Title: Functions and Architecture of Workflow System
1Functions and Architecture of Workflow System
2Role of Workflow Management Systems
- Information systems must meet a number of
requirements - IS must set up in such a way that the structure
of the business processes is clearly reflected. - There should be an integrated approach, which
also encompasses non-computerized tasks. - IS must be set up in such a way that the
structure of the business processes can easily be
modified. - The performance of a business process can be
tracked properly, so that any problems can be
discovered at an early stage. - Good workload management is crucial to achieving
effective and efficient business processes.
3Role of Workflow Management Systems
- How information systems are traditionally
structured? - Process management has not been separated from
the application software in information systems. - The process management has been hidden inside the
information system. - Little attention been paid to process structure
within the framework of traditional systems, it
has often been difficult to actually recognize
the business process. - The process contained in the system has sometimes
been incorrect or incomplete.
4Role of Workflow Management Systems
5Role of Workflow Management Systems
- Advantages--
- This makes it possible to reuse the same
functionality in more than one task. - This makes it possible to rearrange the business
process at a later stage. - In this way, it is even possible to integrate new
applications with legacy systems. - The process execution is more manageable, with
progress and bottlenecks being more easy to check.
- WFMC,1996
- Workflow Enactment Service
- Process Definition Tools
- Workflow Client Applications
- Invoked Applications
- Other Workflow Enactment Services
- Administration and Monitoring Tools
8Workflow Enactment Service
- The heart of a workflow system.
- The Enactment Service may consist of several
workflow engines. - Workflow engine
- creating new cases and removing completed ones.
- routing cases, using the interpretation of the
appropriate process definition. - submitting work items to the correct resources
(employees), based upon resource - classification.
- managing and handling triggers.
- starting up application software during the
performance of an activity. - recording historical data.
- providing a summary of the workflow.
- monitoring the consistency of the workflow.
9Process Definition Tools
- The process definition tool
- The resource classification tool
- The analysis tool
10Process Definition Tools
- Ability to establish process definitions (name,
description, date, version, components, and so
on). - Ability to model sequential, parallel, selective
and iterative routing by means of such graphic
components as the AND-split, AND-join, OR-split
and OR-join. - Version-management support (after all, there may
be several versions of the same process) . - Definition of case attributes used in the process
. - Task specification.
- Checking of the (syntactical) correctness of a
process definition and the tracing of any
omissions or inconsistencies.
11Process Definition Tools
- The following is established for each task
- name and description of the task
- task information - any instructions and
supporting information for the employee
performing the task - the requirements with respect to the resource
carrying out the task (for example, a
specification of its role and organizational
unit, or information about the separation of
functions) - the task's routing characteristics (AND-split,
AND-join, OR-split, OR-join) - the specification of any triggers required
- instructions for the workflow engine (for
example priorities, case management and resource
12Process Definition Tools
- The resource classification tool
- A list of the resource classes, often subdivided
into roles (based upon qualifications, functions
and skills) and organizational units (based upon
arrangement into teams, branches and/or
departments). - Any specific characteristics of a resource class.
- Relationship between the various resource classes
(for example, a hierarchy of roles or
organizational units).
13Process Definition Tools
- The analysis tool
- Before a workflow which has been defined can go
'into production', it is first useful to analyze
14Workflow Client Applications
- The standard worklist handler
- The standard worklist handler offers the
functionality just described. - The integrated worklist handler
- This specific worklist (customized worklist
handler) handler would contain supporting
facilities alongside the standard functionality
described above - Ex processing similar cases in batch processing
a series of successive tasks for a case
15Worklist Handler
16Invoked Applications
- Interactive application (ex. word, excel)
- Fully-automatic application (ex. calculation)
17Other Workflow Enactment Services
- A workflow system may contain several workflow
engines. - These come under the same management and use the
same workflow definitions. - Such engines are said to belong to the same
workflow domain. - However, it is also possible to link several
autonomous workflow systems with one another. - cases (or parts of cases) can be transferred
from one system to another. - This means that the Workflow Enactment Services
of each system are linked. We refer to this as
workflow interoperability.
18Administration and Monitoring Tools
- The operational management tool
- Not case-related (resource-related or
system-related) - addition or removal of staff
- input/revision of an employee's details (name,
address, telephone number, role, organizational
unit, authorization and availability). - Case-related
- inspection of the logistical state of a case
- manipulation of the logistical state of a case
due to problems and exceptional circumstances.
