Scanning Probe Microscopies: STM and AFM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scanning Probe Microscopies: STM and AFM


An ultra-sharp tip on a spring cantilever is brought into contact with a surface ... The position of the cantilever is measured by reflecting a laser off its ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Scanning Probe Microscopies: STM and AFM

Scanning Probe Microscopies STM and AFM
  • CH20016 Lecture 10

  • Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) is a method
    of imaging a surface with a resolution as high as
    single atoms. A fine tip with a bias voltage
    applied, is scanned over a conducting surface and
    the tunnelling current measured. Gives
    topographic information.
  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) is where a fine tip
    is scanned across a surface the tip-surface force
    measured. Gives topographic, frictional and
    adhesion information.

In 1986 the Nobel Prize for Physics was awarded
to Gert Binnig and Heinrich Röher at IBM Zürich
for their work on developing the Scanning
Tunnelling Microscope (STM).
Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
STM How does it work?
Experimental setup
The ultra-sharp tip is controlled by means of a
piezoelectric tube. The extremely low tunnelling
currents (ca. 10-10 A) are amplified and
measured as a function of piezoelectric
position of the tip. The tunnelling current
measured is a function of the gap (W) between
the tip and substrate I(W) Cexp(-Wvf) C is
a constant, f is the sample work function. (work
function energy barrier to electron transfer
can be controlled by changing the potential on
the tip or substrate.
Effect of applied Potential
Ultra-sharp tip to within approximately 1 nm of a
substrate and applying a bias potential between
the tip and substrate. Wavefunction of an
electron is non-zero at finite distances from the
atom. If another conducting surface is
introduced close to the surface, with a lower
energy, there is a possibility that electrons can
tunnel across the energy gap between the two
surfaces and hence a current can flow.

In the above diagram, the Fermi level of the
substrate is higher than the Fermi level of the
tip, so electrons can tunnel across the vacuum
gap to the Fermi level of the tip. Note Vbias
EF, sample EF, tip
Modes of operation
  • Constant height, variable tunnelling current
  • Constant current by varying height to match
    surface topography

Famous IBM logo
Image of chromium growing on crystalline iron Fe
  • One of the principal disadvantages of STM is that
    it requires a conducting substrate. Since a great
    many materials found in nature are not
    conducting, another method for studying surfaces
    with atomic resolution has been developed the
    atomic force microscope (AFM).

Atomic (Scanning) Force Microscopy
  • Principle of operation
  • An ultra-sharp tip on a spring cantilever is
    brought into contact with a surface and rastered
    across the sample. The change in forces
    attractive and repulsive on the tip are measured
    as a function of tip position on the surface.

tip (white bar 1 mm)
The position of the cantilever is measured by
reflecting a laser off its backside and onto a 4
quadrant photodiode. Hence both up-down and
sideways forces on the tip can be measured.
Similarly to STM, the tip forces or tip height
can be kept constant depending on the mode of
Forces experienced by the tip
  • The exact origin of the forces that operate on
    the tip will very much depend on
  • the substrate being studied,
  • the conditions around the tip (e.g. water, air or
  • the nature of the chemical functionality of the
    surface (e.g. hydrophilic / hydrophobic)
  • softness / hardness of the surface
  • Tip raster velocity
  • As a tip is introduced to the surface, close to
    the substrate a conventional Morse curve is
    measured, a sum of the attractive and repulsive
    forces measured as a function of tip surface

Approach and retraction of tip at fixed point
The numbers refer to the tip positions
illustrated in the last cartoon.
However, since adhesive forces can operate on the
tip, the conventional Morse curve seen above is
uni-directional that is only seen when
bringing the tip to the surface not always when
retracting it due to hysteriasis
This gives a force distance curve of this type
Information from AFM 1. Topography
  • By operating in constant height mode on a
    chemically homogenous surface one can obtain
    topographical information.
  • Measure change in tip force as tip-sample
    distance varies as tip rastered across surface.
  • Example (1) Contact mode AFM, height imaging of
    a patterned Self-assembled Monolayer SAM.
  • Au S-CH2-CH2OH
  • Au-(CH2)17CH3

Example (1) Contact mode AFM, height imaging of
a patterned Self-assembled Monolayer SAM.
Information from AFM (2) Friction
Example (2) Frictional force image of patterned
Self-assembled Monolayer
Note, now measuring friction NOT height. See high
friction on OH terminal surface due to capillary
force of surface adsorbed water on tip.
Tapping mode AFM
  • Instead of dragging tip over surface, oscillate
    tip over surface, tapping. Change in amplitude as
    average tip-surface distance changes

Makes contact mode AFM unsuited to studying soft
materials, especially biological
materials. Reducing the contact force and
ossilating the tip allows soft samples to be
imaged. Tapping frequency 50 500 KHz.
Examples of Tapping mode results
Final Example
Example 1 DNA on mica

Imaging of H-ATPase within a lipid membrane on
micropatterned Self-assembled monolayers.
Further Reading
  • A.T.A. Jenkins, H. Schönherr , S.D. Evans, ,
    R.E. Miles and S.D. Ogier, G.J.Vancso. Retention
    of Protein Activity in Biomimetic Lipid Bilayers
    Supported by Microcontact Printed Lipophilic
    Self-Assembled Monolayers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 121,
    5274-5280, (1999).
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