Title: ManUfacturability, Test, and Diagnostics for Microelectronics
1ManUfacturability, Test, and Diagnostics for
- Summer Semester 2009Dr. Bernd KoenemannProf.
Dr. Walter AnheierDr. Ajoy Palit
2About Me
- 1974 Diplom-Physiker, TU Braunschweig
- 1977 Dr. rer. nat., TU Braunschweig
- 1978-80 RWTH Aachen (ITHE, Prof. W. Engl)
- 1980-84 Honeywell, Minneapolis MN
- 1984-95 IBM, Poughkeepsie/East Fishkill NY
- 1995-99 LogicVision, San Jose CA
- 1999-02 IBM, San Jose CA
- 2002-04 Cadence Design Systems, San Jose CA
- 2004-05 Mentor Graphics, San Jose CA
- 2005- Dolce Far Niente, San Jose CA/
Bremen/Cartagena de Indias
3Web Presence and E-Mail
- Professional
- http//www.testviewz.com
- Presentations, papers
- Personal
- http//www.koenemann.org
- Photos, videos, music
- Contact
- bernd_at_koenemann.org
4Reading Material
EDA for IC System Design, Verification, And
Testing Luciano Lavagno, Grant Martin (Editor),
Lou Scheffer (Editor) Published March
2006 ISBN-10 0849379237 ISBN-13 9780849379239
5Overall Context
- Design derives implementations from
specifications - Refinements, e.g.,
- Register Transfer Level (RTL) to gate-level,
gate-level to schematic - Transformations, e.g.,
- Gate-level/schematic to physical
- Design Flow
- Collection/sequence of tools and design steps
- A complete flow derives a final implementation
from the original design intent - The final implementation is used for
manufacturing, e.g., - Layout data in GDSII format
- Test data
7Design Verification
- Design Verification validates the correctness of
the design descriptions at each design step, e.g,
by - Simulation
- Static verification
- Layout Versus Schematic (LVS)
- Physical Design Rules Check (DRC)
- Ideally, Design Verification proves that the
final implementation matches the original Design
Intent - Implementation Design Intent!
8Manufacturing Test/Silicon Verification
- Manufacturing test validates that the hardware
matches the final implementation - Hardware final implementation!
- Silicon verification validates that the hardware
operates according to the design intent - Hardware design intent!
- The logic and/or analog design structures must be
translated into geometrical shapes and layers for
mask making
Source D. Pan, University of Texas
11Full Custom Design Style
Source D. Pan, University of Texas
12Standard Cell Design Style
Source D. Pan, University of Texas
13Gate Array Design Style
Structured ASICs (hot topics nowadays) are
essentially gate array
Source D. Pan, University of Texas
14FPGA Design Style
Source D. Pan, University of Texas
15Scaling Roadmap
Source ITRS 2001
16Metal Stack
17Whats the Problem?
Perfectby design ???
Lost inTranslation
Defects !!!