19Administration and Monitoring Tools
- The recording and reporting tool
- These are historical data which may be useful for
management. For example, the following
interesting performance indicators may be
distilled from the data - average completion time for a case
- average waiting time and processing time
(possibly subdivided per task) - percentage of cases completed within a fixed
standard period - average level of resource capacity utilization.
20Components of a Workflow System
21Users of a Workflow Management System
22Roles of people involved
- Workflow management system
- The Workflow Designer
- The Administrator
- The Process Analyst
- The Employee
- Applications
- database designers/programmers
- application designers/programmers
23Data in a workflow system
24Interfacing problems
- WFMC recognizes five interfaces
- Improve the exchange of data.
- Create links between servers in a simple way.
- Applications are entirely independent of the
workflow management system. - Every interface will be achieved using
Application Programming Interface (API).
25Interfacing problems (cont.)
- Interface 1
- Connect/disconnect
- Process definitions and resource classifications
- Opening, creating and saving a process
- Interface 5
- Management
- Addition of an employee
- Permission of authorization
- Execution of a process definition
- Track
- Waiting times
- Completion times
- Processing times
- Routing
- Staff utilization
Interface 4 Other Workflow Enactment Services
- Interface 2
- Connect/disconnect production of case
- Work item state summaries
- Generation of new cases
- Beginning, interruption and completion of
- Interface 3
- Application is opened from the system through
interface 3. (also can opened from the worklist
26Interfacing problems (cont.)
An application can be started by an engine and/or
from a worklist handler.
An application is called to perform a task.
If the workflow engine does not become accessible
following the execution of the Application due to
a system error, the engine and the application
will be 'out of synch.
Once the system has been corrected, the engine
will have no choice but to roll back the task.
27Interfacing problems (cont.)
- Atomicity
- Completed in full (Commit).
- Restarts from the very beginning (Rollback).
- Consistency
- The result of an activity leads to a consistent
state. - Isolation
- Tasks performed at the same time must not
influence one another. - Durability
- Task is successfully completed.
- The result must be saved.
- Completed with a commit.
28Interfacing problems (cont.)
- In the financial world, we frequently have to
pass the ACID test. - Linking two or more workflow systems, most of
the workflow management systems is not always
entirely clear what the state of a case is.
29Interoperability standards
- Interoperability specification
- Specifications for workflow modeling and workflow
description (i.e., design-time) - Specifications for runtime interoperability.
30Interoperability standards (cont.)
- Design-time
- WPDL (WFMCs Process Definition Language
)(Interface 1Process Definition Tools) - PIF (Process Interchange Format)
- Process descriptions can be exchanged
automatically without using different translators
for each pair of systems. - Process modelers
- Workflow systems
- Process repositories
- PSL (Process Specification Language ) by NIST
31Interoperability standards (cont.)
- Runtime
- Interface
- Interface 2 Workflow Client Application
- Interface 3 Invoked Application
- Interface 4 Other Workflow Enactment Service
- Standards
- OMGs jointFlow
32Required Technical Infrastructure
- Most workflow system operate within a
client/server environment. - Client
- Worklist handler
- User Interface
- Application
- Server
- Workflow engine
- Application
- Application data
33Required Technical Infrastructure
34Current Generation of Workflow Product
- Product in 2000?200 suppliers
- The number of workflow systems actually in
production is relatively limited. - Why?
- The technology is quite new.
- Resulting in limited functionality and
unsatisfactory reliability.
35Current Generation of Workflow Product
- Staffware
- Graphical Workflow Definer (GWD)
- Graphical Form Designer (GFD)
- Work Queue Manager (WQM)
- Staffware Server (SS)
- Staffware Administration Managers (SAM)
- Audit Trail (AT)
36Current Generation of Workflow Product
37Current Generation of Workflow Product
- The tasks are called steps.
- Automatic steps
- Normal steps
- Event steps
- Semantics
- Step
- OR-join/AND-split
- Wait
- AND-join/AND-split
38Current Generation of Workflow Product
- Condition
- OR-split? two choice
- Compare with Petri net
- Concepts such as AND/OR-split/join play an
important role in both types of models. - One of the core differences is the fact that the
notion of states.
