Title: Digital Micromirror
Introduction to Micro-Electro-Mechanical System
Prof. Horacio D. Espinosa
Fall 2002 Time TTh 200-320
MEMS is an emerging technology that is attracting
significant attention in the engineering,
chemistry and biology communities. The NSF
(National Science Foundation) and NIH (National
Institute of Health) consider MEMS one of the
main research areas of the decade. MEMS were
successfully utilized in breakthrough
applications, such as accelerometers for air bag
deployment in automobiles, and digital mirrors
for high-resolution display.
- What will you learn in this class?
- Microfabrication techniques
- Thin film material properties (constitutive laws
and size effects) - Mechanical behavior of microstructures
- Sensing and actuation of mechanical, optical,
microfluidic devices - Case studies accelerometers, RF-switches,
micro-engines, digital mirrors, and fluidic
Digital Micromirror
Homework will be assigned on a regular basis.
There is a mid-term exam and final project. No
Email espinosa_at_northwestern.edu, Tel 7-5989,
Office L286