodology Questions
- Probing understanding
- Encouraging curiosity questioning
- Providing practice
- Using representations
33Probing Questioning Results
- Emerging patterns
- Both teachers
- Every lesson
- All parts of lesson
- All group sizes
34Probing Questioning Descriptive Statistics
Statistically significant difference, p 0.01
Practically significant difference, Cohens d
35Ms. H. Time by
Probing Questions Ms. W
36Probing Questioning Type of Question
37Questioning and Curiosity Results
- Both teachers used the following
- Asking for student ideas, opinions, and
explanations - Working at the board under the direction of a
student - Having students share ideas with others
- Scrutinizing student ideas, opinions, and
explanations - Complimenting student work and ideas
- Revoicing or amplifying student ideas verbally
and on the board - Differences in frequency and quality of
occurrences - Reform-oriented vs. Teacher centered
38Questioning and Curiosity Results
39Time by Encouraging Curiosity Questioning
Ms. H
Ms. W
40Questioning and Curiosity Results
Asking for student ideas, opinions, and
- Ms. W
- You guys have been working hard, you've been
thinking good, and I want some of you to get a
chance now to share some of your strategies.
- Ms. H
- Raise your hand if you got 53 hundredths. Raise
your hand if you got a different answer you would
like to share.
41Questioning and Curiosity Results
Complimenting student work and ideas
- Ms. H
- Jonathan, you've got usually good ideas
- Ms. W
- I like how you used equivalent fractions. Do you
all see how he used equivalent fractions?
42Questioning and Curiosity Results
Scrutinizing student ideas, opinions, and
- Ms. H
- How come that works? You're not really
multiplying by 5. 5 over 5 is?...Yeah, the whole
number one
- Ms. W
- okay. So I heard you say something aboutso how
do you know that?
43Providing Practice -- Reflections
- Ms. W. was more consistent in her wait time
- Ms. H. provided inappropriate practice
- No quotes (of good providence) to cite
44Providing Practice Results
45Time by Providing Practice
Ms. H Ms. W
46Providing Practice -- Reflections
- Longer practice blocks maximize wait time and
encourage deeper student conceptualization - Longer practice blocks are consistent with
reformed paradigms - Practice Providence requires teacher inactivity.
47Using Representations Results
48Ms.H. Time by Representations
Ms. W.
49Representations - Ms. W.
- Use of fraction strips
- Strips are used accurately by the teacher
- They are generally comprehensible to students
since they are made by the students themselves
during a semi-structured lesson - Students understand the limitations of the hand
made versions - Students use them to explain and justify their
50Representations - Ms. H.
- Use of pattern blocks
- Blocks are used accurately/limitations not
mentioned, however, - Students use them in many tasks
- Equivalency (2 green triangles 1 blue diamond)
- Mixed numbers (2 hexagons 1 trapezoid)
- Rolling dice numerator and denominator (1-6)
- Pictorial representations (on board/paper)
- Real-world word problems (6 dogs 32 bags of
food) - Transfer to symbols (2/6 1/3)
52Internal Consistency- Number
- Cronbachs Alpha for Number
53Pre/Post Descriptives
Mean 15.3 SD 7.19 n 152
Mean 14.2 SD 6.76 n 165
54Pre-test Performance by Year
55Post-test Performance by Year
56Regression Results
Regression of Posttest on TQM Measures
R2 .382 p lt.01
57Correlation Matrix
Note. p lt . 05 p lt .001
58Data Supports the Theoretical Model
MANOVA of TQMs on Dep. Synthetic Theoretical
Model Var.
59To what extent does inservice impact practice
Regression of Longitudinal Posttest on TQM
R2 .155 p lt.01
60Contact Information
- Robert M. Capraro rcapraro_at_coe.tamu.edu
- Mary Margaret Capraro mmcapraro_at_coe.tamu.edu
- Tamara Anthony Carter tcarter_at_tamu.edu
- Adam P. Harbaugh adam-harbaugh_at_tamu.edu
- Christopher Romero cromero_at_tamu.edu
- Emily Naiser enaiser_at_bryanisd.org
- For a copy of the presentation, go to
- http//www.coe.tamu.edu/rcapraro/
- NSF-IERI Grant REC-0129398
- Improving Mathematics Teaching and Achievement
Through Professional Development