39Current Generation of Workflow Product
- Problem
- Models become larger.
- Several constructs which can be modeled in terms
of Petri nets cannot be modeled in
Staffware.(external application)
40Current Generation of Workflow Product
- Figure 5.11 does not consider two additional
features - It is possible to withdraw steps.
- It is possible to model time-outs.
41Current Generation of Workflow Product
- COSAR (COmputerunterstutze SAchbearbeitung) is
produced by Software-Ley GmbH. - It is a workflow management system based upon
Petri nets. - COSA can be described as a traditional workflow
management system that closely follows the WFMC
reference model.
43COSA (cont.)
44COSA (cont.)
- 1.COSA Network Editor (CONE)
- CONE is a process definition tool for defining
and revising processes. (Figure 5.15) - 2.COSA User Editor (COUE)
- COUE is a resource classification tool for
defining roles and organizational units. (Figure
5.16) - 3.COSA MemoBox (COMB)
- COMB is a standard worklist handler for offering
and starting work items. - 4.COSA Networkstate Displayer (COND)
- COND is a graphic tool for presenting the state
of a case.
45COSA (cont.)
- 5.COSA Runtime Server (CORS)
- The CORS is a workflow enactment service which
consists of one or more engines. - 6.COSA Simulator (COSI)
- COSA offers a primitive tool for simulating
business processes. - 7.COSA Administrator (COAD)
- COAD is used to manage the workflows.
- COSA does not offer a recording and reporting
tool. - COSAs architecture can easily be mapped onto the
WFMC reference model.
- ActionWorkflowR is produced by Action
Technologies Inc., and focuses upon supporting
processes in which communication between people
and/or parties plays a major role. - Unlike COSA and Staffware, which concentrate upon
the process, ActionWorkflow centers on
coordination. - ActionWorkflow uses so-called Business Process
Maps (BPM). - Each workflow corresponds with a transaction that
passes through the following stages - (1) preparation
- (2) negotiation
- (3) performance
- (4) completion
- Transitions between these stages take place using
so-called speech acts (communication between the
people/parties involved in the transaction). - ActionWorkflow 3.0, also know as the
ActionWorkflow Enterprise Series, consists of the
following components - 1.ActionWorkflow Process Builder
- 2.ActionWorkflow Process Manager
- 3.Action DocRoute
- 4.Action Metro
- 1.ActionWorkflow Process Builder
- The Process Builder is used to illustrate
workflows, with the aid of Business Process Maps. - 2.ActionWorkflow Process Manager
- The Process Manager is at the heart of
ActionWorkflow. - It is both a workflow engine and a tool for
managing the workflow. - 3.Action DocRoute
- DocRoute is based upon the Process Manager and
offers the ability to integrate document
management and imaging applications seamlessly. - 4.Action Metro
- Action Metro offers the opportunity to create
workflow system which make use of the Internet.
- ActionWorkflow is only available for a limited
range of platforms. - COSA is traditional and thorough, enabling the
support of most routine production processes
within administrative organizations. - ActionWoraflow differs in many respects from
standard workflow management system, and appears
to be best suitd to supporting processes in which
coordination is crucial.
50Analysis tools
51Analysis tools
- Woflan (WOrkFlow Analyzer) is a tool that
analyzes workflow process definitions specified
in terms of Petri nets. - Todays workflow management systems do not verify
the correctness of workflow process definitions. - Therefore errors made at design time such as
deadlocks and livelocks may remain undetected. - To avoid these costly problems, it is important
to verify the correctness of a workflow process
definition before it becomes operational.
52Analysis tools (cont.)
- Woflan takes a workflow process definition
imported from some workflow product, translates
it into a Petri net, and tells whether or not the
net is a sound workflow net. - Using some standard Petri-net analysis techniques
as well as those tailored to workflow nets, the
tool provides diagnostic information about the
net in case it is not a sound workflow net.
53Selecting a workflow management system
- The selection process begins with the listing of
the requirements which the system must meet.
Based upon these, a shortlist is then compiled. - One way to quickly gain a good impression of a
workflow management system is to work through a
sample process chosen in advance. - The sample process is representative of the
relevant business processes. - Once the workflow management systems on the
shortlist have been put on trial in this way, it
usually becomes clear which package is the best