Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1Efficiency Gains from What-Flexibility in
Climate Policy An Integrated CGE Assessment
Christoph Böhringer ZEW Mannheim and University
of Heidelberg Andreas Löschel ZEW
Mannheim Thomas F. Rutherford University of
ZEW DP 04-48
1. Issues 2. Integrated Assessment
Framework 3. Model, Policy Scenario, and
Results 4. Conclusions
31. Issues
4Climate Policy Background
Stylized facts
- Rapidly growing emissions in developing
countries (China, India, etc.)
- Less rapidly growing emissions in OECD countries
- Global emission reductions necessary in the long
Key policy issues
- Nature of targets (intensity versus absolute
perhaps safety valve...) - Timing of - targets - participation (full
participation versus multi stage approach) - Equity (egalitarian, responsibility, capability,
- Comprehensive use of flexibility mechanisms
- where-flexibility (JI, CDM, ET)
- when- and what-flexibility
5Derivation of Optimal Climate Response Policies
Cost-benefit analysis How much, When, What,
Where (Who)
Uncertainty (in particular with respect to
benefits), irreversibilities
Option value theory
Risk aversion justifies precautionary principle!
Cost-effectiveness approach
- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992)
The ultimate goal of this Convention ... is to
achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas
concentrations ... to prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate
the Council believes that global average
temperatures should not exceed 2 degrees above
preindustrial levels
6Key Objectives
Policy analysis
- Long-term temperature targets and decadal rate
- Efficiency gains from what-flexibility (CO2
and CH4)
- Integrated assessment model
- In general linkage between economic model and
climate model - In specific decomposition approach to make use
of comprehensive CGE setting
for economic model (capturing e.g. initial market
- Incorporation of marginal abatement cost curves
for non-CO2 emissions
- Calibration of MACs based on bottom-up estimates
72. Integrated Assessment Framework
8Integrated Assessment Models of Climate Change
Generic structure
9Categorization of IAMs (Weyant et al. 1996)
Optimization Models
Simulation Models
- Normative derivation of optimal policy
- responses
- Descriptive evaluation of specific policy
- scenarios
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-effectiveness analysis
- Consistent (re-)actions of agents based
- on rational behavioural assumptions
- Limited level of details due dimensionality
- constraints (computational tractability)
- Example DICE (Nordhaus 1994)
- Lack of transparency/consistency
- (black box)
- (Soft-)linkages of detailed modules on
- economic, social, or bio-/geophysical
- aspects
- Example IMAGE (Rotmans 1990)
10Decomposition Motivation
Integrability constraints of mathematical
- Limitation to first-best (efficient) settings
- Poor performance in approximating the infinite
- Relaxation of integrability constraints by mixed
complementarity formulation of economic model
(Rutherford 1995)
- Precise approximation of post-terminal effects
- Incorporation of second-best settings
- Clear-cut interface between expert models from
different disciplines
- Division of work
- Sensitivity analysis on different (alternative)
sub-modules (e.g. various climate - models)
11Decomposition Technique
Climate response to anthropogenic activities
Reduced form representation of climate model
Numerical differencing of the climate model
12CH4 Abatement Options
- CH4 sources, baseline, sectors
- Marginal abatement cost CH4
- rice cultivation
- enteric fermentation
- manure management
Model integration
- Iterative re-calibration of sectoral cost
functions to include bottom-up data
133. Model, Policy Scenarios, and Results
14Model Implementation and Calibration
Key features
- Multi-sector, multi-region computable general
equilibrium (CGE) model
- emission-intensive industries (energy sectors,
agriculture, energy-intensive industries) - central geo-political regions (Europe, USA,
Africa, Asia, ) within climate policy process
- Intertemporal framework (time horizon 2100)
- CO2 and CH4 (what-flexibility)
- Reduced form representation of climate (based on
- Alternative baseline scenarios (WEC/IIASA
1998) - Baseline annual interest rate 5
- Central case assumptions
Source WEC/IIASA (1998)
15Structure of Intra-Period Economic Sub-Model
Basic features
- Mean temperature rise lt 2 C (stabilized by
2100) - Where- and when-flexibility
- What-flexibility
- CO2 only (CO2)
- CO2 and CH4 (Multigas)
- temperature target only (TTarget)
- decadal rate constraint (TRate)
Core scenarios
17Results (1)
Welfare implications (HEV in lifetime income -
- Substantial efficiency gains through
what-flexibility - Decadal rate hedging is quite expensive
18Results (2)
Global mean temperature (degree Celsius)
- Long-term temperature target temperature
decreases from 2050 onwards - Decadal rate target temperature decreases
already in initial periods
19Results (3)
CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (Tg of C eq.)
- Long-term temperature target substantial
cutbacks only in 2nd half of century - Decadal rate target early (costly) reductions
in emissions necessary
204. Conclusions
Policy insights
- Substantial gains from what-flexibility
- Precautionary decadal rate constraints rather
Methodological contributions (policy-relevant)
- Bottom-up integration of marginal abatement cost
curves (CH4)
- Decomposition (formulation of economic model as
- Incorporation of market inefficiencies
- Short-horizon vis-à-vis conventional optimization
approach - Convenient sensitivity analysis regarding
alternative climate models