Title: Chapter 10 The Southern Coastlands
1Chapter 10 The Southern Coastlands
Geography 3110Geography of the US Canada
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2Regions of the United States and Canada(Figure
The Southern Coastlands
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3The Southern Coastlands(Figure 10.1)
The Southern Coastlands
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4Peninsular Florida has little in common with the
traditional South
The Southern Coastlands
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5Average Annual Low Temperature Zones (F)
The Southern Coastlands
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6Average Annual Precipitation (Legend Unavailable)
The Southern Coastlands
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7The Southern Coastlands
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The Southern Coastlands
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9Unique Agricultural Products
The Southern Coastlands
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The Southern Coastlands
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The Southern Coastlands
GEOG 3110
The Southern Coastlands
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13Winter Vegetables
The Southern Coastlands
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14Fresh and Saltwater Fish and Shellfish, and
Recreational Boating and Fishing
The Southern Coastlands
GEOG 3110
15The Everglades
The Southern Coastlands
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16The Central and Southern Florida Project for
Flood Control and Other Purposes (CSF Project)
The Southern Coastlands
GEOG 3110
17Fire Ants
The Southern Coastlands
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18Next Chapter 15California
Geography 3110Physical Geography
GEOG 3110