Title: Leading Baryons at HERA
1Leading Baryonsat HERA
32nd International Conference on High Energy
Physics Beijing, China, Aug. 16-22, 2004 Heuijin
Lim(DESY) on behalf of the H1 and ZEUS
- Introduction
- Diffractive structure function measured in
events with a leading proton (See also M.
Kapishins talk) - D photoproduction with a leading neutron
- Dijet with a leading neutron
- Summary
- A significant fraction of ep scattering events
contains a leading baryon produced at small t
(soft process).
, IP
p, n
p, n
- Standard fragmentation
- p or n appears in fragmentation of target jet
- In exchange models
- p from exchange of neutral iso-scalar or
iso-vector (p0, IR, IP) - n from exchange of charged iso-vector (p, r,
3Diffractive structure function measured with a
leading proton
Kinematics of ep geXp
Diffractive structure function of proton
4t dependence from LPS
- H1 b-value considerably below ZEUS result.
- Regge phenomenology predicts
- shrinkage of the diffractive peak
- Additional b dependence expected in models.
- Data not yet precise enough to show
presence/absence of aIP term.
- Fit t distribution to
- ? ds/dt shows steep fall-off with t as in
elastic hadron-hadron scattering.
5Q2 dependence of cross section with LPS
- At high Q2, ds/dMX falls with Q2.
- As Q2 g0, ds/dMX depends weakly on Q2.
- Data are compared with the color dipole model
(BEKW parametrization). - At high Q2 in high MX bins,,
- Data above BEKW.
- Expect this region (xIPgt0.01) to be dominated by
Reggeon exchange.
(Bartels, Ellis, Kowalski and Wüsthoff)
For medium b,
For small b,
6Diffractive structure function of the proton
xIPF2D(3) (xIP,b,Q2) with LPS
- xIPgt0.01
- xIPF2D(3) increases as xIPg1
- ? Reggeon contributions
- xIPlt0.01
- xIPF2D(3) increases as xIPg0
- ? Parton evolution as xIPg0
- Regge fit (xIP lt 0.01) with common Pomeron flux
7Diffractive hard scattering factorization
Collins (1998) Trentadue, Veneziano (1994)
Berera, Soper (1996)
Universal partonic cross section
Diffractive parton distribution function
fi/pD(z,Q2,xIP,t) Probability to find in a
proton, with a probe of resolution Q2, parton i
with momentum fraction z, under the condition
that the proton remains intact and emerges with
small energy loss, xIP, and momentum transfer, t.
NLO QCD fits to the ZEUS data
- Perform fit to the results from LPS and from
diffractive charm in DIS. - xIP lt 0.01 and Q2gt2 GeV2
- Regge factorisation assumption,
- Donnachie and Landshoff Pomeron flux
- Parametrise PDFs(quark flavour singlet and
gluon) using zf(z) (a1a2za3z2)(1-z)a4 - For light quark distribution, assuming
- Charm quarks were treated in Thorne-Roberts
variable flavor number (TRVFN) scheme with
mc1.45 GeV. - NLO evolution QCDNUM
8NLO QCD fit on LPScharm data
- QCD fit describes data with
- c2/ndf 37.8/36
- Fraction of the t-channel momentum carried by
gluons - ZEUS at Q22 GeV2
- H1(2002) at Q210 GeV2.
- consistent with H1.
9Comparison of LPS and H1-FPS
- Good agreement between the two experiments.
- H1 QCD fit (from large rapidity gap data, see M.
Kapishins talk) describes the results of
ZEUS(LPS) and H1(FPS).
10Forward neutron calorimeter
Leading Proton Spectrometer
P beam hole
Z 106 m
Window for n-acceptance qn lt 0.8 mrad
- ZEUS FNC consists of 10 lI Pb-scintillator
sandwich calorimeter. -
- H1 FNC consists of Pb-scintillator fibers.
11Factorization hypothesis
- Study relationship between soft and hard
interactions - Hard scale mc2 for charm production
- ET for dijet events
- Q2 for DIS.
- Soft scale pT of the neutron
- Study vertex factorization hypothesis.
- Ratios (ds/dY neutron tagged)/(ds/dY inclusive)
are flat with Y kinematic variables of the event.
Independent vertices
with ss(1-xL)
pion form-factor
parton distribution in pion
12D photoproduction with a leading neutron
Q2 lt 1 GeV2
- tagged in FNC
- 0.2 lt xL lt 1
- qn lt 0.8 mrad
13Differential cross sections of D production with
a leading neutron
Different pion PDFs
- Standard fragmentation (HERWIG, PYTHIA,
RAPGAP(inc)) and RAPGAP(OPE) describe W, pT and h
dist. - ? Only OPE describes xL dist.
- Data is not sensitive to the different variants
of the pion structure function. - Light-cone(f1) and exponential(f3) pion form
factors are compatible with data in shape.
Q2 lt 1 GeV2
Different pion form factors
14Ratio if D yield with and without a neutron
Q2 lt 1 GeV2
- Ratio is flat with respect to W, pT(D) and
Agreement with factorization hypothesis.
15Dijet with a leading neutron
Dijet cross sections compared to pion exchange
MC (POMPYT) with different pion PDFs. ? Not
- fLN
- flat with Etjet
- ? Support factorization hypothesis
- rising with xgjet
- Diffractive structure function measured with a
leading proton in DIS - Recent data from ZEUS with improved precision
and extended kinematic range. - Slope of ds/dt is compatible with soft
interaction at the proton vertex. - Data can be described by color dipole model
(e.g. BEKW parameterisation). - Data described by a NLO QCD fit
- D and dijet with a leading neutron
- Data described by one-pion-exchange model.
- Data agree with the factorization hypothesis.
- H1 Very Forward Proton Spectrometer (VFPS)
- Tag the scattered proton at HERA II for high
rate studies of diffraction - Large acceptance for low xIP and 0lttlt0.5 GeV2
- Expect physics data soon.
Acceptance Red 90-100 , Blue0-10